The FFF dating service! ^_^

This morning was bloody agony (see what i did there? :wacky:) but I'm somewhat better now. Well, by that I mean the pain isn't making me cry anymore. -__-
Anything new?
Sex,lesbos,gay,perverts,video games,movies....etc...Anything you wanna talk about?
Come on, give me a sexual topic or cool something to talk about...OMG..You're not here to go on a date,right?..............You know, since the name of this thread is FFF dating service?

And if you wanna know my opinion about the name of this thread...Well...It's really stupid!

I don't see members dating, I just see some ppl chatting around here!
Go and get a girlfriend
I get dumped 3 weeks ago...Why do you think I return to this forums? I'm shocked you know!!