The FFF dating service! ^_^

It's in his dream dude, The first shit in the movie.

I don't remember it quiet good, but I think that's what he said.
Something evil fighting warrior something. Hidden dragon tiger god.

Am I close?
I can't believe I've never seen this thread before. Okay, here goes.

26 years old
6'1" tall
blonde hair
blue eyes
175-180 pounds (depending on if I just ate)

I am a white guy with a really dark tan from working out in the sun 9 hours a day.
I like chess, bowling, video games, metal, WORLD OF WARCRAFT. I party every friday night a local pool hall with a couple of coworkers.

I am looking for a woman 21-28 who shares similar interests. May be any race and color, I'm not prejudiced. Must be decent looking and want a good man.

Lookie my profile or PST if interested.

There, I threw in my 2 cents.
I can't believe I've never seen this thread before. Okay, here goes.

26 years old
6'1" tall
blonde hair
blue eyes
175-180 pounds (depending on if I just ate)

I am a white guy with a really dark tan from working out in the sun 9 hours a day.
I like chess, bowling, video games, metal, WORLD OF WARCRAFT. I party every friday night a local pool hall with a couple of coworkers.

I am looking for a woman 21-28 who shares similar interests. May be any race and color, I'm not prejudiced. Must be decent looking and want a good man.

Lookie my profile or PST if interested.

There, I threw in my 2 cents.

I'll take you.