The FFF dating service! ^_^

I have paintball, lesbian forums, free chats with GIRLS >_> and Gil for sale......

Im having really rude thoughs right now <_<
Gay-Parship..... I dont know why I get so many gay men ones, being a female an that >_>
Oh I have the herpes one aswel -__-

Paintbal is still there though :monster:
I got these earlier which... worried me slightly. >_>


The middle one in particular. :gasp:
I think there might be laws against it...or at least most people find it morally wrong to choose the gender.
I think you can choose eye, hair colour etc as well.
You can choose anything about your kid. Eye colour, hair colour, height and all that. Designer babies. :ffs:
There's a thread on it in the debate section, I'm all for it :gasp:

Not the hair/eye thing for but choosing the sex is alright, I hate that "ohhh you wont love it as much if it's a [other sex] then?" attitude.

To me, it's like getting £100 in all tens or five twenties :wacky:
Someone should make a baby Michael Jackson. Or Pete Burns! Though with Pooley's DNA, it'd come out as the latter anyway.
Surely it's more fun to do it the natural way than have your baby created in a test-tube?