The FFF dating service! ^_^

Being single can be fun, but I'm bored of it and I have been single for 7 months :sad:
Oh that right my name is in her siggy...YAS! (again)

Dave- That war is a whole fucking drama. its been happening for months now. jesus. Its a veeeeeery long story, but heres it in simplified. Some cunt, used to be my pal, changed into an arse, blah blah, loses all his pals, disrespectful to everyone etc. One night, him being himself, he calls one of my female friends a "fat evil cow". And i get onto myspace, comment him and have a go at him, which he trys and turns the whole thing around by putting what i said in a blog onto bebo and trys to get sympathy. It didn't work i shot him down again

who wants the link to the whole war