The Final Fantasy Boot and Immune Game.

Why are you immuning the old fail man?
Your just delaying the game for MORE rounds, anyway.

Immune: Faris
Boot: Bugenhagen
Why are you immuning the old fail man?
Your just delaying the game for MORE rounds, anyway.

Immune: Faris
Boot: Bugenhagen

Because the old man rocks, and I'm unwilling to let him go without a fight. :D
Game 2 - Round 59
Immune last round = None
Booted last round = Bugenhagen ##################################################
Gus (0,0)
Faris (4,0)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,1)
Cid Highwind (1,0)
Cinna (2,0)
Marcus (1,0)
Blank (2,1)
Kefka (4,0)
Cyan (0,2)
Red XIII (0,0)
Ultros (0,0)
Tellah (2,1)
Maduin (0,0)
Fusoya (1,0)
Kain (1,2)
Kuja (4,2)
Golbez (0,0)
Boko (2,0)
Barret (2,0)
Baku (2,0)
Mog (0,0)
Beatrix (3,0)
Shadow (1,0)
Gilgamesh (2,0)
Celes (1,0)
Jenova (0,0)
Jecht (0,0)
Emperor Gestahl (0,1)

[FONT=&quot]My votes...[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Immune - Gilgamesh[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Boot - Kuja![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Bugenhagen gone...The old man dies a sad and lonely death... I guess on the upside we may get our ultimate weapons now? :sup:
Immune: Faris
Boot: Cyan (Thou shall be thy next victim)
Game 2 - Round 60
Immune last round = Faris, Kefka, Kuja
Booted last round = None
Gus (0,0)
Faris (Immune)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,1)
Cid Highwind (1,0)
Cinna (2,0)
Marcus (1,0)
Blank (2,1)
Kefka (Immune)
Cyan (0,4)
Red XIII (0,0)
Ultros (0,0)
Tellah (2,1)
Maduin (0,0)
Fusoya (1,0)
Kain (1,2)
Kuja (Immune)
Golbez (0,0)
Boko (2,0)
Barret (2,0)
Baku (2,0)
Mog (0,0)
Beatrix (4,0)
Shadow (1,0)
Gilgamesh (3,0)
Celes (2,0)
Jenova (0,0)
Jecht (0,0)
Emperor Gestahl (0,4)

[FONT=&quot]My votes...[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Immune - Boko[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Boot - Gestahl... *boots him off floating continent and makes way for the rise of Kefka!* Bw'ahahahahahaha![/FONT]