The Final Summon

Which one...?

  • Lulu

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Auron

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Rikku

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Kimahri

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Wakka

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ω Xenogias Ω

Dec 9, 2006
Anyone ever wonder what the Final Aeon for Yuna could have been?

I don't know if the Final Summon could have been in the form of Jecht's form (but when fighting him he did have an overdrive gauge). But I always thought the Final summon coulda been Leviathan or something along those lines.

I mean the whole game revolved around water... if theres one thing I remember about FFX was that there was alot of water. Even Sin was a Fish... A big flying fish... lol I thought it'd only make sense to have the Water God (Leviathan) face off against Sin.

Anyway, what do you guys think could've been the Final Summon if the party had just listen and played along with Yunalesca and their original goals... Thinking about it now I wonder what such an decision would have done to effect Auron's role...
aeons take a similar form to their fayth. to have the final aeon you must sacrifice 1 of your guardians to be the fayth for the aeon. depending on who she would have choose the aeon would look similar to him/her

thats why braska's final aeon looked like jecht ( because he was sacrificed to be braska's fayth for the final aeon )
It was Odin. I makes sense because Odin kills all. (The summoner and Sin)

Just look at Jecht when you fight him. He looks like Odin.
aeons take a similar form to their fayth. to have the final aeon you must sacrifice 1 of your guardians to be the fayth for the aeon. depending on who she would have choose the aeon would look similar to him/her

thats why braska's final aeon looked like jecht ( because he was sacrificed to be braska's fayth for the final aeon )

Aeons don't all look like their fayth. Do you know who anima is? Huh? Huh? Seymour's mama! I reckon that they take on the form that is necessary: ie: the magus sisters took a form that helped them use heir teamwork - Jecht took a form that inspired his bond with Braska. Etc...
as far as i understand it, aeons take on a form of the personality of their fayth...
examples, Yojimbo, his fayth is greedy, as he asks money to get the summon, and Yojimbo asks money to fight
or Anima, the fayth, Seymour's mother, lives in pain and misery because her son was never accepted cause he's a halfbreed, Anima also lives in pain

the Fayth for Yuna's summoning would've been Tidus, so the aeon would've been a crybaby or something...
Tidus couldn't have been made a Fayth for the Final Summoning because he was already a dream of the Fayth, Auron either because he was already dead so...who knows?
he was in fact made for real for as long as the fayths were dreaming so he COULD have been the fayth, Jecht was EXACTLY the same as Tidus is/was, Jecht also came from the "old" zanarkand through Sin, just as Tidus did(with the "help" of Auron)

Tidus would've been the fayth because he had the strongest bond with Yuna, which was needed for the summoning, a bond of friendship... or love...

think you need to pay more attention to what they say, eh?
It's hard to say what her final summon would be. It would probably depend on who the final summon was made from. Assuming it was Tidus, I'd have to go with a large sword wielding summon of some sort. I imagine it resembling one of the Knights of the Round from Final Fantasy VII. Just a huge, beast like, knight with a gigantic claymore.
he was in fact made for real for as long as the fayths were dreaming so he COULD have been the fayth, Jecht was EXACTLY the same as Tidus is/was, Jecht also came from the "old" zanarkand through Sin, just as Tidus did(with the "help" of Auron)

Tidus would've been the fayth because he had the strongest bond with Yuna, which was needed for the summoning, a bond of friendship... or love...

think you need to pay more attention to what they say, eh?

Ah, forgive me, It's been too long since I've played FFX ^_^
Raptorg, please try to stay on-topic and keep those short posts to yourself or via PM's. Thanks :)

As for the Final Aeon, I think Yuna had it in her mind to ask Tidus, before she figured out he was just a dream. I'd have to say she'd go with Kimahri since Wakka and Lulu get together, and Rikku is sort of the newest one in the group, so I'd have to say it'd in some form be a Kimahri.
lol thats kinda cruel... pointing out the fact that Kimahri really has nothing to live for compared to the others... lets sacrifice him instead! You'd probably get the "Shin Behemoth" summon for turning Kimahri into a summon, lol.
hmmm... but tidus is a blitz star like Jecht so wouldn't it be a similar aeon to Braska's because of the father thing...

doubt if it would actually matter... in fact, the way it actually is that the Fayth becomes the Aeon, the reason an Aeon looks/has the charasterics is because it's actually the Fayth that fights for you, once the Aeon is summoned, it's actually the Fayth taking the form of an Aeon, reasoning in the Fayth looking, or acting as the actual Fayth

so in fact it can be that Braska's Aeon would be the same as Yuna's, or the other way around, because the Fayth for Braska's was Jecht, and the Fayth for Yuna's would've been Tidus, and eventhough they're father and son, they didn't have very much in common, except the talent for Blitzball, and the warrior fighting style(Jecht wielded the same sword Tidus wields and used the same skills/overdrives as Tidus used)

however, in the end, they did seem to be very much alike...

similar? perhaps
the same? not a chance

Aeon takes on the form/characteristic of the Fayth
in big lines ofc
Dygan Siguara said:
Aeons don't all look like their fayth. Do you know who anima is? Huh? Huh? Seymour's mama!
Seymour's mother was terminally ill, hence her becoming a Fayth; to be able to protect Seymour for as long as he lives. Personally, I think the Aeon is a visualisation of the strongest thing of their Fayth. Jecht's case, it'd be his personality and unique appearance, and with Seymour's mother would be her illness.

Although I have absolutely nothing to back this up, I'd say that were more likely. Especially considering the fact Jecht's Aeon beared a great resemblence to his normal physique.

As for Yuna's final aeon, I'd think she'd have chosen Lulu. There's so many ways she could look, I can't pin it down to any one idea...