The Final Summon

Which one...?

  • Lulu

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Auron

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Rikku

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Kimahri

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Wakka

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No i think that yuna would have choosen Tidus, and tidus would have wanted to be yuna's faith, because whats the point of tidus leaving on if yuna dies? or maybe he would go with rikku

Tidus would have surrendered himself, because, if his purpose was to defeat sin, and he vanished when sin was defeated, he might as well. Besides, that's got an advantage - if tidus vanishes, how does sin resurrect?
Tidus would have surrendered himself, because, if his purpose was to defeat sin, and he vanished when sin was defeated, he might as well. Besides, that's got an advantage - if tidus vanishes, how does sin resurrect?

Should Tidus have become the Final Aeon, they wouldn't have fought Yu Yevon directly, meaning Tidus wouldn't fade. The 'tradition' would've just gone on as usual.
lol Yea, and that's flat out proven with Jecht. He became a part of Spira and even further blurred the lines between the dream world Zanarkand and Spira when he did it. It is a good thought though.
Tidus would have diffenatly become the final aeon because you know he would have volenteered to do it. I think he would very similar to the way Jecht looked because they have so much in common.
Ah yes your right! But it didnt happen and it wasnt created to happen...
but ill go along with it anyway.

And Raptorg, DUH. Its quite obvious what would happen to the both of them, if it werent a Final Fantasy Game. By that i mean in most Final Fantasy games the characters are put in a situation that they have to choose life/death, Love/lonliness, and so on and so forth.
If they didnt "go along with the program" then there would be a point in creating a good FF game.
i wouldve originally have said tidus would be the fayth but i dont rle think yuna woulda let him go through with that . so it prob woulda been auron because he mightve wanted to make up for not being braskas fayth idk it sorta makes sense but i def dont think it wouldve been tidus cause then he wouldve become the next sin and yuna would never let him go through with that and im sure he wouldnt wanna have to kill her lol
If Tidus became the fayth and the Aeon I kinda pictured him looking something like the Knights of the Round summon from FFVII. That would've been a cool aeon to control
i honestly think that if Yuna HAD gone on with the tradition, i think that lulu would have said something when tidus (would have) least i think so-lulu would have said something riddle like and mature...?
If tidus did become the final aeon that would have been one badass looking thing. ( Might be cool for LuLu to be the final aeon. Would be funny to see a aeon with alot of clevage ^^. OOO i guess Shiva does but nvm that.)
Auron would have made a good Final Aeon because of all that raw power he has, and imagine how badass he would have looked with his trademark sunglasses on :cool:
Auron was one of the dead, still living due to the attatchment to Spira he had. Auron probably would have loved to be Yuna's final Aeon but I think he probably couldn't. Yuna's bond with Tidus is extreely strong, thus making him a perfect candidate to be the final Aeon. But as some people have already said, I dont think that Yuna would let him become the Aeon, become the next sin. I don't think she would be able to forgive herself for him to become the next sin, he would be destroying people. But who would Tidus go after and try to make them stop him from killing?
I think it would have be brilliant to have a choice to do the Final Summoning and choose who was the final aeon or to choose as the do in the game. Don't you think it would have been a good thing? At least when you played it again, you could do the other option and choose what ending you liked? Just imagine the Clips of the Aftermath of Yuna using the final aeon - Tidus or who ever you think it would be, and what the other Guardians would do?? And what they would say to Spira.
i agree i think the final summon could have been a fish cause the game is mostly centered around the water so i hink you could be right
Another reason why I thought it could've been Leviathan (besides the reasons state on first post) is cause Tidus was a good swimmer :P and apparently very flexible under water. Like a serpent <.<
I just wanted to see what that freaking thing looked like. haha. I waited all this time to get this Aeon and didn't get it. How lame.
I didn't like the extra 3 summons. =/ I wanted more. *thread idea*

Anywho, I wanted a final summon so I can kick Sin's ass. They should've had some kind of alternate ending or special way to get the Final Summon.