The Ghost in the Slums

You find me the press release. I find it very hard to believe that a random computer glitch took the form of a 2 second sequence in which a half-faded Aeris plays with a group of children before blinking out of existance. It's a random sequence of 1's and 0's that just happened to align themselves into a few second perfectly coreographed display of a random character model that JUST happened to be someone who was of major significance in the plot.
If you don't want her to disappear, then don't pass a bench that's slightly sticking out into the walkway. You go past that, and she leaves.

I thought it was weird when I first saw it. Then I thought that maybe one of the characters had been drinking too much and was hallucinating, (NOW who's the slum drunk!!!!)
I seen aeris ghost on the first disk, when you get chased by the turks and escape through the roof you can walk back to the church. When i done this i seen aeris ghost before she died has this happened to anyone else??
How can you see her ghost in the first disk when she
dies at the very end of the 1st disk and you automatically have to switch to the 2nd one after her death?
LOL Yea, that's no joke. I find it very very hard to believe. It's not a glitch, it's a programmed event. So for the people who say it's a glitch, I think you're compltely wrong. If it does show up in Disc 1, the only glitch would be that the game loaded the wrong "room". It loaded the version of the church which could have had Aeris tending to her garden. I find this very unlikely because the church is such a big deal on Disc 1. I really doubt they would put the wrong "church" on that disc. Also, in order to get her to appear, you have to be nice to her thoughout the course of the game. I'm not sure what her "liking rating" has to be above for her to show up but my guess is if you start at 50 with her, it would probably have to be a little higher to get the special event. Who knows though? I just find it very very very unlikely.
It's most likely an Easter Egg of sorts but does it really matter whether it's that or a glitch? Doesn't change anything in the end.
it could have been something that the programmers threw in there for novelty, but you wouldnt believe the amount of Aeris resurection rumours that are out there conccerning that little ghost -_- so much so that i wsh they didnt put it in >_<

and ive seen it :) i knew it was there though so when i went for tifas ultimate weapon i had a look and bam there she was :) but she never appears again after that first time :sad: which means thats its possibly not a glitch,
It cannot be a glitch if it is a fully constructed animation. You can't possibly believe that its a glitch when there is couple second sequence that has to play out. It's not a glitch.

My only question is if she shows up on the first Disc, which seems absolutely ludacrice. Even so I can't say either way whether it is true or not. I've never seen it and it certainly makes no sense that it would show up... but that doesn't mean it's not there.

EDIT: Apparently you can see Aeris in Disc 1, much to my shagrin. It is not a glitch in the game. It is a programmed event that can be viewed via the debug menus. However, the reason it shows up in Disc 1 must just be a misplaced "version" of the church. If you don't understand what I mean by that, it has to do with programming and triggers. lol If you don't understand that, it is hard to explain. However, check out this website:
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If I mind correctly it's not a timed thing, it didn't disappear for me til I approached it.

I wouldn't pay attention about seeing it on the first disc, it's not possible if I'm not mistaken since you can't return til on the later discs, but play through it again if it bothers you that badly.
Yeah you can go back to the church on disk one just after you have got off the roofs from escaping from the turks. I have the PAL version if that helps.
Right, I understand that, but she wasn't no ghost in the church at that point.
From what I hear it was deliberate because the original plan for FF7 was to make sure Aeris is revived. There are some hints which involve the guy wheezing in the tube in the Slums, the guy who's a part of the reunion (before Aeris' house).

Along with some of the scenes in the Lost City, the game was aiming for Aeris' revival, however due to pressure being put on the programmers to get the game out in time for it's deadline, it was decided to leave Aeris dying.

They forgot to take that scene out, and now it's just a hint of what might have been.