The girl in the trailer is not the main character?

Yep, I have read it as well, she is not the main character. They just decided to use her for the trailer.
That's okay I'm not upset at all, I still prefer male main characters for my video games.....hehe
I've heard several times from several Internet sources that she is not the main character, but the main character is in fact a female.

I prefer male characters. I guess because when I play video games I play through the character instead of controlling them.

It's actually a big issue for me, I might skip over FFXIII and just wait for Versus. The character being portrayed for that game looks awesome.
I agree, a female main character would definitely be a big dissapointment for me. :mellow:

I'd still play it though...
Maybe they meant it in a ffxii kinda way? :)

FFXII was made by a different team entirely though -- or atleast, it wasn't headed by Nomura. And Nomura has a totally different style and takes different approaces to things. I think we'll see a main character, but it won't be the girl in the trailer, even if she looks cool.

I wouldn't mind it if they went with a female main character for FFXIII and a male main character for Versus though (which they are). That way we could have both guy and girl and people would be equally as happy?
What I am thinking is that she is the Vaan of ffxiii.

Vaan didn't have a major role. He just strolled along with the other characters because he had nothing better do I guess. Though the death of his brother, Rex did come into play a few times. It just wasn't as strong a role for him to be the main character.

So I am guessing they meant it story wise than playibialty.
I'm not really borthered if the main character is female or male either way i'll still buy it. I'm just looking forward to both FFXIII and Versus they look great so far ^_^
I like the main characters being males, personally. But just think of how awesome the main character will be if a side character (the girl) is that awesome.
Hey guys, first post for me here. I'll get to the point and introduce myself later :D Have you guys seen this girl in the trailer!? She's so badass I would kill to play her! To be honest the only reason I'm going to buy a PS3 at the moment is so that I can play this game, playing as a female character really has no impact on me. I was actually excited to play a Final Fantasy with one sole character, I was just imagining how deep the battle system would go if you only had to worry about one fighter. Either way 'Lightning' looks badass to the max and I look forward to playing as her, along with any other characters Square has to throw at me. Who knew I'd pay 800+ dollars to fight as a girl...

Damn I make long posts...
I think it's interesting that the trailers we've seen for the game have showed her mostly throughout them. You'd think they would show the main character more often, if she is in fact not the main one. I wonder if it's the male character, instead.
she makes a perfect main character imo, by just looking at her you can tell... at least i can, she seems to have the attitude of a leader... which the main character mostly is of the team you play with

i'm actually hoping she's like a bit the innocent, nice girl, not evil or cold hearted, who explodes when starting to fight, a bit the effect of not looking lethel but being lethal...

in fact, Rikku is a bit this kind of character, looks harmless, but when fighting with her you see she can be pretty darn lethal with her thieving skills and fast attack...

though, she doesn't have to be crazy like Rikku is, t'would destroy the reputation imo...

EDIT: would also prefer a female main over a male main char, was like earlier said a great thing in FFX-2,
No, she isn't technically THE main char, but 'lightning' is A main char.

And it's about damn time they made a realistic female fighter. I'm sick and tired of these pansy girls running around gettin' their asses kicked, crying (barf), relying on the male lead, and just being plain suck over all. Now we're getting somewhere. This girl means buisness. Playing a kickass female main char=heaven.
Did everyone forget about Terra from FFVI??? I wish Lightning was the main character, she looks awesome! If they're going to keep making the main characters girly, then why not just make the main character a girl? :)
I'd like the fact if Lightning was indeed the female lead character. It'd be a good change. Hopefully it'd be better than FFX-2 though.

Meh, what am I talking about? Of course it will be. Atleast I can hope so. =/
I think it will be an interesting change for a female to be the main character. Perhaps she could be the main character, however a male character could provide a strongenough role to also prove integral to the game so you don't loose out on a central (sort of) male character whilst having the story really centring around a female character.