The Good Points of FFVIII

Ok, I'll refrain from posting bad things. I love the game mind you so:

- Parts of the Game you like

- Mini Gamesquests - always loved searching for Bahamut and Odin. TT was fun up until a certain point.
- Towns - Graphically, they were beautiful. I would love to live in a peaceful place like Winhill or live in Esthar, a technology loving country.
- Gameplay - It was really fun, junctioning and summons were really good.
- Story - Most of it anyway.
- Music - Better then VII's tbh. I remembered more stuff from this game.

- Character you like

- Laguna, Kiros, Ward, Squall, Zell, Raijin, Fujin

- Gameplay points + Mini games

- Pretty much covered that already.
Storyline was brilliant all the way til the end
Characters were great especially laguna, kiros,ward i loved the parts involving them.:)
Graphics especially FMVS were stunning for their time, the ballroom dance jumps to mind.
There was no shortage of sidequests which kept the game interesting after completion. Tetra master is probadly the best mini-game ever in FF.
And last the music was my favourite out of all the final fantasies.

great game
the things I loved with FFVIII was, the storyline, character, scenery, score, minigames (the card game song :D ), fighting, GF, JUnction system!!!!!, weapons, ZELL !!!!!! FTW
This game is in my top three FF games list. ranked 2nd
Well i really enjoyed the field exam in Dollet the music and running along the town fighting the galbadian soldiers was great!
I also enjoyed the Garden confrontations since you return from the D-District prison.

My favorite characters were: Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Fugin, Ragin, Laguna and Kiros.

I really enjoyed triple triad because the cards were actually useful and i just wanted more and more of them:)

So those are the biggest good points about this game to my eyes!
I have to say that there were a lot of points that were actually quite good about the game, so I'll refrain from saying anything negative about it ;)

1.) I love the storyline and its deep love story.

2.) The GF system was actually quite good, I liked the boost system, giving your GF and extra edge or so.

3.) The monsters leveling up as you do made the game quite a challenge, the 1000 EXP requirement for level up made it quite easy to increase your status.

4.) The locations were just awesome

5.) The graphics were awesome.
Urmm...I loved:

1) The story line. It was quite well

2) I loved the characters. They were nicely developed.

3) The custom GF system was really cool. Best feature to use.

4) I liked the vast areas in the game.
Although this si the final fantasy game i hate the most theres always some positives to any game :

1) FMVs, they really are beautiful and memorable, especially the dance and Squall and Rinoas hug.

2) the music - while not as good as FFVII's IMO still very excellent - especially the fabulous Liberi Fatali

3) the use of sorceresses - i really enjoyed this part of the storyline since i favour magic users.

4) the rinoa = ultimecia theory - the best thing to come out of the story IMO it adds a sense of drama and mystery to the plot ^_^
alright well here's what i liked-

the storyline- while some parts were cheesy, the general storyline was a very good one especially since i am a fan of RPG love stories, this was one of the best.

the graphics- the graphics were a cool change especially on the ps1, i thought the cutscenes were good too.

the weapons- i liked this weapon system because it required a lot of looking (or use of a strategy guide) to find the magazines and then all the ingredients to make it. lionheart was fun to get.

the characters- some peopel say this game has poor characters, but i personally liked squall, seifer, rinoa, zell, etc. they were good characters that were developed well and had their good points.

well that's about all i can think of.
EVERYTHING!!!! seriously. Everything.

The music was amazing.
the gameplay was brilliant.
the characters were memorable and had great stories and backgrounds.
the graphics were amazing.
the minigames were fun.
the weapons were powerful and awesome.
The summons were great.
the storyline was fantastic.
...Did I mention Edea?
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Squall and Seifer. Favorite characters, right there. The FMV's are excellent, as well as the music.

The storyline was good too, in my opinion. I love the whole sorceress/knight thing going on...added some sort of spark in the game.

Junction system. Ahh, one of my favorites. It's not that hard to understand, really. And the draw feature took time, but I learned to like it eventually.

GF's and Triple Triad. Good stuff there.
The positives of the game for me (and there were more positives than negatives) are as follows.

1. The music = beautifully memorable

2. The storyline = it was deep but straightforward at first, then got a bit more
complex towards the end.

3. Characters = they were all explored in the game and the designs were
quite nice

4. Art style = As much as I prefer the more fantasy style; i did like the design
of the locations. The contrast between modern and futuristic
locations was nice and I must say that I did love looking at
Esther (I think that's how you spell it).

5. Card Game = was nice (including the music) and got really challenging with
Same, Same Wall, Elements, Pluss, Random and so on rules

6. Opening FMV = Very nice

7. GF = I like that they had much more of a presence (in terms of the gameplay)
and that they took damage for you when you awaited there summoning. I
also loved the way you had to locate and battle some of them to obtain
them. Learning abilities from them was nice too.
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the best thing i remeber about this game is the seed test when your actualy going to it on the boat, i love that scene
it had good characters and a good storyline
Good characters? Irvine, Laguna, Edea, Fujin and Raijin. Not much to say for characters...

Good game points? Junction system was a good introduction if you ask em, limiting characters to 4 commands was a nice touch to try and force a bit of thinking unlike VII's everyone can do pretty much everything approach.
Triple Triad was a good distraction with quite a bit of time availble for it.
VIII's summons are perhaps my favourites of the series so far. Bahamut, Diablos, Alexander, Doomtrain and best of all.....Tonberry! The legendary Doink will never be forgotten. The world itself is also a job well done, I really liked the futuristic/post-modern feel that all the locales had.

The soundtrack was also more consistent than VI and VII's were, there was a lot less in the way of guff tracks to fill up time.
i quite enjoyed this game there are a lot of good points like the characters their ace. and the story line is good. i think i made a smart move buying this, it is a ace game. i prefer this to the newer ones relli
I actually enjoyed FFVIII so here are my good points.

Junction System - Maybe not the way to go for the rest of the games but it was a good one off system. Once you get use to it, it is very enjoyable and can make hard bosses easy. Having GF's learning new abilities (Similar to that of Espers in FFVI) was great. The summons play quite a big role in this game unlike some others.

FMV's - They were great. The opening FMV in my opinion is definitely up there as one of the best intros in games. Some great scenes during the game aswell although I felt they could have included more FMV's of the other characters as their isn't many of Zell, Irvine, Quistis and Selphie.

The Dream World - Very different and at first you wouldn't have a clue what was happening. I thought it was a great part of the story and watch Laguna progress up until the present time.

Characters - They may not be the most entertaining bunch but I did like some of them. Squall, yeah a bit emo but I like how he thinks he is older than he is. Everyone looks to him at crucial situations yet even he probably doesn't have a clue. Quistis, the wise one out of the lot although maybe not all the time as she can be careless (Felt guilty for Rinoa and went back to apologies which is probably irresponisble since they had a massive task to carry out). I still see Quistis as the wiser out of the bunch though. Irvine, tries to play it cool but when it comes to crucial times he shows his true self. Zell, very upbeat but also careless (Saying they where all from Garden) but he seems like he loves a fight. Selphie, way too hyper. Needs to calm down on the suger. Has an obsession with trains. :D

Music - I'm not going to say all of it cause their was some pieces I didn't like but I'm not going to mention them. Obviously Eyes On Me and Liberi Fatali but I also liked the battle music Find Your Way and Force Your Way. Especially the latter, I think that is the best boss theme. I just love it.

Triple Triad - One of the best mini games. I can actually play this for hours just winning cards. Very enjoyable. FFIX's Tetra Master doesn't quite live up to Triple Triad.
I loved almost everything about this game.

- Parts of the Game you like

The story line was brilliant in my opinion, the towns and the scenery where all beautiful; especially Deling City and Esthar. All of the FMV’s where beautiful as well. The music was great; the character design was realistic and proportionate.

I also loved the contrast in cultures set throughout the world, Esthar being a technologically advanced (futuristic) and space fairing society, while the rest of the worlds societies consisted of quiet countryside villages to cities with a more modern day feel to it.

- Character you like

I always felt that the characters in this game where a lot more realistic and true to life as well as fitting into the stereotypes of their age and roles. Some of my favorites are: Squall, Seifer, Rinoa, Quistis, Laguna, Kiros, Ward & Ellone.

- Gameplay points

In my opinion, VIII has one of the best and enjoyable battle systems. A refreshing change from the rest of the series whenever I replay it.

The summons/junction system was unique compared to the rest; I always felt it made the best utilization of your GF’s out of any other FF. It was complex, but not that hard to figure out and like I said above, it is always an enjoyable departure from the other FF whenever I replay it.

- Mini games

Triple Triad… Aside from Blitzball in X, Triple Triad remains my all-time favorite FF mini game.

That’s all I can think of for the moment…
1.The story line is great.
2.The characters personality keep changing.
3.The graphics were to good for a PS1!
4.I like the Airship too (the Rognarok), I mean come on it's awesome!
5.The battle system was great.
6.the summons were great and powerful.
7.the summon health idea was good too.
8.The weapons were new and damn good.
And there's lots more.........
My opinion in this game:
This is the best FF game ever.
The storyline, the gunblade, the characters :)

1.The story line is great.
2.The characters personality keep changing.
3.The graphics were to good for a PS1!
4.I like the Airship too (the Rognarok), I mean come on it's awesome!
5.The battle system was great.
6.the summons were great and powerful.
7.the summon health idea was good too.
8.The weapons were new and damn good.
And there's lots more.........
My opinion in this game:
This is the best FF game ever.

I agree with you on all those especially the last one, where it was the best game ever, without a doubt :)
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