The Good Years

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
[Rant=The Sephiroth Gene]

This seemed like the most appropriate area to place this.

When you're young and in Primary/Elementary school, you are told that you have years to go before you have to worry about leaving education. When you get to the final year in Primary school, you were told that it wouldn't seem too long until you sit you important examinations, but not to worry too much about it. When you get to High school, you are constantly bashed with the pressure of studying for the exams, it feels like it will be another age before your time comes. But it's not, it's close. This is a situation that I and many other people my age will be in this year.

I know I have another year of studying before then, but I don't feel ready, mentally or phsically. It only felt like yesterday when I was in 1st year, merrily introducing myself to my lady friends, and now it's almost time when I can leave school, become an adult by law. This is a scary thought - where have all the childhood years gone!?

So is anyone else feeling similar?

[/rant] :)
The Sephiroth Gene said:
When you're young and in Primary/Elementary school, you are told that you have years to go before you have to worry about leaving education.

yes. Becuae everyone worries about leaving a place where they torment you with work?
That's quite an immature view on education - yes, it can be boring, but above all: without education, we would be doomed to sell the big issue on the streets, because no decent employer will employ you.

When I said "worry about leaving school", I was referring to the world we will enter after school: the real world.
Well, there's also university. If you thought high school was scary, university is several times worse. But the pay off is worth it; without an education from university, it's hard to find a decent job that gives decent pay.

In a way, university is kind of like the real world, only you'll still be sitting through exams again.
I'm a sophomore, and I know this kind of pressure. In my state, we have this test called the HSA which are these tests on core subjects in high school, and you have 4 of them. You have to pass all of them to get a college diploma. And if you don't pass them, all you get is a certificate of attendance, and you can't get into any college with just a certificate of attendance. So most of my academic future is riding on these tests.

Like I said, I know this pressure. Ah, how I miss the old days...
My older friends who are 18+ keep telling me it's worth it and all that when i tell them ive had a bad day at school. Guess it really is.
The opportunity cost is great, but the rewards are even better. In exchange for spending money and time on studying and books, you have the chance of obtaining a higher paying job. Of course, that isn't necessarily true if you choose some of the humanities fields.
erm...yeh look...ur so smart...ull pass...n ull do gr8 in 5th n 6th yr as well...i was feeling like tht in 4rth yr 2 but it worries k
I went through the same thing last summer . I was worried that id wasted the best years of my life playing videogames and messin round mates. Then i realised something you only live once and for such a reletivly small period of time.The things i did during my childhood were the things that i enjoyed during my childhood. If I could go back in time id probably do the same thing again and again.
What im saying is don't worry once you get through this rough patch you will have things to do and won't think about it for that long. I know I did
You'll never feel ready to enter the "real world". And when it comes, it will bitch-slap you in the face. Alas, it happens to everyone though.

My advice; get all the education you can get while you can as long as you can. Enjoy being a teenager and still a kid, you won't realize all the freedom and luxuries you had until you are older and they are gone. I so wish I could go back and enjoy my teenage years more, but I will never get that time back.

--from personal experience and having to grow up and be an adult way to fast
Aww, you guys make me feel so old. -_- Heh, but well...what can I say? I completely understand. I tend to find myself reminiscing the good childhood days...but only for a moment. Reality comes knocking on my door and voila...I think to myself, "Here I go again..."
Teenage years suck. You have no freedom, you're not allowed to enjoy life, and you have to waste an enormous amount of time being forced to sleep at ridiculous hours. All I need is a room, a computer and some freedom to be happy- if you're trying to convince me that life after age 18 is going to be as horrible as it has been so far, I'm not convinced that the advice is worth taking.
Hmmm....I can't say I agree with you there Adamant. Your teenage years are some of your best, and you have to enjoy them while you can. I'd do anything to be able to go back to them. Of course, it all varies on everyone's personal situations, but definitley for me, being an adult is no where near as good as being a teenager was.
I think time moves faster as you get older. As for the teenage years, those are the best, those are like your best suffering years. High School teaches you how to defend yourself, and stand up for yourself, mostly because there are so many assholes in high school.

Adamant...As long as your doing what you want to be doing by the time your out of High School, then you will enjoy life. Take it from me please, don't sit around and do nothing with your life, get into college and start life. If you don't plan on going to college, find some other way to make the big bucks.
I love being in education, just the set routine you have and you get to see your friends everyday also. Yes Im dreading leaving univeristy as Ive been in education all my life, which some of my family frown upon.

I remember being lectured by the adults when I was younger on how your school days are the best days of your life, and now Im telling it to my brother and cousins when they complain! I remember disagreeing with that statement and how right they were.
I remember being lectured by the adults when I was younger on how your school days are the best days of your life, and now Im telling it to my brother and cousins when they complain! I remember disagreeing with that statement and how right they were.

Ridiculously true. I wish I could instill on my younger brother's the "if I knew then what I know now..." sense of life in high school and primary school. How easy everything really is. Really all the way up through high school, the only thing you're graded on is effort; there was never an assignment I was given that I couldn't do, just lots (and I mean lots) of assignments that I wouldn't do. These days, I'll be 4 or 5 hours into a proof with idea whether or not I'll be able to finish it if I take all week, and I long for the days when all it took to succeed was the will to do it.

It's a rude awakening when you go from that - success based solely on effort - to being measured by your ability instead. Because when you're measured on ability, sometimes you can still fail no matter how hard you try.