The Great Revolution Against Aerith

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Man all this Clerith and Cloti, how about Aerti? Maybe Aeris and Tifa secretly fucked when Cloud was off with two other party members. Come on, I know you guys all want to see it...

Ok I need to stop hijacking this club.

If Aeris had survived, my preferred ending would have been a Aeris/Cloud/Tifa ending. It would have been different from a typical guy gets a girl ending. Why not two girls?

Other that that I don't care about the LTD.

EDIT: thanks Finnegan. Your right, that WILL be one ugly thread. Approach it with caution.
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I personally can't stand Aerith anymore. To be honest, I hate the whole concept of arguing over who Cloud should have gotten together with - you don't see people debating over Squall/Rinoa/Quistis, Zidane/Garnet/Eiko or Tidus/Yuna/Rikku, do you? :P So why should this one be any different? It actually seems MORE confusing for me, considering Cloud doesn't have a choice. Squall, Zindane and Tidus all have choices, but do you see THEM getting threads like this? Aerith died; Cloud can't choose; this debate sucks.

And speaking of sucking, I agree with the night-under-the-stars theory that's going around. Lady Aerith, as for the "public displays of affection argument" ... well, let's assess what happened to Cloud and the Honey Bee Inn ... in the Bath ... with the men ... who are buff ... who give him a thong ... who all jump out of the bath together ... who make that squeaking noise when Cloud is unconscious.

Add me to the member list. NAO :P

I personally can't stand Aerith anymore. To be honest, I hate the whole concept of arguing over who Cloud should have gotten together with - you don't see people debating over Squall/Rinoa/Quistis, Zidane/Garnet/Eiko or Tidus/Yuna/Rikku, do you?

Maybe me and you should

I'll say Tidus and Yuna and you say Tidus and Rikku, I'll get to work on the Fanon ;) :P
Um, what are you talking about, Tidus/Yuna, Tidus/Rikku? it's quite obvoius that Tidus loves Lulu! I mean you can even have him say that at one part of the game! And they ride on the snow mobile together which means that they are having hot sexxors!

Tilu all the way!
Um, what are you talking about, Tidus/Yuna, Tidus/Rikku? it's quite obvoius that Tidus loves Lulu! I mean you can even have him say that at one part of the game! And they ride on the snow mobile together which means that they are having hot sexxors!

Tilu all the way!

Hey we already have our Love....square?

Hahaha, time to start a thread :lol:
I posted this in the Anti-Tifa club and I will post it here as well.

Alright, I understand here that we all have our choice of character we dislike. While it's fine to debate about them I do not want to see any flaming or drama going on inside of these clubs. From now I will be keeping my eyes open. If I see anybody flaming or causing any type of unnecessary drama I will warn them. This goes for everybody.

Thank you
Alright, let's get this thread back on topic. Don't get me wrong, I do like Aeris, but I am kind of responsible for pulling this thread off topic. I'll list some of Aeris's negative attributes. Every character does something that bothers me even *gasp!* Yuffie!

She wasn't a good physical attacker. I do prefer mages, but every character in the game could do magic.
I think she is a bit overrated because she is only in the game through the first disk.
I'll admit, the thing she did in the Temple of the Ancients if you have Tifa in your party was kind of bitchy.
I kind of wish she at least told someone what she was doing. Ok, not tell them that she was going to sacrifice herself but that she was going to summon holy in the city of the ancients, so everyone wasn't freakig out as to where she went.
I think she was over used in Advent Children. I think her presence would have been more emotional if she were used less, or only started showing up towards the end. Heck, maybe her first physical appearance should have been used during the bahamut fight.

Alright everyone, make me proud and bash away! I'll leave this thread now since I don't belong here.

EDIT: Oh yeah, it's kind of confusing since both the anti Aerith and Tifa clubs basically have the same name, and I think people are accidently going into the wrong threads. How about changing it to something like "The Wonderous revolution against Aerith, or "The great revolution against Aerith." You can probably come up with something cooler.
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I don't dislike Aerith, to be honest. I just find that debating over whether she should have had Cloud as opposed to Tifa is kind of ... pointless, because it's physically impossible, for one. She never really did anything for me, either. She was quite weak (as offense is my best defense, but not magic - save it for healing) and so I rarely used her. So, when Sephiroth murdered her ... well, as I said, I found Tidus's death more emotional - hell, I found Jecht and Auron's death's more emotional!

Tifa has the factors which appeal to me more, too - the fists, the limit breaks, the care for Cloud, the concerns, the past and, let's not forget, the knockers. But they're not THAT big, so I don't see why people go crazy over them, as opposed to ... I don't know, Lulu?
Yeah to be honest those boobs always get in the way (I mean in a metaphorical way!!!). The most common response anytime I state my infinite preference of Tifa over Aeris as a character is "Oh its because she's got big tits, right?"

Well its not about the tits OK, get over it! (I actually prefere smaller breasts myself, but I think I'm slipping from the original thread again :))
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