The Greatest Day in Your Life


Apr 15, 2007
Simply, what was the greatest day in your life?

Mine would have to be the time when I boarded the plane to get to California, first time I've ever been out of my native country ever, and naturally it was exciting. When I got here, I saw the lights. :cool:

Other than that, it would have to be trips to Disneyland and Seaworld and all that jazz. :P
I liked a lot about having fun in America. :D
One of the best experiences of my life actually, because the night before we went to each, I couldn't fall asleep. xD
I'm not sure. Honestly I've had a lot of really good days in my life. I've been very blessed. I've had the opportunity to see all around the country and visit brand new places and meet a lot of new interesting people. I've been to places most people have to work half their careers to get to. I've also been on cruises and stuff like that. But honestly there's one day where I didn't go anywhere but it is still probably one of the best days of my life. I can't name a single thing that went wrong that day. I can't go into great detail... but I met a girl and we talked all day. I fell head over heels that day. lol Haven't been upright since.
Im not too sure. Possibly the last time i went to America. My grandma came with us and she was like a little kid who got drunk every night :lol: She's a funny happy drunk XD

and the holiday was just amazing and it seemed to last forever ^_^ and it looks like we're going again this year :D
None, I am still waiting for such day to arrive. I could talk about the worst days of my life but I fear that the large amount of negative energy would affect the course of this thread.

Ok, let's see....which day would I consider less bad?

I guess that it could be the day that I won the Chess Tournament of my school becoming the champion :)

Nah....or perhaps my 9th grade graduation? Nah I barely smiled during that graduation and actually wanted to leave as soon as it ended.

Hmm or perhaps when I met Dareisha who was one of my best friends or at least pretended to be?

Nah since I discovered that she was making fun of me when I talked in front of the audience during her graduation just because my voice sounded way too serious (like Simon Templeman from legacy of Kain which I consider an honor being able to imitate his voice quite well).

I've got it!

The first time I joined FFF :monster:

I met several people who are great human beings and are extremely inteligent when debating about serious topics :cool:

Yeah, the first day I joined FFF...
The greatest day of my life hasn't happened yet. Hopefully, it never will. I think no matter what things can always be better than what they are.

I don't want to stop & say "this is it" when there could be so much more.
When I saved up $35 for my first Tinkertoy set. When you're 5 years old, and you're only getting $3 a week allowance, that's a hell of an accomplishment.

I doubt my little sister could hold on to her money for more than a few days... :P
i dont really think ive had a day that stands out among others as the greatest day in my life. But the day i left school was a great day i was so friggin happy that was one awesome day.:D:D:D
April 25th 2006. I lost my freedom that day, but it was a small price to pay for gaining the most awesome female on earth.
Trips to other countries are always nice. ^_^

Only time I've ever gone to one was....well, it's in my first post.
It makes a nice change from everything routine you do everyday, yeah?
The best day of my life is going to be THIS Saturday when I bring home a NEW PUPPY!!!! I'm going tomorrow to get some puppy supplies before I bring it home. ^__^

Greatest days...let's see...
I have to dissagree with Kain. I don't think losing the V-card was the best day of my life. lol.

I'll go with...
November (i forgot the date) 2005 when my bubby proposed to me. ^__^
I've been to New York.
That was the first time i was outta my country.
It's was pretty cool. It's very different from where i live.
I’d say the greatest day of my life would have been a trip I took to Europe, but it was more that just a day, it was about 3 weeks. Over that time, I got to see a lot of England, France, Spain, Luxemburg, Germany & parts of Checloslovakia. I got to see so much history not to mention tons of Castles, which I love Castles. Basically, I had the best of time of my life those three weeks and consider myself fortunate to have been able to do it.
I woke up from a phone call from a girl at my school.
She wanted me to skip school with her and I did.

We just hung out all day without a care.
My Parents didn't even find out I skipped school.