The Identity of KHIIS Xehanort is... (MAJOR SPOILERS)


White Knight
Oct 10, 2009
North Carolina, United States
Terra who was possessed by Master Xehanort. M X forced his heart out of his body and possessed him. Terras heart then inhabits his armor and becomes the Lingering Sentiment and fights the new Xehanort. Aqua fights Xehanort and he is transported to hollow bastion without his memory. Extroardinarily sad, Terra is a sadder version of Riku in KH1
doesnt ventas die by the hands of the old guy?
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That would explain the
I've read in one of the Youtub comments. Sorry. I just LOVE the spoilz <3

In response, that is probably the saddest thing I've heard in KH.
Terra who was possessed by Master Xehanort. M X forced his heart out of his body and possessed him. Terras heart then inhabits his armor and becomes the Lingering Sentiment and fights the new Xehanort. Aqua fights Xehanort and he is transported to hollow bastion without his memory. Extroardinarily sad, Terra is a sadder version of Riku in KH1

I know. I saw Terra's ending in BBS
He is in essence, Xehanort.
But only his body. His actual heart is still in his armor. All MX has is his body and since he can't remember anything (or so it appears) he can be like a totally new person, Ansem, Seeker Of Darkness.

I have a question, who one the battle between Terra and Aqua? Was it a stalemate?
I've spoiler tagged everything that needs spoiler tagging, I do understand that it says "Major Spoilers" at the top and thumbs up for including that. However, that but doesn't appear in the "Latest Post" part of the forum which means people are unaware of spoilers. So please use spoiler tags in future. Cheers guys!

@Sab/KoD - your comments weren't particularly spoilers, I just spoiler tagged them as a logical guess because of the title could give it away :)
but ventus' spoilers are interesting too, cause of ROXAS' AND VEN'S look-alike faces. and Sora's too.
i have a theory...say if xehanort was to return(which he obviously will) there for xemnas would too and if they were to combine that would bring back a twice as stronger MX

the reason MX wouid come back twice as stronger is he is still possessing terra's body

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^ In Complete Directors Secret Report, Nomura confirmed that if a heartless and THEN the corresponding nobody are killed the human self will return. Ansem was destroyed first, and Xemnas second