The Institution of Silver Lake - Sign Up and Discussion

how strange, we have gone from indoor dodgeball to outdoor volleyball, but hey, other students could have been outside playing volleyball which is who you could have soaked and seen.
No not really heartless riku.

I was the one who started the game of DODGE BALL and some how someone got confused and thought it was volly ball. Dodge ball is a matter of hitting your oppoenets rather than score points.
Could someone give me a quick summary of what has gone on? Then I'll be able to post without confusing anyone.
Hmm, this seems like a cool RP so if I may. Can I join?

Name: Rene Skylar

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Teacher Or Student: Student

Year: 7

Basic Info: Rene is a smart, but often speaks his mind far too much, young man. Despite that he is quite caring and often takes responsibility for when little kids get into accidents they didn't mean to do and get punished for it. He comes from a rough area in Manchester and therefore is quite tough himself. He transfered to Silver Lake when his parents decided to divorce, neither parent could take care of him alone so decided to send him to boarding school despite the disappearances. Despite the fact that he quite smart he often slacks off in class. He is also a 3rd Dan Black belt and is currently studying Thai Kick Boxing.

Facial Appearance:

Height: 5"10

Weight: 116 Lbs

Body: He is quite slim but toned, he is rather pale but not many people seem to notice

Casual Attire (What he wears after school and shizz):
Jacket which is usually unzipped T-Shirt, Jeans, trainers and his fingerless gloves.

Likes: Books, Games and fun people. Loud Rock Music.

Dislikes: Bullies, cheats (generally scum overall). People who abuse their strengths and power. Rap Music

Enjoy :monster:
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Mark approved me on MSN but is too lazy to post in here so I did it for him :) I'm approved and am gonna start posting..... nao.
Why thank you Kira... Anyone uhh mind filling me in so I can get an idea on what to post?
ummm yea, it is currently after Cerfue, Zeria and I are currently breaking serfue so we shall recieve a beating if we are caught outside. ummm, It's the end of the first day and ummm there was a girl found dead in the lake. I pulled her out and the teachers informed everyone to return to their dorms

think i covered it all
It's spelt curfew :) And it's only the end of teh first day!?!/
Name: Chris Galdin
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Teacher or Student: Student
Year: 6
Basic Info:
Chris is an american student who transfered to this school in england. He has always thought the place abit strange but has been going here for six years anyway. He is a very smart person but that doesn't stop him from having fun. He has a strange ability of almost reading your thoughts by just looking at your face. He is almost always on time and when he is not...well that is a rare thing and it is usually for something importent. Despite his brains he is by no means a nerd and can be considered cool. This is because he is not the ductaped glasses braces nerd who has no friends. He looks like everyone else and just happens to be pretty smart. He took martial arts back in america and had a black-belt there and takes advantage of his skills if they are needed to defend someone here in england. All in all, Chris is a very nice and easy to get along with.

Likes: Pizzia,Girls,Movies,Hanging out with friends,rainy days,reading,writing,
Dislikes: ,people who are mean to others,meatloaf,eggs,snobs,


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Seeing as it highly unlikely that students would begin at night I'll start my post when it's morning :)

Name: Stephen Hownam

Age: 17
year: Year 7 Student
Gender: Male
Personality: A regular teenager Stephen enjoys playing practical jokes and spending time with his friends, makes jokes and quite often smile. Stephen tries to bottle his emotions up inside so he can be there to support everyone but everything that happens takes it's tole on the young man.

Appearence: standing at 6 feet tall Stephen has an Athletic build he is clean shaven with short brown hair that has blond highlights in it, he styles it depending on the day and/or his mood. he has a tattoo that takes up most of the space on the left side of his Torso and also his Left arm

Clothes: Stephen normally wears a black DC Beanie that has a visor, with the Visor poitning backwards and slightly to the right, He wears a pair of Black G-star Jeans. most of the time he wears a black or a white FCUK T-shirt. With multiple patterns and Styles of T-shirt in his cupboards. His trainers are quite Often black DC's but has other pairs in his collection. often wears a Black Hoodie if he thinks he will be getting into trouble or breaking the rules. Always Carries a black rucksack that he refers to as his 'bag of tricks' that hangs most of the way down his back so it sits jin the small of his back.

Bag of tricks: Stephen's Bag, commonly known as the bag of Tricks contains many Items including can's of black spray paint, a 1 liter bottle of water or blackcurrant flavored juice and a plain white mask. contains other various items that hold less importance.

[FONT=&quot] Basic Info: Stephen is one of the oldest in his year, he is one of the school’s most popular kids and is the captain of the school’s under18 Football team, he plays in the centre of Midfield and happily wears his Captain armband. He is muscular in build and has a Tribal tattoo on his upper right arm. Vary attractive he has short brown hair with blonde highlights blue eyes. He is always looking to have fun or play a prank on other students. He is a kind person acting as an older brother figure for some of the younger students, hardly any of the students call him by his first name as his Nickname ‘Hownam’ has stuck with him since one of his friends called him it in year 1. Stephen plays all types of sport including Football, rugby and cricket although he isn’t the smartest student intellectually he knows enough in subjects to keep him in the top groups.[/FONT]
Theme song(Optional): This one
Strength(s): his Speed and his free running, Girls and sports
Weakness(s): Theory lessons, arrogance, homophobia