The Job system


Jun 12, 2006
What did you all think of te jobs on FFV. This game had more jobs then any other FF game ever. Every type of job you can think of can be selected in FFV.

I rather liked the way you could ave a command or ability from one job and add it to another. So I could have a black mage with white magic. Or a knight wit summoning power.
The things you could do lead to some very interesting combinations.

So please tell me what you think of it and tell us all your fav job combinations.
The thing is that i liked the jobs but i hated the characters. But my favorite job was either samuri or the dragoon.
I played the rom for some time before.. I do remember there being alot of jobs but I never got around to combining them.. =\
I think this did have the most summons out of all so far but iam not sure.
I loved the job system. If only they had a good story to match it. I love to combine two sword (Ninja skill) with sword magic(Sword mage). What's your fave job combo?
Well, some were really useful and powerful but then there was the Blue Mage(I think it was called that) who was really pathetic, none of his spells did anything useful apart from one healing one which helped a little, but in general, I love the Job system and most of the jobs. It makes the game very unique.
They did overdo it a little with the amount of available jobs; since a lot of them were hardly useful, though I was thankful for the effort put into the whole Job System. The premise of it all looked attractive enough, and it made me enjoy Final Fantasy V even more due to the choice of which way I would train each character's fighting style.

The graphics that represented each of the Job Classes were good enough, though this system would have been loads better and more useful if there were a few extra characters. No use complaining about it in this regard, though it would have been excellent if they had thought the angle through a bit more. Nonetheless, I really like the Job System of FFV, as it does remind me of my much-loved Final Fantasy Tactics; although they are each completely different types of RPGs.
I have just recently started Final Fantasy V and I must say Im liking the job system. I played X_2 and it had the jobs in the form of Dress-Spheres. FFV has far more jobs avaiable (Ive a list of them all).

I personally like this system, as it allows every character the access to every spell and every amgic. Some games had certain characters only able to use certain abilities and it made you too dependant on them.

My favourite jobs are the Mages. White Mage, Blue Mage (can be very useful if you get the right spells) and Black mage. Knight, Summoner and Monk are also good and never fail to find use for them.
The job system rocks...there are rumors that in XII the job system will return! My favorite job combinations: Knight-Sorcerer-Samurai White mage-Summoner Black mage-Lancer Ninja-Thief-Time mage
This system is one of my favourite battle system it have so much variety and it's so much fun to max everything almost as fun as the sphere grid.
I liked the job system on this game, although getting your characters to master every job, takes way too much time.

My normal job combinations are a black mage with time magic, a white mage with black magic, a lancer with summon magic and a knight with hp+30%
Ah the Final Fantasy V Job System! I thought it was the best Job System out of any FF game, personally. It was great levelling up a class, learning some nice abilities, then changing class and learning different techs.
That and I mean...there were so many Job Classes too!
My favorite were; Dragoon, Blue Mage, Berserker, Knight and Mime.
Final fantasy x-2 was sort of like this but FFV have a lot more jobs in it like sword sorcerer and time mage