The Legendary Guardian
An Auron Club
An Auron Club
This'll be a simple competition started by The Legendary Guardian Club whose leader is AddleBoy. I'll just be the one who started the competition.
The rules are quite simple, and the reward will be given by me. 10,000 Gil reward for whoever wins, 5,000 for runner-up! Their banner willl be used by the club, and props will be given (of course!).

1.Banners must be able to fit in signatures. Something around the size of the quick reply box.
2.Banners can be hand drawn or made on something like Paint or Photoshop. Use your imagination!
3.Must have a theme of Auron from FFX. Please have 'The Legendary Guardian' somewhere on the banner.
4.All entries must be in by April 23 (that's two weeks from now). Send them to me by PM.
Note: After April 23, no more entries will be allowed, and the voting for the best entry will be made in the Voting Booth.
2.Banners can be hand drawn or made on something like Paint or Photoshop. Use your imagination!
3.Must have a theme of Auron from FFX. Please have 'The Legendary Guardian' somewhere on the banner.
4.All entries must be in by April 23 (that's two weeks from now). Send them to me by PM.
Note: After April 23, no more entries will be allowed, and the voting for the best entry will be made in the Voting Booth.
So go get started on your banner already!

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