The Legendary Guardian

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Well, I think you could host it in Costa del Sol with the spam stuff, or in the Battle Square HERE . It says that's a place for 'competition to pit your best works of graphics against someone else'.

Then, once you get all the pictures after, say, two weeks or so, maybe say that no more can be entered, then have a vote in the Voting Poll.

You could just put that the Legendary Guardian is hosting it, and maybe that'll attract more memebers! :D
We have a few Members now huh? I would have thought there would be more Auron fans on FFF though :dry: Auron rules :cool:
So AddleBoy, do you want me to start a competition to make a Legendary Guardian banner (the idea is in my posts, the first on thise page)? I think I must ask you, since your the one that started this club. ^_^
Alrighty, I'll get right on it! ^_^ I'll post a link after I post the thread.

EDIT: HERE is the competition! Hope alotta people will join.
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^^ Sorry AddleBoy, but I'm gonna have to leave this club. I'm only staying at FFF long enough to finish the competition. *Just so you know to take me off the members list*
wow, I just realized how long its been since i've been here.
-welcome to the club.
Oooo, I'll join ^-^

Auron was my second favorite in the game (second only to Lord Braska - pity he didn't get much screentime xD)

So, yessy, count me in!
Sorry, I haven't been here in a while. I just added all of the new members to the list. Welcome to the club.

-Does anyone want to take over this club for me?
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