The Leveling Grind... Love It or Hate It?

The Grind: Love It Or Hate It?

  • Label me a grinder!!!

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • I tend to do a little of both

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • Only to level up enough to defeat the next boss

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Absolutely hate it!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


ShinRa Guard
Dec 11, 2006
Some RPG'ers absolutely hate farming/leveling because it can get tedious and boring for those who aren't really into that type of thing.

Well, for me personally, I love it. But not in any cheating kind of way. I'm talking about serious grinding here where you will literally spend hours on end in the same few places either looking for a rare item to drop, or leveling up, or trying to gain license points....or all three together.

Are you someone who just likes to get through the main storyline and do the sidequests and not really explore around too much or see how much trouble you can get yourself in? Or are you the type that will sit and chain a particular type of creature for hours?

Either way is absolutely fine, and there should be no knock on anyone for how they prefer to play the game. The main point is having fun.

In addition to this poll, what are some of the big goals you want to achieve, other than the obvious which is defeating the game itself?

Are you a grinder or are you someone who simply loves to see how fast they can beat the game?
I don't mind leveling up at all...especially with the battle system in XII, it's even better.

I am definitely not one to try and see how fast I can get through the storyline or beat the game. I have to explore every inch of the area map and make sure I don't miss anything.

To me, it's just so satisfying to be fighting and hearing that little "you have leveled up diddy". hehe

I want to get my main character's to lvl 99, that'd be awesome.
That's one of my main goals too, get to lvl 99.

Plus, it's so damn cool when you know you've leveled up way higher than normal for the next boss, and that bad boy goes down in less than 15 seconds.

I just made it out of Barheim again and by the time I'd met up with the mimic queen, I had Vaan with an Iron sword, and Balthier with a Javelin. Each doing well over 200 hp of damage. That queen went down quicker than ever for me. So now I'm running around the Estersand by myself (after you get back to Rabanastre and Fran and Balthier leave the party), just killing wolves as quickly as possible to get to 100 license points and get the +200 hp augment.

Damn I love this game.
Yeah I love grinding too, espiecially in FFXII. In the other Final Fantasiy's/ies?. I grinded more than it takes to beat the game and did most of the side quests, but what irritated me most, was the time it took just to enter into a batlle. DODODODODo dun dund und dund udn then you finnally fight then it takes forever to exit. So grinding took even more time. In FFXII it goes by much quicker, and its more interesting. But it is very satisfying whooping a boss, so fast they didn't know what happened.
I like to level up a lot. I also want to get every item and secret in the game before i finish it. But I think I messed that up by opening every chest i came across. Looks like no zodiac spear for me. did you ever get that sword you were looking for?
used to hate it due to random battles, now i'm cool with it thanks to the new and much much improved battle system.
I don't mind grinding if I have a particular goal in mind, such as an item drop or l;earning a particular ability/spell.

FFXII had an easier grind imo, no load screens for battles.
I love grinding as well and agree that it was more fun in FFXII with it's quick hack and slashing battle system, but at the same time I found there wasn't a lot of good levelling areas. There were times where I'd be thinking "I'll just go through this map, maybe the next one will be better" and before I knew it I was way off somewhere else in the storyline.

So I think I prefer levelling in the older games more, even if the random battles are more time consuming. But it's hard to say, because man, FFXII's battle system is so~ much fun. :D
I started out hating the new battle system, because I was used to other systems, like, turn by turn, like in FFX, and FFX-2. But now I love it, with no extra screens before each battle, and after too.

All that leveling up makes an RPG game, and I love leveling up and making your characters so strong. My goal is level 99 for all my main RPG characters.
i randomly enjoy grinding, i.e. i'll suddenly get an urge to grind and will do it for quite some time, but eventually i get another urge to move the story forward. so i'm a bit of both
I like grinding. And I love the battle system. I just don't like the fact that there aren't any good leveling areas, like Mello said.
Me, I like to grind, especially when I'm trying to run down a really bad boss. Like, one time I had grinded(?) so much before going onto the leviathan the second time that the bosses died with like 4 attacks each! but, yeah there aren't really any good places to level up like there were in the last games, I mean the highest level normal monster I think I've seen was like 64...I'm level 70 some and I find it increasingly hard to level up for the harder marks....oh, and the only reason I actually BEAT the game was because I got frustrated with not being able to level up fast enough, I'm at the last part ^_^
I just didnt like grinding in the older titles, besides, it got really more boring when reaching levels 60, 70 and beyond. For example, in FF7 I couldnt find a good grinding area, but defeating all weapons was my goal, so that kept me from ending the game.

But now, this system makes grinding easier and more fun, and chaining is really cool, I had reached almost 150 chain of urutan-yensa, until a d*mn salamand entite killed 5 of my six characters (by then I didnt know of its power :P) So that why i have some of both
Seriously, the Leveling Grind on Final Fantasy XII is nothing really, even the License Point is a piece of cake, this was nothing compared to leveling up Materia's in Final Fantasy VII which where ridiculously long (For me as an example, I got a Master Materia of each for all of my you can understand the magnitude of how long it took for me to get there) or Final Fantasy X's Sphere Grid...where I didn't like the stats they gave me, so I went through and deleted all the ones you could and re-added them to their full potential.

FFXII's leveling/LP/grinding, whatever you want to call it isn't that difficult, comparing it to some of the older FF games, it's very easy actually.
depending on what you're "grinding" for, TrueSephiros. if you're going for license points, then i agree it was way too easy to get everything for everybody. however, leveling up the characters to 99 seems to take way longer than it should.

and finally, i never did like the term "grind". sounds... stupid.
I never really have to grind. I usually collect a bunch of marks before a twist in the main story and just do them all. I have all three of my main characters at 99 by using the Henne Mines trick. That was the only time I actually went out of my way to get XP. I was at around level 75 when I started that. Took about an hour and a half to get to 99.
I never really have to grind. I usually collect a bunch of marks before a twist in the main story and just do them all. I have all three of my main characters at 99 by using the Henne Mines trick. That was the only time I actually went out of my way to get XP. I was at around level 75 when I started that. Took about an hour and a half to get to 99.

sorry? what's the henne mines trick?
sorry? what's the henne mines trick?

There you go...

Equip your charactersn with shields and un-equip your weapons. Set your gambits like he has his and the rest is easy. I don't suggest you even try that unless you are level 60. To get that part of the Henne Mines available, you have to obtain 10 espers and talk to the Geomancer in Jahara. He will tell you he will send someone to unlock it. DON'T go through the Feywood. That area will be blocked until you defeat Zodiark. After you talk to the Geomancer, transport to the Henne Mines by using the crystal. Go to where you defeated the Mimic Queen and there should be a new passage there.
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I like to level up a lot. I also want to get every item and secret in the game before i finish it. But I think I messed that up by opening every chest i came across. Looks like no zodiac spear for me. did you ever get that sword you were looking for?

Eh oh... what do you mean? I don't really know anything about the Zodiac Spear... how does opening chests effect getting it?

*worries* :(