The Lookers


Blue Mage
Feb 22, 2007
ok people now i want to know who do you guys think is the best artisticaly drawn final fantasy playable character.
you can choose from all the final fanatasy games out there.
so who looks the best?...

im guna say... Tidus!

His attire is great and he dosnt have one of those impossible to have hair do's like some of the other characters.
Yuna. She just looks so sweet and kind. And she's beautiful.

Also Terra. I love her green hair. And her esper form is pretty cool.
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You're right, Tidus does have a really tight look about him. I love the fact that he's a sports star. ^__^

Of course, my love of FFVII will make me bias in saying that Aerith and Cloud have the most awesome designs. A soldier and a flower girl from the's too...perfect. ^____^

I also think Cid had a great redneck exterior...and his victory pose was amazing. ^__^

I LOVED Zidane...he has this awesome look, I just ADORE: Photos/Yoshitaka Amano/ff9-zidanegarnet.jpg
And that TAIL!!! <3
My two favorites are Blank, not sure why. He has a belt over his face... but I still like him.


and Tifa

I don't understand though...
Tifa's personality doesn't match her outfit...

If I was shy and insecure about expressing myself, I wouldn't be wearing a mini skirt and a wife beater around town. =x
Damn, Shera is a lucky woman if you ask me. LOL.
Personally I love Rikku's scarf and sleeves. Also love her boots. Think it suits her personality, plus she's hot.


*Sorry if pic's too big.
FFVI - Setzer, Edgar
FFVIII - Irvine
FFIX - Beatrix, Kuja
FFX - Lulu, Auron, Yunalesca
FFXII - Balthier, Basch, Fran, the Judges, Dr. Cid, Vayne, Larsa..Reddas, Vossler. Ashe too surprisingly. 8D
FF7-Cid and Tifa
FF8-Zell and Rinoa
FF10-Wakka and Auron
FF11-Tenzen and Lion
FF12-Basch and Fran
FFVI - Celes - early form of Beatrix
FFVII - Cloud And Aerith - Rhea pretty much hit the nail on the head with her description :)
FFIX - Vivi, Garnet, and Beatrix
FFX - The widely under-rated Lulu
FFXII - Fran Ashe and Balthier

Overall - Aerith - simple yet....perfect :)

*Biased* :P
I'll have to go with Yuna from FFX. I really love that long blue skirt she wore. The scene where she was dancing on the water made me wish I own her outfit. ^_^

For the guy, I would have to say...-drum rolls-... Seifer. :P Lol, I don't know why a lot of people don't like him. I seriously find him extremely attractive. His blond hair with that single hair lock down his forehead is so darn amazing! And of course, his white cape! -Swoons-
Aha! Vivi is not a looker as in "ZOMGHEISSOHOT" hes just the Cutest wittle character ever! *snuggles Vivi plushie*
