The Mafia Thread

U-Neek said:
I'm not apart of a real mafia but I can say probably not all of them are ranked the same here is a typical ranking.
It's true the mafia got rankings but were a different type of mafia... well you can be soider or capo, everyone, well nearly everyone is welcome into the mafia^_^
Riku said:
That there, that's the drama. Last warning. I don't care how much you hate me - express it elsewhere. Forums --spam or otherwise-- are not the place for it. It ends now.
There was no hate in that post! your probably gonna close as ive read some of your posts about mafia being a threat to new ppl, and saying that it getting a bit too far and other stuff, if i wanted to express my hate, i would do it in front of you, not behind your back.
take it easy both of you i wanna be adopted by the mafia
Yay more members, just choose a rank, hitman, godfather and drugdealer are already taken...
KK welcome U-neek, Capo of the mafia!
@TSL: you can talk with anyone, it's an equeal (semi-equel) mafia.... well why an "allegiance"
There was no hate in that post! your probably gonna close as ive read some of your posts about mafia being a threat to new ppl, and saying that it getting a bit too far and other stuff, if i wanted to express my hate, i would do it in front of you, not behind your back.
You're right, you didn't say anything behind my back, you did say it to my face. Or, at least, the closest to it, anyway. I really wish you'd read my posts better - maybe there was no hate in that particular post, but you do hate me. You carry one hell of an unfair grudge, simply because I've warned you for breaking the rules. My advice? Grow up and take it on the chin. You know the word "consequences" that parents often use? It's the same thing.
yes i know that word, it's your fave right?
there was no hate in that post because i was just gathering up evidence as a proof that u might close this thread, one of them would be when you said that the mafia is going a bit too far, somewhere in adoption thread i think....