The most best looking guy

Which is the best looking guy?

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I am very depressed to see that Kimahri didn't make this poll. =/ He was a beast. I'd totally vote for him.

Don't get the wrong impression of me, but I can vote who looks best/coolest in my opinion. I am secure with my masculinity like that. =D

Go Vincent for I actually liked his attitude and style, plus he looked wicked awesome in his red attire.
Oh ho ho, totally Sephiroth. *Hearts fly over Leki's head* Though I was kinda dissapointed on how he looked in Advent Children. Y,Y

Why didn't Seymour make the poll?! I love Seymour almost as much as Sephiroth. ^_^
Auron and Wakka are sex gods.

I'd do them both up the shitter until they cried spunky tears


I agree on the Wakka part but not on the Auron part. He bugged the shit outta me. That old fuck. XD

OOOH, SEYMOUR WAS HAWT! *yes, has nothing better to say* He's a WALKING ORGASM. Seriously, I don't care about his semi-funky voice, but... *sigh* I'd let him on me any day.

Favorite FFX males are Tidus and Seymour, and Wakka.

I agree on the Wakka part but not on the Auron part. He bugged the shit outta me. That old fuck. XD

OOOH, SEYMOUR WAS HAWT! *yes, has nothing better to say* He's a WALKING ORGASM. Seriously, I don't care about his semi-funky voice, but... *sigh* I'd let him on me any day.

Favorite FFX males are Tidus and Seymour, and Wakka.

He may be old, and well...... dead. BUT he remains the most powerful character on my FFX file.....still haven't beaten Dark Bahamut though.....bastard.

If you agree on wakka, WHY DOES HE HAVE NO VOTES! >=(
If Seymours voice was any deeper, he'd be the younger Mr Burns.
I voted Squall, despite the fact as a hetrosexual male I'm not very qualified to vote. Squalls LOOKS the better looking of them all though.
Any emo guy who gets a lot of attention from girls *cough*Squall*cough*

? No Cait Sith?
no homo! but i have to say cloud! he is cool i did not vote cause im not queer but out of all those dudes cloud is the coolist! no homo!
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I think Squall is hot! FF8 was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played so I tend to favor it .... A LOT!!!!
Which Cid? There's been like 50 of them! ;)

Even though I'm not into that, I'll vote for Cid because there's been so many. 10 for the price of one!
Vincent. I like my men timid, dark and mysterious. He's so darn good looking in Dirge of Cerberus. xD I love how he's so quiet, and yet he plays such a big role.
no homo! but i have to say cloud! he is cool i did not vote cause im not queer but out of all those dudes cloud is the coolist! no homo!

You're fucking mental.

No one was going to say you were gay for voting in a poll like this. Frankly it would have been better for you to keep your ignorant homophobic mouth shut.
You do realise that "homo" actually means "man"? ...

Anywho, where's Kuja and Zidane? ¬_¬ They're so smex ... Hmm, from the list I'd have to chose either Squall, Cloud, Reno, Vincent or Zack. Meh, can't choose :P
I'm fully aware of what homo means. I'm also aware that it (and the word queer, which has a different meaning too) can be used as a negative connotation towards gays.