The Most Moving Cut Scene.


Dec 24, 2008
Just curious- what's probably the most moving cutscene you can remember from playing any of the Final Fantasy titles? Like, were there any that just made you really emotional, either super sad, super happy, super angry, etc. And which ones and why?

For me, and I'm not sure why, but every time I see the "opening" to FFX, where Tidus is playing Blitzball, and Sin ravages Zanarkand, I always feel this heightened sense of emotion and connection with the game. Maybe it's because it was the first FF I played, and it just blew me away, or maybe because after playing in twice, I understand what all of this means at a deeper level. But for whatever reason, I get that heart-string tug when I see Auron raise his jug of Sake to the impending doom that is Jecht.

So, yeah, feel free to share the moving cutscenes you've experienced.

*Oh, and for the sake of variety- try not to list the death of a certain female FFVII character unless you really lost it, cried a river, and curled up in the fetal position and didn't eat for three days when it happened.
Well I think the most moving for me was, in Final Fantasy IX

Where Kuja goes Balistic with the Trance form.

Everytime I watch this scene, I feel like I want that power.

Another cutscene that I love is the opening scene to Final Fantasy VIII.

The music is what does the whole thing for me.

I also like the battle between Seifer and Squall.
the ending to crisis core because im fairly new to the ff series ive played the original ff7 but new when aeris was going to die etc. i also knew wat was going to happen in the end of crisis core but for sum reason during the fight i jus cracked and started to cry the whole dmw crashing was epic and itll be a found memory. im the qb for my highschool football team so its very very very hard to make me cry for a movie (especially a video game) this amazing prequel was brought up to expectations and its giving me high hopes for ff13
Crisis Core's ending FMV. Zack's death and words all add up nicely in that scene...

Nor-El said:
Well I think the most moving for me was, in Final Fantasy IX

Where Kuja goes Balistic with the Trance form.

Everytime I watch this scene, I feel like I want that power.

Another cutscene that I love is the opening scene to Final Fantasy VIII.

The music is what does the whole thing for me.

I also like the battle between Seifer and Squall.

... Read the title carefully. It says. MOVING. Not favourite cutscenes... And those scenes are no doubt exciting though, I must admit.
One of the cutscenes, that really moved me, was the final one for X. I think it was the music, too, that really caused alot of emotion to rise to the surface. You gotta admit, that final scene, wouldn't have as much of an impact if not for the gorgeous music. At least, it wouldn't have had as much of an impact, for me. Anyway, it was very tragic
when Tidus tried to embrace Yuna as he was fading away. The words too: I love you/ Thank you -- really sad and beautiful. At the very end, when he reunites/ slaps hands with Jecht, really got me. I think that one has to be ranked up there with the most beautiful scenes in a FF game. Yeah and damn, I was going to talk about the Aerith death scene, but since I didn't curl up, into a fetal position, and waste away - then I choose the next best one in my mind. Lol.
I cried at the you-know-who, unmentionable cutscene that the OP refers to.

Actually, not only that... I cried when Cait Sith no.1 dies also. I was a wee tyke back then. Then, right after he comes back, and I felt like I had been cheated for my tears. -__- Zack's death was quite moving also, but I think the corny JPop song sorta ruined the moment for me. Cloud's scream was pretty heartwrenching.

Opera House scene from FF6. I don't even know why, but I think it mainly had to do with the music. It also made me completely fall in love with Celes, and Locke/Celes.
Another from FF6, was when the legendary monster attacks the place where Terra is taking care of the kids. When Terra realizes she expereinces love for the children, she regains her strength and kicks ass. Awww <3

Fuujin's speach to Seifer in FF8. The posse was my favourite thing about that game, and this was the pivotal scene that shows that Raijin and Fuujin aren't just blind followers of Seifer's "gang." They are his freinds, and they are completely loyal to him.

FFT, the mutual stabbing between Delita and Ophelia. This scene just sums up everything that makes the characters, and the story so great. The ending with Ramza and Alma ranks pretty high up there as well.

FF4 - Kain's ending scene. That was just epic, right there. I don't think I can even describe in words how fricken awsome that scene was. Kain <333333

FF9 - the FMV where the Black Waltz is attacking the airship, and all the Black Mages are all falling to their deaths. Man, a crap load of scenes in that game involving Vivi were moving. His whole character was very touching.

And of course, the ending of FFX.

...I think I effectively went through all the FFs I've finished. yup.
FF9 - the FMV where the Black Waltz is attacking the airship, and all the Black Mages are all falling to their deaths. Man, a crap load of scenes in that game involving Vivi were moving. His whole character was very touching.

i have to say that that is one of my fave fmv's

as for the othes are fmv to ffx almost made me cry when tidus and yuna were about to kiss

but my fave fmv is not from a ff game it's from xenosaga 3

i know but jst watch ans see

and this one too made me cry on both of them
The ending of Crisis Core and don't forget Aerith's death.I was depressed for the rest of the day because of that.
Also the cutscene where Cloud and Tifa fall into the lifestream.
I have three moments:

FFX: the point in the story when Tidus finally learns what the pilgramage is all about. The background noise fading into music accentuates the poignancy of the moment and mirrored not only Tidus's shock but my own.

FFX: the ending. Perfect music, tense emotion, and the perfect end to the story.

Crisis Core: the ending. The entire final moments from the final battle through the cutscene are some of the most powerful moments in entertainment. But the moment that really wrenched through me was when it started raining and the scene shifted to show Aeris at the church. Heart-breaking...
The battle between Bahamut and Alexander in FFIX made my eyes water with joy, i was like "he is sooo beautiful, so powerful so. . .OMG I DON'T GET HIM WTF!!!!!!" As Alexander owned Bahamut moments before invincible came down and killed the crap outta him.

the final cutscene in FFX made my eyes water as all the Aeons burst into nothingness, i was like "WTF, THEY WERE THE MAIN REASON I JUST HAMMERED THE CRAP OUTTA BRASKA FINAL AEON AND NOW THEY JUST GO POP. . .Braska's final Aeon must be a weakling"
I know it's unoriginal but Aerith's and Zack's deaths moved me. The music for Zack's ending kinda hit me there, and his final words. And Cloud's scream just made me twitch o.x

A scene that made me angry was in Tifa's bar, and you could choose between giving the flower to Tifa or Marlene, and if you choose Tifa she's all "OMGFLOWERFORME?!" >.>...<.<... just, no.. Actually, it just irritated me, not really made me angry. And it's not really considered a cutscene but just throwing it out there.
Cutscenes and FMV's are different - same sort of thing, but obviously different graphics, so don't get confused. FMV is basically a mini movie...thing.

If I want to be specific...most moving cutscene?

Would have said Auron's sending, but I cannot remember if that was an FMV.

From what I can remember...

Drace's death/Vossler's ending was quite sad. Must say General Leo's death was rather sad too..
There have been quite a few moving cutscenes, not 'cry your eyes out and die' type of scene but ones that I was affected by.

FF8: The first time I saw the opening cutscene, I lost my breath. I remember the feeling and I can't even describe it. It was one of the first rps I had ever played and it blew me away. Everytime I hear the music I get all 'OMFG'.

FF9: When those Black mages attack the airship, I was like wow this looks cool. But the look on Vivi's little face was so sad. He couldn't believe what was happening, especially with all his dilemma's with death and destruction it just made it all the more terrible. I felt so bad for that little guy, it was a very poignant scene.

FF10: Definately the scene where Tidus leaves. I didn't care much for either Tidus or Yuna, actually sometimes I got quite annoyed at their stupidity. But that scene was just really put together well. Especially with the great choice of music. Even though I wasn't a fan of the characters I just thought it was really sad that there was no way that they could be with each other. Knowing Tidus' fate was quite depressing really.

FF12: When the mountain city was attacked (sorry can't remember the name...Mt O...something, lol) I don't know if the cutscence itself was overly sad, it was more the aftermath with all those poor people. You just come from there, hearing all their sad sob stories about this place being their last hope. Next thing you know, they come in and blow it up. All those poor, displaced people are given once last kick in the guts before they are killed. It just seemed very, very cruel.

I'm also going to throw Reks' death scene as well, dying feeling ultimately betrayed. That was also cruel, especially because it was a lie.
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The ending to FFX, with Tidus jumping into the clouds, off the airship when he started to fade away. The music, the acting, Yuna's sorrow and Tidus' fear worked perfectly.
last night i finished FFVII crisis core and i was crying at the end scene where Zack dies, so that to me was very moving. i also think FVII when aries dies is moving though. sad times >.<
1.FFVlll intro cut scene squall vs. seifer
2.FFX "gravity sucks" cut scene with sin
3.FFX final cutscene while tidus is fading away

other than those..i think every cut scene in FF are all soo daaamn boootyfull. :P
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FF12: When the mountain city was attacked (sorry can't remember the name...Mt O...something, lol) I don't know if the cutscence itself was overly sad, it was more the aftermath with all those poor people. You just come from there, hearing all their sad sob stories about this place being their last hope. Next thing you know, they come in and blow it up. All those poor, displaced people are given once last kick in the guts before they are killed. It just seemed very, very cruel.

I'm also going to throw Reks' death scene as well, dying feeling ultimately betrayed. That was also cruel, especially because it was a lie.

Yes on the Bur-Omisace part. I got sad talking to the NPCs because they were just kinda curbstomped on some cold mountain by the middle of nowhere.

Reks' death is sort of sad for me, but de-saddened by the fact that when I first played through the game I was going, "Wait, what?! I'm dying in the tutorial -anyway-? The hell!"
Because I had died in the tutorial for FFX -call me RPG loser- and I was not quite fond of living through a tut to die again.
There have been a lot

FFVI, the Opera Scene, so much was going on at that point, the music and the mood just meshed.
The Ending, mostly involving Shadow, the "I'm not longer gonna run" quote and when he sends his dog along with the others

The Ending when it shows Laguna in a flashback with Raine

Near the end where the others snap Zidane out of it and decide they will fight for him

The ending, Vivi's note and the opera at the end, I was not expecting what happened with
zidane reveling himself as Marcus in the play to dagger
Now that I think on it, I got a really slumping feeling after I finished Tactics and realized it occurs after FFXII. I know history can't model itself after one society for such a time as there was between XII and Tactics, but it was still kinda sad knowing how strife returns to Ivalice after defeating Vayne anyway. And possibly just a decade, if Ultimania is a source to be trusted as 'canon'.

And then the ending of Tactics overall is just kind of depressing;
pretty much everyone dies, and Orran burns at the stake yay!?