The Most Moving Cut Scene.

The ending to FFX, with Tidus jumping into the clouds, off the airship when he started to fade away. The music, the acting, Yuna's sorrow and Tidus' fear worked perfectly.

the scene that really makes me sad in all the ffs is the 1000 words film clip ='(

last night i finished FFVII crisis core and i was crying at the end scene where Zack dies, so that to me was very moving. i also think FVII when aries dies is moving though. sad times >.<
The staff obviously need to develop a line that can simply be copied and pasted between threads that says "More effort in your posts, next time, please :gmonster:". xD
I have to say the most moving scenes for me were:

FFIX - THe "Your not Alone" Scene. I don't know why but when Zidane's friends help him through those battles and the music that accompanies the scene made it my favorite. Also the Your not Alone music has become one of my favorite things to listen to.

FFVII - I know this is out there, but its the scene where Tifa is trying to get a comatose Cloud out of the massive earthquake. Thats when I was a full CloudxTifa fan. Even though they looked like lego blocks you could just feel Tifa's desperation to save Cloud. (Also the ending to Crisis Core was very emotional, made me depressed for a couple of days, while sheding a few tears after watching it for the first time.)

FFVIII - The parade scene. I really wished Edea was the main villian, but from the events leading to the event and with a shocking ending to the disc, it just stays in my mind.
The laughing scene. Seriously, that shat was truly moving.

That was obviously sarcasm, but as for what I really think...

IX: This game has a lot...

Vivi having to watch all those black die because of the Black Waltz. :( Even though it was a FMV.

Freya discovering that her lover didn't remember her.

The "You're not Alone" scene. Jeez, that was one of the most depressing things I've ever seen.

Vivi's letter to everyone at the end.

Kuja discovering he was just a puppet, even if he went a little berserk, I still felt bad for him...

The Queen dying, because the one point where she was finally free, she just had to die.

Not exactly a cutscene, but Garnet losing everything.

8. And, of course, the ending.

VII: Not as depressing as IX, but it still had some...

I forgot his name, but he was Red's grandpa. Anyway, it was sad when he died.

The ending. Hamlet, much? Well, except for Red XIII.

Really, there isn't much else I can remember.

Anyway, that's my list. I didn't include X because I really didn't find it all that moving. Maybe it was just because I despised everyone but Lulu and Seymour, but whatever.
ffvii crisis core ending- so so so so so sad :'( i was bawling my eyes out at the ending when zack died and the music came on it... was too much! :( :(

ffviii ending- This ending was really sad but also left me a little confused at the fact that for some reason everyone was happy when squall dies... but he diddn't die (after the credits) that moved me and made me so happy :) :)

ffx cutscene- when Tidus found out that Yuna was going to die is was very sad and even though i diddn't cry to that i was still very upset :( :(

ffx ending- the ending film of that just totally moved me and i was in tears (i'm a soppy person :lol:) Tidus been a dream and juming is just so sad :(

there is not a final fantasy ending that i haven't cried at :lol:
Auron being sent at the end of FFX. Everyone knew it was time, but hardly anyone wanted to say a word. Auron slowly walked forward, told Yuna she knew what to do. Rikku, Wakka, Lulu, Tidus, Kimahri, Yuna. None wanted him to go; all knew it was necessary.
I think the most moving cutscene is Tidus and Yuna's kiss at Macalania spring. The build up to Yuna's sadness is just perfect, and there is so much unexpressed emotion between them when the cutscene starts. To me this wins even over the ending of FFX, because in the end, Yuna knows that Tidus has to go, but in the spring Yuna has more hope when she kisses him; she feels that he can stay. That is why it is the most moving for me.

A close second for me is the ending of FFVIII with Laguna and Raine. It tied the backstory together so well, and it's very moving to know that Laguna got what he wanted.
Fran's return/departure from Eruyt Village. For me, this was the saddest point in the entire game. Most of the Viera you encounter regret leaving, and I sort of got the same feeling from Fran. She's resigned to her fate, but still misses the Wood and her sisters.

Also, in Revenant Wings, the flashbacks to Mydia's childhood, and her returning to kill the last of the Feol made me feel awful.
Aeris' death, because it was the first FF I ever played and I didn't have a clue what they were at the time. I remember getting so into it 'cause it was a computer game with a story like a book, and I was NOT expecting it. So when it happened I was like =o... ... ... ... "Did that seriously just happen?" And then I remember feeling so sad because she was the last ancient, and the holy materia falling out of her hair and... ;______;

Also, I know its super-lame, but when Tidas and Yuna kissed underwater I was like YYYYYYYES!!! >_<
The most "moving" scene for me emotionally is the ending of FFX when
Tidus finds out he isn't real and hes just a dream
. It was the saddest part of any FF i've played.

I also felt that at the starting of FFX when Tidus plays Blitzball (you see it for the first time) and the cutscene comes on, i get really pumped up and excited. It is my favourite part of the game and it just gets me into the game.
For me it's most def the ending of FFIX. I've seen it twice and even the second time, I still couldn't help but to cry my eyes out. It always gets me very emotional. After this whole journey they all went on together... It's over. I change from crying to pure happiness when Zidane returns during the play. They tried to make it a happy ending, but it just wasn't the same without seeing the actual Vivi. He was the heart and soul of the game. :( At least we got to see his kids.