The Most Powerful Force in The FFVII Universe

Yup agreed if they were so powerful then they would still be alive as simple as that!

In the end this is just a Aeris fan base thread!:rolleyes:

Strongest is Cloud because he beats Sephiroth, Bahamut and takes on the three losers!
Yup agreed if they were so powerful then they would still be alive as simple as that!

thats not the case at all - the 3 in question are powerful regardless of the fact there no longer Alive, Aerith is more powerful Dead than she was alive, and Sephiroth and Jenova keep coming back.

In the end this is just a Aeris fan base thread!:rolleyes:

No its not - this is a thread to discuss why people are the most powerful and what not, you've let your hatred of Aerith blind you as you keep bashing and Flaming her instead of reading my counter-arguments :rolleyes:

Strongest is Cloud because he beats Sephiroth, Bahamut and takes on the three losers!

:lol: Thats why sephiroth was able to Manipulate Cloud and other Jenova inhabited individuals to do his bidding, infect a world full of Geostigma - nearly killing Cloud - Summoning a meteor to Destroy the world....yes because Cloud can do all these things too :rolleyes:
In the end this is just a Aeris fan base thread!

As for how I feel about who is the strongest, I'd definitely have to say that Jenova was the strongest thing to ever exist on earth. She had the ability to manipulate her own form as well as the form of others. She was so strong that not only the centra but the earth itself felt the need to rise up against her. Cloud is stronger than Sephiroth. And Aeris was very strong but she never realized her true power. Even if she did unravel her true Centra form it wouldn't make her the most powerful thing on the planet. She would have been incredibly strong due to her white magic and defensive tactics but she would not have been able to rip open an asshole or two without the help of stronger fighters.
Cloud was indeed manipulated by Sephiroth but if i remember correctly in the end he controls his actions and beats Sephiroth no longer being under his influence!

He was manipulated but that only shows that Sephiroth as a strong mentality, strong enough to control others it doesn´t necessarily proof that his the strongest.

Cloud beats everyone in AC and Vincent is able to protect him and also shows great fighting skills while fighting Bahamut!

I desagree that Loz and the other guy were just toying with Reno and Rude also because they fight as equals at the end!

So this proofs i believe that Cloud is the strongest followed by Sephiroth and then possibly Vincent.

Jenova is strong but i don´t know how strong the Ancients were compared to her. So i still believe she is weaker than Sephiroth and therefore weaker then Cloud.
Aeris is an Ancient indeed but every other Ancient can do what she those and you it was all of the souls of the planet who helped safe the planet not just Aeris!!!!!!!
In the FFVII universe, when you die you become part of the Lifestream as a whole (Remember: Aeris said that when she heard the planet all she heard was a bunch of noisy people - the remnants of those who have died - but she could never make anything out). When Aeris died, she retained her conciousness. Even Sephiroth was unable to do this & he was extremely powerful. Jenova had to divide his being into three pieces to be able to keep him alive.

If Aeris was so powerfull she would have deflected Sephiroths atack and not have died with a single strike!
I don't think you understand what really happened. Aeris had to die; there was no other way. She prayed as much as she could, but the planet refused to summon Holy. Aeris knew this; she tells Cloud "It's okay. I know what to do now." If the last remaining Ancient - the planet's chosen people - died, surely the planet would have to accept her prayers. And so it did! When Aeris died, the White Materia finally glowed.

I don´t think Jenova is that strong if she was she would not have lost to Cloud and the rest of the team, i know you say to ignore stats but you can only consider Jenova as a boss and as a boss even Caith Sith could own her!
WTF? Jenova eats planets for breakfast.

Like Judge Rulia said, Kadaj Loz and Yazoo aren't a whole Sephiroth - just 3 different remnants. besides Vincent never fought them, he just flew in and protected cloud before flying off with him and saving him.
And don't forget what Vincent says about what happened to Tseng & Elena. He describes it as brutal & obviously it wasn't an easy task to rescue them. If Vincent believed he was stronger, why didn't he just finish off the three remnants to begin with?

Holy is the strongest Magic in the game. Aeris didnt use it (correct me if im wrong about that) but i still think the Weapons are the strongest force! lol
Holy is a function of the planet itself (kind of like the Weapons); however, Aeris' prayer & later sacrifice moved the planet to react. So in turn, it was Aeris who set Holy in motion. Unfortunately for the planet Sephiroth succeeded in holding back Holy long enough to make it ineffective against Meteor.

Cloud was indeed manipulated by Sephiroth but if i remember correctly in the end he controls his actions and beats Sephiroth no longer being under his influence!

He was manipulated but that only shows that Sephiroth as a strong mentality, strong enough to control others it doesn´t necessarily proof that his the strongest.
Just as a clarification: it wasn't Sephiroth that manipulated Cloud. It was Jenova who manipulated Cloud. Cloud had Jenova's cells inside him just like Sephiroth did. Jenova used this to help herself help Sephiroth destroy the planet.

Jenova is strong but i don´t know how strong the Ancients were compared to her. So i still believe she is weaker than Sephiroth and therefore weaker then Cloud.
Well, I'm pretty sure that the planet wouldn't pick a race that couldn't protect it. The Cetra were the guardians & chosen of the planet. Jenova destroyed them because when she crash-landed here she came to the Cetra as a friend & then ambushed them (she infected them with her cells & turned them into monsters). Jenova's not stupid enough to take on an entire race by herself - she used her intellect.
Can Cait Sith Purge Jenova cells? can Tifa? can Cid? Can anyone else?

No - Only Aerith can.

Naming that aspect doesn't make her solely better than everyone else. Sephiroth is the only person in the world that can wield the Masamune (or murasame i always get the 2 mixed up). That doesn't mean he's better than everyone else.

Also it wasn't her SOLELY who used the lifestream to save the planet. Bugenhagen explained it saying that when something dies it returns to the lifestream and their conciousness with it. So it's not just Aerith's conciousness who's in the lifestream it's every single person that has died. So to attribute the whole saving of the planet solely to Aerith is false.

Keep in mind that if it wasn't for Cloud and co. Holy wouldn't have even done anything and would have just been at the bottom of the ocean. Sephiroth was blocking Holy from stopping Meteor. Also Sephiroth shows that he's being controlled by Jenova when his crazy idea of sending meteor into the earth to gain more power. I don't have the exact words but here's the gist of it
When something harms the planet energy is gathered to heal it. But what if something threatened the very life of the planet? Think of how much energy would be gathered.

So we can also argue that Aerith had absolutely NOTHING to do with stopping meteor by using the lifestream and that it was merely a defense mechanism used by the Planet to keep it's life going on. So it was a collection of all the conciousnesses of the people and not just Aerith's.

Sephiroth is >Jenova? I don't think so. Jenova controlled Sephiroth not the other way around. Jenova before coming to the planet killed multiple other planets. Sephiroth had no plans to destroy the planet until finding out about Jenova. Now all of a sudden Sephiroth wants to destroy the planet with what he calls is his mother. Wow how ironic that Jenova destroys planets and that all of a sudden Sephiroth now wants to destroy planets as well. So whose controlling who now?

I think you are overrating Aerith in this. Yes she can purge jenova cells out of the body and yes she got Holy. But we can't say she did anything else on her own.

Let's also not forget that Sephiroth can come back to life. Aerith can't.

Jenova>Sephiroth>Cloud>Aerith>the rest

Cloud is higher IMO because he was able to beat Sephiroth but then again in the commentary they said that nobody can be stronger than sephiroth (game wise that is not AC). He also beat Sephiroth BEFORE he was injected with Mako.
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I agree with your line of tought Ace_of_5pades except when you say Aeris is more powerfull than the rest of the FF characters...

I mean we have Vincent, Tifa, Cid, Barret, Nanaki, Yuffie and...well Caith Sith (although he doesn´t really help) fighting Bahamut in AC!

With their help Cloud beats Bahamut, with their help Cloud was able to defeat Jenova and Sephiroth in FFVII!

And lastly you have to believe that if Vincent had not appeared to help Cloud fighting Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj (did i got their names right?) that he might have been defeated.

So when you say Aeris is more powerful then the rest of the characters i have to disagree! Except for maybe Caith Sith.
What about Hojo? Where does he come into it all?

Granted he has no physical powers, just a genius mind, which is a form of power in it's own right. But anyway, isnt it correct without him there would have been no Sephiroth or Cloud. And that he is thier father (a modern day darth vader is Hojo, lol). So surely that would place him above someone at least.
Let's also not forget that Sephiroth can come back to life. Aerith can't.
Actually, that's attributed to Jenova. Because Jenova is not of the planet, she cannot return to it - hence the reunion theory. Because of that, she chose Sephiroth & allowed him not to return as well; however, he had to be split into three pieces to do so.

I mean we have Vincent, Tifa, Cid, Barret, Nanaki, Yuffie and...well Caith Sith (although he doesn´t really help) fighting Bahamut in AC!

With their help Cloud beats Bahamut, with their help Cloud was able to defeat Jenova and Sephiroth in FFVII!
All the other characters weren't even able to put a dent in Bahamut. Even the person who came the closest - Cid - was thrown off almost as quickly as he attacked.

However, each one of them lended a push forward both physically & psyche-wise. Physically they all propelled him forward towards Bahamut & psyche-wise they all gave him encouragement.

But who was the final person to help him? Aerith. When Cloud comes in contact with Bahamut's energy wave, Aerith reaches out to him & says "Let's go".

Aerith is present throughout AC.

Originally Posted by Tetsuya Nomura
Kitase said that Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him.

AC Director's Comentary said:
Producer Kitase decided that they couldn't make any other character stronger than Sephiroth in the world of FFVII.

Sephiroth >>>> anyone in FFVII.

Originally Posted by Tetsuya Nomura
Kitase said that Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him.

Sephiroth >>>> anyone in FFVII.
If you pay close enough attention to all the details of Sephiroth and Jenova you can clearly see that it is Jenova controlling Sephiroth.
If you pay close enough attention to all the details of Sephiroth and Jenova you can clearly see that it is Jenova controlling Sephiroth.

No. Don't make things up. The creators have stated time and time again that it was Sephiroth in control. END OF. There is nothing to argue about regarding the subject.

Anyway, Sephiroth >>> all.

The only reason Cloud gets to beat him is because Sephiroth is arrogant and that led to his downfall.
No. Don't make things up. The creators have stated time and time again that it was Sephiroth in control. END OF. There is nothing to argue about regarding the subject.

Anyway, Sephiroth >>> all.
I don't mean to intrude; however, any claim that you can back up with evidence from the storyline is a valid conclusion regardless of a producer saying otherwise. :) To say different is to go against all the fundamentals of literary analysis.

In the end almost all theories have some amount of validity to them because the vast majority of them can be backed up by a fair amount of evidence. It really boils down to personal tastes. You see Sephiroth as the leading man & that's okay; it gives Sephiroth more depth to the bad-ass persona. On the other hand, I see Sephiroth as a victim; Jenova took advantage of Sephiroth's fragile state & used it to further her own end - destroying the planet.
Sephiroth >>>> anyone in FVII, and he was controlling Jenova. Deal with it.
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Actually, have you ever read the "Jenova Thesis"? Jenova controls Sephiroth, not the other way around.
Hey. I'm famous. I wrote that thing way back when.

However, I just don't care anymore. FFVII is now officially the WORST piece of crap in FF history.

I blame the creators. In their endless quest to beat off rabid Seph fanboys, they've oblierated the plot. NOO!! The whole dramatic scene the entire sequence in the lifestream built up to where Cloud tosses Seph in the Mako Reactor DIDN'T happen! Sephiroth? He CONTROLLED Jenova but how? We don't know! He just can because WE SAY SO.

Any blemish on Seph's "godliness" has been wiped away by the morons who made this game.

They might as well just post "Seph is teh godly ub3rr111!!!"

It's quite sickening, all in all.
I normally think Jenova was 'influencing' Sephiroth until he 'jumped' into the life stream.

I just don't care anymore. FFVII is now officially the WORST piece of crap in FF history.

I could understand you saying that if you have not played many ffs.

Square have made crapper games, that I can assure you.:cool:

Im gonna say this also, FF is one of the most overrated series'es ever.(slap the name ff on a game and it will sell even if its crap).
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Sephiroth would be nothing without Jenova. Screw his "strong will." If it wasn't for Jenova he would have been part of the Lifestream.