The Mysterious Prince


Midgar Mechanic
Jan 16, 2007
Well now that the hype for Crisis Core is far over, I decided to direct my attention towards FF XIII. As we all know These games are under the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation and personally I've found myself far more intersted in the FF versus XIII Title. This game is so far shrouded in mystery regarding pretty much all gaming aspects such as character Information, plot details, gameplay details, setting details, etc. Most of what we have to go on for information is screens, vague interviews, and CG Trailers.

To me the most telling medium is the trailer, although the interviews are more direct that is also it's downfall. Being completely direct doesn't leave room for speculation a statement is a statement and thats final there is only one way to percieve them. So basically in this Thread I think we should discuss the things we notice about this game through the Trailers

So after watching the latest trailer several times I have some ideas that can be discussed here. (WARNING: Thinking out-loud Rambles)

Basically I noticed that the prince doesn't seem to be happy at any point in the trailer, and when he's fighting I don't get any implication that he has any desire for it. It's seems like he really doesn't want to be doing it. Can someone be Forcing him? Or can this be his duty? Since he's known as of now as "The Prince" can this be his duty as "The Prince"? I also get the notion that maybe the public may not view him in a good way.. when he is watching TV in the limo his emotion at first seems to be boredom, but if you assume that he is being bashed by the media his emotion could be frustration or annoyance. Which leads me to feel the killing he does later in the Trailer could be something the general public to view as bad or evil or for a bad and evil cause, but me not thinking SE would make the protagonist in their prized series completely evil makes me feel like any evil would ultimately be for the greater good, and he's protecting, maybe what he's protecting could be oblivious to the media and they have no knowledge of it. This could mean that another power opposite of the prince could be feeding lies to the public to antagonize the prince, while they aim to capture or destroy whatever the prince is protecting, which sort of reminds me of when shin'ra antagonizes avalanche. Maybe the People in the trailer could be the few supporters of the prince, seeing as they look like misfits I think this idea certainly fits. The story could be another SE Tradgedy which is what i get when I listen to the song played throughout the trailer which is a somber powerful dirge-like song that has no precedent in the series so far, which gets me excited.

Well thats a short analysis of what i got from the trailer sorry for the rambling, this is thinking out-loud raw ideas, Im excited to see what you all think and to read everyone's input and hope we can get a worthy discussion.
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wow. you pretty much read my mind perfectly on everything. i pretty much pulled the exact ideas from that trailor. i support the theory that FFXIII depicts the magic side of the same universe while FFvXIII depicts the futuristic side. if that's the case, the media could be on the side of the magic part? and maybe lightning has some connection with the prince to prove he is good, which is why she is attacked by soldiers in her trailor.
Please keep in mind that never will characters be directly involved with each other simply because the two XIII games are in completely different worlds with completely different characters.
Why they are in the same compilation and share the XIII name is because they share the same mythology and a common theme nothing more is related directly.

Hopefully that clears a few things up, and filters out some theories that are contradictory to known fact.
Nice idea ;)

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post. This is considered spam, so if you can give your own input and opinion about the post in a more lengthy manner, that would be great. Thanks. =]
Just a thought, but Square did make the statement that "The Prince" is getting a make-over. So the lack of expression or emotion could be due to development. You have made an excellent observation though and I applaud your efforts to decipher the mystery that shrouds our beloved Versus XIII.
The Prince is the last heir to the dynasty that holds the last crystals. He has to defend them from Marauders who want the crystals for themselves. His family has been compared to the Japanese mafia by Nomura. This comparision makes the Prince a lot more interesting now. Perhaps he doesn't want to be involved in his families way of life, and that is why he doesn't seem to ever be happy. Maybe thats why the media doesn't adore him so much?
O for a long time i thought the Prince was some how related to Cloud because they both have a lot of swords,They are good at sword fighting, and They look alike or at least to me they do. Lighting...idk but she seems like a cool character though.....O yea i got a question, Okay if most FF games are futuristic y do they use Swords and not like futuristic,Combined with like fire element type swords or a character that can Dual-weid swords or even dual-weild guns ya knw.
Your idea seems good. But when i think about it, not very final fantasy-ish...

This isnt a guess about the trailer, but dont you all think that when XIII is released it could be set after (or at the same time as the events in versus) it and leave a few plot holes. Then FFvXIII comes along and it makes sense of those plot holes. Like they did with the star wars movies.
Your idea seems good. But when i think about it, not very final fantasy-ish...

This isnt a guess about the trailer, but dont you all think that when XIII is released it could be set after (or at the same time as the events in versus) it and leave a few plot holes. Then FFvXIII comes along and it makes sense of those plot holes. Like they did with the star wars movies.

It's already been determined that the two games don't coincide with the exception of being interwoven into the same thread through crystals. I'm not entirely certain as to it's meaning, but that's what I understand.

On another note...

O for a long time i thought the Prince was some how related to Cloud because they both have a lot of swords,They are good at sword fighting, and They look alike or at least to me they do. Lighting...idk but she seems like a cool character though.....O yea i got a question, Okay if most FF games are futuristic y do they use Swords and not like futuristic,Combined with like fire element type swords or a character that can Dual-weid swords or even dual-weild guns ya knw.

The Prince, and Cloud Strife have nothing in common whatsoever, and the weapons issue is irrelevant because it's a fantasy. Swords have always represented strength, and discipline, and they're preferred above all otherrs. Same with Bows.

It's amazing isn't it. Ancient technology still utilized in modern development. The weapons in Final Fantasy have always had a mystique about them be it their design or their abilities. Some can be imbued with magic, while others already have elemental properties that improve the strengths of the character.

You gotta love it.
Sorry dudes.. I sort of gave up on Final Fantasy Forums because i felt that we sort of lacked any focus on serious discussion about FINAL FANTASY but im pleased to see that this thread got one going..
Regarding what TRXD says: It is Absolute that FFVXIII will occur before during or after FFXIII, however this is absolutely irrelevent unless SE changed their minds about the way they drew out Novus Crystallis.. The Games are to be treated as seperate entities surronded by common mythos.. therefore you wont see common characters or settings etc. That being said my oppinion is that i don't see how SE can possibly tie-up loose ends from a story in one universe with a story in another. However if they pull that off SE has definately been holding out on us fans because that would take some alluring complexity rivaling the concept of "Time".

To Raikyo: The reason I think they you swords in futuristic settings is simply because the sword is a beautiful and artistic weapon with endless possibilities visually whether it be in its design or how it is swung around. Also the sword is an extermely powerful weapon.. If you were to shoot a bullet at the blade of a sword it wouldn't penetrate.. in fact it would deflect. So on paper the sword is a much more powerful weapon then a handgun, however an immense amount of ability is required in order to effectively combat against a handgun, impossible to humans. So as a developer, if you are imagining characters with endless abilities, why not make him able to wield a sword far better then any human can and be able to combat anything.. this is just what i think. mostly because of the visual versatility.

and sipher gainsborough you nearly brought me to tears with your info.. I agree completely with the fact that the media would view him badly if he was in a sort of bad "Yakuza"-esque group.. but what confuses me is that at first when you mentioned that he was a part of a dynasty that is protecting the crystal from mauraders makes his actions noble and easily percieved as justifiable.. but then you mention the yakuza-like family and that doesn't seem to fit the picture because the mafia does things like money laundering, illegal gambling, and basically cheap scams that attached with violence makes them bad through and through.. attaching "The Prince's" family to such an organization is saying a lot.. and i dunno what more im trying to come across here besides the fact that defending the crystal being his duty.. and belonging in a family comparable to the jap mafia is odd.. where did you get this info btw... maybe it has more details
Thanks bro.. im just a little off on keeping up with the latest updates because of loss of passion.. anyways unfortunately their isn't any further info about it.. just wat was already said..
Storm... Storm?
I suppose the flurry of swords
and weaponry at his disposal
Storm seems befitting, but
he's no X-Men.

I'm hoping this is just rumor,
and nothing close to confirmation.

don't get me started with that name. PLEASE!! All I will say is that that name is absolutely a fan made rumor and that is has no hint of truth to it mark my words.
Don't get me wrong I have no quarrels with the name at all.. however it angers me to no end when people are misinformed. because of one ignorant guy saying "Hey his name could be storm 0.o look at his hair.. all the name cliches from older final fantasy titles it must be true." now so many people believe it to be fact or valid rumor. ugh

o and how did you get your text justified centre?