The Perfect save file?


Jun 4, 2009
Well what does it mean to have the perfect save file? Just wanna hear your opinion :-) And please state your currect stats in the game :-)

Well suitable enough i can start out.. All of my Characters have max stats, which means 255 strengh, agility and so on.. all of my Aeons have max stats except of evasion and luck (how the hell am i gonna max thiese out? I have no more spave in Yunas sphere grid :-S) and i have 99 of alle the items in that i currently have... oh and i also have all of my characters ultimate weapons all maxed out with the sigils and so on.. so if i did forget somthing then just ask :-)
The perfect save file is a file with virtually every thing the game has to offer to you.ALL aeons,the best weapons, best magic, all the sphere grid stat increases, the list goes on and on
Maxing aeons Evasion? Fight Kottos, use Speed Distillers, use the speed spheres you get (40 per battle) to raise them through the Aeons menu. As for Luck... if Yuna has 255, so should all the aeons. If not, get ready to fight Earth Eater a few thousand times.

Anyway, other people have different definitions, but I would consider a perfect save file to have this:
Maxed stats and abilities on all characters (999 MP is sufficient, HP should be as high as possible once all other maximums are reached)
Maxed stats and abilities on all aeons (99999 HP, 9999 MP, 255 other stats, including Yojimbo's MP)
Everyone has ultimate weapons
Everyone has BDL, Magic Booster, One MP Cost, Magic+20% weapon
Everyone has Auto-Protect, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Haste, Ribbon armour (or another non-BHPL ultimate armour of your choice)
Everyone has Break HP Limit, Auto-Protect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen armour (or another BHPL ultimate armour of your choice)
You have a No Encounters /weapon/ for someone (this is a glitch weapon that you have one chance to get, and it is not hard to do so, but it can be permanently missed)
You have a Magic Counter armour for Tidus (this is also a glitch armour which is easy to get, and it too can be permanently missed)
99 of every item (exception: if you have the american version, you can only get 10 Master Spheres, not 99)
Omega Weapon, Nemesis and Penance all defeated without Zanmato or Doom (as well as everything you have to fight to unlock them also being beaten without Zanmato or Doom)
Optional: All Blitzball players, or at least your entire team, at level 99

It really depends how "perfect" you want it to be though. You could settle for max stats and everything beaten, or you could go further.
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It's my one precious file that I'm trying to 100% I almost saved over it last night my heart was in my mouth. I call it my 100% file but its same shit; different name. The one that I'm trying to od absolutely everything on, although Ive jsut started a new '100% file' so I can meticulously manage my sphere grid. My other 100% file is all pretty much maxed out, I only have that pesky Yojimbo to beat (missed his fith form) and Penance but that file has been going on for too long now, so I just thought I'd restart and make uber equipment and be abit more organised. taht was also liek my 2nd play through so althogh its pretty much's a bit shabby :wacky:

edit* forgot my stats

My new perfect file is new, so il list the others

All Celestial Weapons/overdrives obtained

All stats maxed for Auron, Yuna, Wakka, Tidu & Rikku bar luck, hp somewhere about 30k for those

Khimari & Lulu kinda got left behind, they WERE close to maxing, but becasue I went on a sphere clearing mission and replacing them with other nodes they wemnt down and I never reboosted them

Hrmm, all Monster creations defeated and Most dark aeons bar Yojimbo (-__-) and Penance Obv

However, I beat Magus Sisters with Zanmato, so I created a new file so I can beat them the 'proper way' so technically I have those to go too
I only have that pesky Yojimbo to beat (missed his fith form)
You can't miss the fifth, unless you go backwards. You probably missed the third.

However, I beat Magus Sisters with Zanmato, so I created a new file so I can beat them the 'proper way' so technically I have those to go too
Try fighting them seperately if they're too hard together, although my advice is just throw on Auto-Phoenix and Quick Hit them to death - focus on Cindy first (yes, her HP is the highest, but her evasion is by far the lowest), then Sandy. Take out Mindy last, you may need to use overdrives for her as they never miss (Accuracy won't help, but if your luck is at least 208 you'll never miss).
I tried that, I just got my arse handed to me, although I tried taking Mindy (whichever the wasp one is, i confuse their names) first, and she kept evading my attacks -__- So I might try taking the fat one out first next time I attempt to take them down, I still have that file safe aswel as the one I zanmato'd them on, so I might have a crack and see how I get on, unless anyone of them can inflict stone *grumbles about poisonproof* (Im NOT going to get over my epic fail on that ANY time soon ¬.¬)