The Perpetual Twilight - Sign up & Discussion

True enough. And furthermore, I'm sure the 'Dark Side' wouldn't mind more members. The more 'Bad Guys' there is, the more the story can expand, i guess.. (Twist and turns from encounters, I'm guessing.)
Prophet, why are you posting, I don't see your char approved anywhere, or is it just me?
He's approved, he needs to post his bio here though <_< Prophet, post your bio here silleh! xD
Then it was sort of my bad. Assuming that he was not accepted.
It was not just hat his bio was not there, it was that he was not mentioned in the first post.

Ill stop pseudo modding nao ^^
sowwie ^^
Lil Foxy... You don't have to say sorry, you did a mistake that's all...

Is the Rp on yet? If so, Nel could you update the list of chars at your first post here?
Actually, I've already posted here. On Page 3, last post. Seems no one noticed it.. Perhaps thats why no one seemed to show any sign of realization of the presence of the great ole Dark General..
Actually, I've already posted here. On Page 3, last post. Seems no one noticed it.. Perhaps thats why no one seemed to show any sign of realization of the presence of the great ole Dark General..

I, for one, noticed. I'm glade to have a Dark General finally show up. :wacky:

At any rate, I made my first post. Hopefully we can get this thing started right. Perhaps that Royal Necromancer is the other person standing behind me... :gasp:
Olawl, Sorry Prophet, so you did <3

Rage, Darkness isn't open... How many times need I state this? And only Solstice has an evolving Element due to a plot twist RIGHT AT THE END... Fix it please.

Lestat, That's better ;3 Not quite sure how your history fits in with being a Winged One, but I guess I'll approve so you can join the RP. Can't really be a hypocrite when I haven't finished my own history yet =\
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Vik said I should post my character he so here goes.

Name: Linet Harte
Age: 18
: Winged One

Gender: Male
: A two handed great sword that is strapped onto his back.

: Assassin

: Prince Loyalist

: Lightning

Ability: Lightning strike

Description: Linet is about 6 feet tall with a very average build. His strength is only matched by his determination. He wears a hooded cloak that goes all the way down to his boots. Underneath his cloak is a suit of armor that has been passed down in his family for generations, yet it never loses its shine or gets a single stain of blood on it. As for his wings, they black as the night and when you see them you better hope that the direction they are moving is not towards you because it will be the last thing you see.

Personality: Linet is loyal to the prince because of an realization that sooner or later the dark forced of Umbra will come venturing toward Precipia. He knows that if the Evil King is not stopped then there will be no future to look forward too.

Born in Precipia he at first knew almost nothing about the human race that live just a continent away. But as soon as his studies began he couldn't wait until he meet and serve these great people. At the age of six is when he understood that world can be cruel, and not very fair.

As him and his father Gilbert Harte were traveling in the wood close to the borders of Crystair a band theives and murderers where counting there latest spoils of a local town. When Gilbert and his son stumbled onto them they didnt know that they had a wizard with them that had detected them long before they knew they were there. So as they peered onto there encampment two theives snuck up and knocked them both out. They awoke to hundreds of theives and scoundrels looking at them with evil eyes and amazement. As there wizard leader walked out of his tent Gilbert whispered to his son to close his eyes as tight as he can and dont open them until he tells him too. As soon a Linet closed his eyes he felt the ropes that held him loosen, then he started to hear screaming and magical spells being used. After what seemed like a lifetime he felt his fathers familar touch and he whispered "You can open your eyes now son". As he did the first thing he remembered was the blood and the amount of it, he didnt think that there was this much blood in a human. As he started to get up he heard a unusual noise. And then he saw what had made the noise, it was his father dropping his sword. He layed up against a tree with an arrow in his shoulder and another in his leg, and there was a growing stain of dark red blood around his stomach. As he ran over to his father he worried that this would be the last time he would ever talk to his father again.

"My son, I will soon leave the land of the living and go into the spirit world with your mother. I want you to know something that I will always love you, and that I know you will become a great assassin like all of the Harte bloodline has been." He then struggled greatly as he grip his great sword Durendal. "Take this sword, use it only for the light. Never for dark. And never forget that with this sword you will never be alone, with this sword the Harte bloodline will always be with you." He looked into his sons eyes and smile then silently passed into the spirit world. As Linet looked up his fathers dead body he vowed that he would study to become the greatest assassin that Precipia has ever seen, that he would always be there when the dark needs to be brightened with the light.

So he learned and studied and became an assassin of great power. And at his 17th birthday he took up his fathers sword and armor and went on the quest that he vowed to do. He has been watching the land of Crystair closely and sees the Prince will soon be in dire need of bodyguards. So he sits and waits for the oppertune time to approach him and offer his undying loyalty to the crown and the light.

Whew I hope that is good, my first try at an RP.;))
Name: Dante Allegori

Sex: Male

Dante is subject to 'time' but is consequentially, unaltered by its effects.

Hair color: Silver, almost white.

Eye color: Wine Red.


Class: Knight of the Old Empire

Attire: A burgundy tunic made up of a softer-than-silk fabric that has in it, a chain-mail shirt sown to the inside. The chain-mail is made up of tiny rings that bind the armor together. The metal used is a forgotten ore mined from the Far East. It glistens, yet, the facade is dark colored. Two gauntlets cover his hands; however, only one is attached to molded metal ore that shapes his right arm. Inside are many gears and screws, and also pins. The left hand is just a gauntlet of a Cestus covering a human appearing hand with a strange symbol seemingly craved into its surface. The leather wrappings wrap up his left arm in a spiral manner.

Weapon: Dante has a Long-sword and a Claymore as well as his bare hands. The long-sword is comprised of inlaid gold with silver plate covering the same metal that cocoons his right body limb. The pommel forges a jutting lion’s head with the contours around it form the mane. The hilt is slightly bent to adhere to the hands ability to swing the blade, resulting in a deadly adding of force placed upon the fore of the blade’s edge; it is a sword specialized for sweeping and cutting motions.

The Claymore is a massive weapon. The length, in which it extends, is almost as tall as Dante himself. The blade glimmers eerily beneath the light of the sun or moon equally, radiating an almost bluish hue. Across guard that consisted of two downward-curving arms and two large, round, concave plates that protected the fore grip

Abilities: While Dante is by no means an expert on magick, he can however, use forms of psychokinetic power seemingly based upon the planets natural elements. He is still but an apprentice of his race’s natural talents, and therefore can not call upon the more devastating abilities his people once called upon. He can combine the two for a more destructive use, but it takes a great deal of time and energy and leaves him vulnerable for a period.

The natural elements that he can call in low levels are;


His race of people is far more resistant to disease and sickness than regular humans. Resistant, but not immune. His healing rate is twice that of humans, however, damaging wounds still carry the burden of new and unused muscle that often causes intense pain. He is still mortal in every way, but one. His race has evolved to a level which prolongs their longevity; only by means of time can they not expire.

History: Dante was a knight that protected the elder council. His people had evolved from simple beings into creatures of both, enlightenment and peace. In spite of this culturally sound civilization, there came an enemy that lurked within. When the spider sprang its trap, all turned to dust. During the Great Onslaught, Dante lost his right arm and leg to a great beast Fenrir of the Ragnarok. Having to sacrifice it so the elder council may live, it was only later that he learned it had been them all along. Cast out and shamed, he wandered in search of a way to rebuild and renew his people’s status.
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Character template, first page, use it.

And I don't get how your history fits into this world... at all...

One element.

-points to first page;-

Lone_Jedi, Winged Ones are typically evil, but we'll figure something out for Solstice and Linet... aka, so she won't kill him and what not XD <3

Rage, what side is your guy playing for? o_O Cos he seems dark yet you've put good. :confused:
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I just wanted to check up on that before I put you on the accepted list, that's all. Hokay, off you pop. :gasp: xD
As Kal is alone ATM, if anyone want an encounter, or someone to RP with you so you can post more often.
Drop me a line (PM or in this topic), and Ill see what I can do. ^^
Dam. Mah post became voidless. Nvm bout that now...

Red, wanna do an "accidential encounter"? Need to rp with some1 atm.
Dam. Mah post became voidless. Nvm bout that now...

Red, wanna do an "accidential encounter"? Need to rp with some1 atm.

2 things.

1: Dont call me Red, use one of hte following names;: Red Fox, RF, Fox

2: Sure thing, Id be glad to.
I just added you to MSN, if there is some details you need, or visa versa.
Name: John Batistuta
Age: 18
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Weapon: Crux Staff (includes a Knife attachment to serve as a Dragoon role)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Appearance: Standing at 5'7", John is a skinny young man who has engaged in average cardio excersices. He is quick with his staff and has limited expertice in certain martial arts, however never uses them. He is equipped with the standard Dragoon armor but without the helmet. He is nicknamed "The Southern Cross" due to his kingdom being in the southernmost part of the continent, where the constellation Crux can be seen in the night sky.
Personality: John is proud of his country, both the kingdom he was born in and the kingdom he was raised. He is however worried about his soldiers and wishes the best for all of them. He strives to avhieve his goals first and foremost.
Class: Stickmaster/ Dragoon
Position: Prince Loyalist
Element: Wind
Starting Ability: Wind Slash (Uses his Naginata staff to conjure waves of Air that can slice through rock, metal and bone)
History: Born in the Kingdom of San Memoria (flag pictured in link), but raised in Crystair, John grew up with stories of his parents hometown. San Memoria was a nation friendly to Crystair, but it fell almost as simaltaneously as when Crystair fell in the Umbran invasion. At the time of the invasion, his parents were brutally murdered in the attack, but not before telling him that he was not really their son. These recent events forced him to walk a different path than he envisioned. Though he manage to escape, he now must find out the truth, behind the war, his parents decision, and how to liberate the two kingdoms before darkness conquers the realms.

(NOTE: I dunno if I'm allowed to add my own kingdom.)
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There's a few sections you missed that are kind of important if you wouldn't mind completing.

It's fine to create your own kingdom so long as you know it all takes place in Crystair/Umbra/Precipia.

Lengthen history somewhat
