The Promised Land

Lunatic Higher

ShinRa Guard
Apr 5, 2007
New York
The Promised Land- a land filled with mako, supposedly a land of supreme happiness that only the Cetra can lead to. What do you think that the Promised Land is, a physical place, or maybe even a mental state when you complete all you wanted to in life, maybe even where you go after you die? I have a few thoughts on this.
One of these is, maybe the Promised Land is the planet itself. Maybe the reason that only the Cetra can lead people there, is because it's only the Cetra who can save it. When meteor was summoned, Aeris mentioned that she was the only one who could do it, because she had the link between people and the planet- Holy. If it IS the planet, then maybe the people just needed their eyes to be open, to become aware of their planet.
Something else I've been thinking about is, maybe only the Cetra can find and stay at the Promised Land. Since when something dies, its spirit energy returns to the planet, it can't really be a heaven-type place for humans that is... but did Aeris ever return to the planet? We see her at the end of the game, is seems that she stays with the team throughout it to help them out. Maybe a Cetra finds their promised land after they complete their mission for the planet, as a reward, since they were produced by the planet. I think maybe, its finding peace within one's self.
I have a lot more to say, but I think I may be boring you with this post, so, maybe more later.
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I have the feeling that it's becoming at peace with yourself. Not really much more to say than that as i never really thought about it. I was much more concerned with killing Sephiroth and if Aeris's spirit hanging around helped with that then so be it.
The cetra's promise land is the lifestream.

Sephiroth's promise land was the crator that Jenova caused.
i think that the promised land is a place where people go instead of the lifestream when they have acheived something incerdible in life. for example aries was a cetra. she was part of an ancient civilisation that was lost in history. being the only one se had acheived something great therefor she went to the promised land instead of the lifestream. sepiroth belived he would go because he was part cetra and a great warrior. thats why i think when people like cloud will die he will go to the promised land because he saved the planet, but people who just go out and live thier and dont acheive anything great will just go into the lifestream.
Ok i have a theory on the promised land, its the lifestream - but its unique to each person - its the place where they can find supreme happiness, like for the shinra it would be a place full of mako because that would bring them supreme happiness, while Aeriths promised land is the flowerfield where she can meet Cloud - that brings her supreme happiness too ^_^

so i think my theory of Promised land = Lifestream is correct...ish
The way I view The Promised Land, Is kind of like how I view Nirvana.

It is more of a state of mind. Happiness, enlightened, free from suffering. There is no Heaven and Hell reference at all in the Final Fantasy world, and when someone dies in Gaia, their body is reunited with the earth, and they are reborn.
The cetra priestess Areris.

The promissed land is actuly the place where Areris when in mental form after her body was destroyed. But the resin she didn't return to the planet isn't what Cloud witch was that she had a strong memory holding her from the life stream it was because she was a cetra priestess and not just any priestess. her mother Alfana was the hight priestess and was waching over the planet even when she died she was trianing Areris giding her to the right path teaching her about her heritag as a pristess until she was fuly triand as a priestess. And that's how the priestesses live they can only die once there is anouther fuly trained priestess to take there place. And they had defenders like Cloud and Zake who where also unabile to die until there priestess die's to but it's not simple as it sounds its all part of the planets way of working. And that reminds me I dont know if you've seen advent children but both Zake and Areris show up at least once in the movie so there's a clue to where it all comes together. But this is only my first post I have much more than that so I'll make more later.

The promised land is a place of supream hapyness yes but there is one thing that makes the promised land and the life stream and the farplain. when Tifa and Cloud fell into the life stream they found them selves in the farplain thats why Cloud and Tifa's memoris mixed and intertwined the way they did but the farplain is only anouther dimention that exists manly in the life stream but the promised land is two things one a place for the cetra to hid from the most dangerus foe's when they have lost there bodys and two a place where the grait woriers of the planet restthe one place there battels are finaly truely over. But there spiret energy returns to the planet as doe's everyone elses spiret energy but the place showen at the end of final fantasy 7 advent childrean is Areris's personal place in the farplain witch she is destand to shear with Cloud when the time comes. But when someone returns to the planet there heart and mind go to the farplain but they reapear when someone sumons them to the farplain but to talk to them and have them talk back they must conect with there heart. And that's my pheory on it all at least.
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I agree with Link21. I always thought of the Promised Land as being the absolute mental state of peacefulness. But that goes with what jmcgrath was saying, in that it's where she is in mental form, as the mind is only place you can really experience something like that.
Im just thinking it was the life stream, and sence they say that only the cetras can lead you there.... does that mean the Cetras were going to kill everyone? I mean i know they werent, but if your spirit returns to the lifestream once you die....

Idk, just something to think about.
I thought that the promised land and the lifestream were one in the same.'d have to die to reach it. In other words...Sephiroth did find the promised land since he traveled the lifestream and whatnot. o.0
I agree with Link21. I always thought of the Promised Land as being the absolute mental state of peacefulness. But that goes with what jmcgrath was saying, in that it's where she is in mental form, as the mind is only place you can really experience something like that.

It is posible to expiriance such things since the brain is just a extreamly advanced computer and our body's are extreamly advanced machiens so its posible to go to places like the promised land in mental form if your body is dead and Areis knew this as well and many other things so she is very much able to use this to her aadvantage. I think that this should be looked into more since Shelk Rowee was able to preform SND's in final fantasy 7 dirge of cerberus.