The Secret Boss?


Jun 6, 2006
I heard on another topic this guy was "Enuo" or something. I've played the original, but I don't get this guy since I cannot read Japanese.

What I really want to know is what his attacks and stuff are. What is he like? What are his stats if you can give them?
You could get it translated by getting a patch from Zophar's Domain (dont worry it's not a rom site, it only provides patches) and here are his stats. There isint a boss named Enuo but there are 2 optional bosses called Shinryu and Necrophobe.
This is Necrophobe - Necrofobia.gif
and this is shinryu - Shinryuu.gif
So heres the stats for both.
Sorry but i hate giving out spoilers.... if you want uncensored version just pm me
Location: Final Area Chest, N-Zone
Boss : Shinryu
Level : 97
HP : 55500

Info :

- Regular patk - 3000-5000 dmg, can use 2x per turn, single
- Tidal Wave - 8300+ dmg , all
- Lightning - 800-1000+ dmg, all
- Snowstorm - 2500-5000+ dmg, all
- Poison Breath- 500- 600 dmg, poisons, all
- Maelstrom - critical HP , all
- Atomic Ray - , all
- Demon's Eye - petrifies , single
- Roulette - instant death , all, random
- L2 Old - Old to L2's , all
- L3 Flare - Flare to L3's , all
- Guardian - protect, shell and float, self

Weakness: n/a
Win : Dragon Seal
My Level: 43

-+- Normal way to beat it:

This guy will always have the initiative and use 'Tidal Wave' so don't
forget to equip your party with 'Coral Rings'. I think he's possible to
beat without 'Flying Dragon Lances', but you gotta need a high level.
Since I doubt you have a high level, we have to resort into using the
RARE 'Flying Dragon Lance' that you can steal from the RARE Crystal
Dragon. Master your Thief, Lancer and Ninja for your two warriors. Now,
use the Bare class. Assign 'Equip Lance' and 'Jump' as their abilities
and equip 2 'Flying Dragon Lance's to each of them. The other two should
master Thief, Summoner and Red Mage. Use the Bare class and assign the
'Summon' and 'X-Magic' abilities. Equip any relics that will increase
their Magic rating. If you think about using any other jobs because you
want ABP, don't worry.... he doesn't give any ABP. If you have the same
level as my party, you'll be very fine. Your battle should go like this:

Shinryu - Tidal Wave
(Party absorbs it because of Coral Rings)
Reina - X-Magic--> Summon--> Bahamut 2x (3300 damage each)
Krile - X-Magic--> Summon--> Bahamut 2x (3300 damage each)
Butz - Jump
Faris - Jump
Shinryu - random attack (Hope he'll use patk, any of his level spells
or 'Maelstorm'. If not, you're toast).
Reina/Krile - X-Magic--> Summon--> Bahamut 2x (3300 damage each)
Butz - 9800+ damage x2
Faris - 9800+ damage x2 (Shinryu's dead!)

NOTE: If both of your Summoners failed to 'X-Magic Bahamut' for the 2nd
time, Shinryu will not die after your second Dragoon. Hope he will
not use any of his killer moves and try your luck to 'Jump' or
'X-Magic' again to finish him.

-+- Easy Way to beat it:

Have a Lancer with the '2-Hand' ability of the Ninja and equip them with
'Flying Dragon Lances'. That's 8 Dragon Lances all in all! It's quite
hard to to steal all those lances, but you need it if you want this boss
to be a push over. I think, easy way don't come easy all the time :(

Once he uses 'Tidal Wave', immediately let everyone in your party
'Jump'. After that, he'll be dead :)
Location: Final Area, N-Zone
Boss : Necrophobe
Barrier (x4)
Level : 66
HP : 44044

Info :

Necrophobe (Barrier on)
- Auto-Reflect

Necrophbe (Barrier off)
- Regular patk - 600-700 dmg , can use 2x per turn,
random 'Doom', single
- Vacuum Wave - 300-1000+ dmg, constant HP loss , single
- Flash - blinds , single
- Hurricane - critical HP , all, random

Barrier (x4)
- Flare - 1000+ dmg, single
- Holy - 1000+ dmg, single
- Fire3 - 1200+ dmg, single
- 300-900 dmg, all
- Ice3 - 1200+ dmg, single
- 300-900 dmg, all
- Bolt3 - 1200+ dmg, single
- 300-900 dmg, all
- Auto-Reflect

Weakness: n/a
Win : Save Point
STEAL!!!: Genji Armor (Gilgy)
My Level: 43

-+- Normal way to beat him:

This guy can be quite nasty with your party. He has 4 Barriers that
will prevent you from doing any damage to him. At the start of the fight
the Barriers will cast Flare and/or Holy to all party members so 'Cure3'
immediately. Summon 'Bahamut' 3 times to destroy the Barriers. With the
Barriers gone, you can deal damage to Necrophobe now, however, he is
capable of trashing you with his quick attacks if 'Golem' is not on.
Summons are still effective, especially 'Leviathan', which is capable of
dealing up to 6300+ damage! If you want to get the 'Genji Armor', don't
kill Necrophobe or else, Gilgamesh will not appear and you won't see his
heroic deed!

-+- Easy Way to beat him:

Have a Sorcerer with the 'Shot' (X-Fight) ability and cast 'Break' on
your blade. All Barriers are susceptible to 'Break' so if your Sorcerer
will hit them, they're dead for good! You have 4 chances to hit them
with 'Shot'. Now that the annoying Barriers are off, cast 'Holy' on
your Sorcerer (I find it far more effective than 'Flare' sword) to deal
some good damage... and don't forget about Leviathan! Beating him will
net you the "Final Save Point" in the game.
Hope that helps ;)
FFV: Advance/ general FFV plot spoilers:

Enuo is the secret boss at the end of the optional dungeon in FFV: Advance, in addition to being an antagonistic entity that was mentioned briefly in the original game as the creator of "Void".

As for his stats, NFI. Probably something seemingly intense, yet in actuality rather lame due to a myriad of game breaking in-game bugs like in FFIV: Advance.