Fan Fiction The SeeDs

WOAH, the mods new theme appears to be summons, thats actually quite a good idea, although nobody i have seen has gone as Odin or Bahamut. lol
:jon:Yeah I guess..................
well i think its a good idea anyway
Cerebrus hasn't been chosen either, and after taking a quick look, nomn of the bahamut forms have been chosen
Ummmm Vikki I feel like you shot me now because of 2 infraction points. Well your doing your job and think I deserve it. *Sosuke forgets about his shameless behavior*
Brothers, Cactaur, Tonberry, Eden, Bahamut, Neo Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO, Knights Of The Round, Quezacotl, Ultima, Zodiark...and a shit load of others haven't been chosen either....

Sosuke Aizen said:
Ummmm Vikki I feel like you shot me now because of 2 infraction points. Well your doing your job and think I deserve it. *Sosuke forgets about his shameless behavior*
Why d'ya keep bringing it up then? :/
i was gunna be zodiark, odin or cactuar, untill we decided on th emagus sisters :monster:
well i can't list all of the ones missing or i would have mentioned yojimbo, Anima, and Bahamut fury, i was just mentioning that a few of my 'most used summons' haven't been mentioned, although it was cool to see that three seperate people had picked the three different magus sisters, not sure if that was planned or accidental, but it was proberbly planned
It was my fault.
why are you guys complaining about having infraction points, It's not like they are anything to worry about, just dont do it again and you will be alright
Here's an advice:
Take it easy and stop complaning about those points, if you do that they'll be removed later but if you don't...You'll only get more. You're damn Aizen, the great captin from the Bleach! And you're complaning about infractions?! Everyone of us got his/her share from those damn infraction. Just take it easy dude and cheer up ;)
Alright sorry guys.