Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Can't say I give thanks for much really.... not much in my life has been much good so that is a hard question to answer...
XD that's pretty funny. My sister got married this year and it's the first time her husband has had Thanksgiving at my house... He said it's the best food he's ever eaten, then shut up so he could shove it all in his mouth.
Aww! you get a cool dad! mine rarely touches games unless the football ain't on :( can I come visit Zeria? XD and I am 6"1 btw :P

I just remembered, Julius, have you seen the HOL's offer of an alliance yet?
*books a ticket to america* XD

I wonder if I am the tallest in the SeeDs...that must be worth something :rolleyes:
:woot: hell yeah!!!!! *jumps into limo and starts playing games*

*pokes head out of window* Who wants to take on the SeeDs resident giant? :P
lol wel FFguy you got me beat as well im 5' 10" or 5' 11" not sure, (i bin measured alot recently and its in that region) lol