Fan Fiction The SeeDs

I saw someone there, and it happened to be you. I have the Mana Stones now. :monster:
Yeah, I was there to rest up after the battle I forgot I was in when I agreed to trade those to you, which is why I wasn't at Rabanastre, sorry about that...

But you've got the Mana Stones anyways, that's what counts. :monster:
Well they have 60 Def but I need to collect 15 to make one Mana somthing with 100 Def :sad:
Well, I already have a Mana Orb Armour (called Ancient Blessing), but I am not using it since it is too heavy (heck 360 weight), and it would push me really towards the max weight, and that would make me miss when attacking.
Decado likes realism. :wacky:
I guess that's an addition to the Gold version then? I myself didn't know that either.
Now I know why after Gold was installed, I kept missing those Iron Giants. :monsmash: