The Sephiroth and Shinra Massacre incident


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 15, 2007
underground O:
I just remembered this while reading someone's ff7 post about a Sephiroth clone. I am still confused as to whether it was Jenova who killed the Shinra employees in the Shinra Building(disc one). Or if it was one of the Sephiroth clones summoned by Jenova to break her free. And also why that one Sephiroth was killing the other clones in the black hoods at the reunion in disc 2. I do remember something about clones striving to beat each other and be the perfect Sephiroth. So maybe that was a clone? Or was it Jenova? I know that the "Sephiroth" you fight in disc 1 and 2 is Jenova since she always leaves behind a piece of herself. But still confused about what happend at Shinra. If it really was Jenova all that time, why didn't she break out earlier? Why did she happen to break out at the same time CLoud and the others were imprisoned?
It was Sephiroth actually. He took control of Jenova's body through sheer will after Cloud got close to the Jenova containment unit. Cloud still had some Jenova cells in him after being experimented on following the Nibelheim incident, and because of that it possibly awoke Jenova's body, or opened a connection to Sephiroth.

There is evidence though that shows that it looked like a monster did all the killing up until the point where the Shin-Ra President was killed; you see a trail of blood, plus some claw marks on a wall at some point. I think for the most part, Sephiroth and Jenova had a battle of wills, and Sephiroth managed to unlock Cloud's cell, and then by the time he got to the top of the stairs to the President's office, he had finally overcome Jenova.
It was Sephiroth actually. He took control of Jenova's body through sheer will after Cloud got close to the Jenova containment unit. Cloud still had some Jenova cells in him after being experimented on following the Nibelheim incident, and because of that it possibly awoke Jenova's body, or opened a connection to Sephiroth.

There is evidence though that shows that it looked like a monster did all the killing up until the point where the Shin-Ra President was killed; you see a trail of blood, plus some claw marks on a wall at some point. I think for the most part, Sephiroth and Jenova had a battle of wills, and Sephiroth managed to unlock Cloud's cell, and then by the time he got to the top of the stairs to the President's office, he had finally overcome Jenova.

Are you joking? Lol. Did you even play the game? Because you don't even meet the real Sephiroth until Disc 2 or 3. The entire game he was inside a Mako Crystal until Cloud releases him with the Black Materia.
Did you play the game, Dr. Porn? Because that's what happened.

Sephiroth projected his will, from the North Crater, through Jenova. Remember the "clones" in black robes that speak of Sephiroth? They were being affected by him because they too had been injected with Jenova cells.
Varys is correct in this.

Jenova's body was controlled by Sephiroth, he had Jenova break out, free Cloud and then kill the president.

I think the reason for the claw marks was a result of a slow transformation from Jenova's current from to mimicking Sephiroth's form rather then a battle of wills. As Jenova is brain dead it really doesn't have anything other then the natural instincts in it's cells.

Up until the time you see him in the crystal of mako at the northern crater every Sephiroth you see is Jenova's body copying Sephiroth's body and being controlled by his will.
It was Sephiroth actually. He took control of Jenova's body through sheer will after Cloud got close to the Jenova containment unit. Cloud still had some Jenova cells in him after being experimented on following the Nibelheim incident, and because of that it possibly awoke Jenova's body, or opened a connection to Sephiroth.

There is evidence though that shows that it looked like a monster did all the killing up until the point where the Shin-Ra President was killed; you see a trail of blood, plus some claw marks on a wall at some point. I think for the most part, Sephiroth and Jenova had a battle of wills, and Sephiroth managed to unlock Cloud's cell, and then by the time he got to the top of the stairs to the President's office, he had finally overcome Jenova.

Lol. You made it sound like he was physically there. But no I don't think Cloud had anything to do with Jenova's escape. Just because Cloud is there doesn't mean his cells somehow connected Jenova and Sephiroth. The best I've come up with is that Cloud and the other's attack on Hojo that freed Aeris and Red XIII somehow disrupted something important. And now that you mention it, I don't know understand, if Sephiroth did indeed have Jenova unlock the prison doors, why he did that. Although Cloud did hand over the Black Materia over to Jenova, Sephiroth could have used the other clones to get it and get killed instead. Also about the clones. Why was Jenova killing the clones at the reunion? Sorry about that Varys, but my misinterpretation of your comment of Sephiroth physically being there made an ass out of me :P.
Sephiroth had Jenova's body free Cloud so he could use Cloud and manipulate him for revenge.

Cloud handed the Black Materia over to Jenova's body/ Sephiroth's will at the temple because Sephiroth made him do it by controlling the Jenova cells in Cloud's body.

The clones where being killed to return their spiritual energy to the planet for Sephiroth to later absorb and free the Jenova cells in them to be reabsorbed by Jenova.
Sephiroth had Jenova's body free Cloud so he could use Cloud and manipulate him for revenge.

Cloud handed the Black Materia over to Jenova's body/ Sephiroth's will at the temple because Sephiroth made him do it by controlling the Jenova cells in Cloud's body.

The clones where being killed to return their spiritual energy to the planet for Sephiroth to later absorb and free the Jenova cells in them to be reabsorbed by Jenova.

Ahhh that makes sense why they were being killed. So I'm guessing that the Jenova Cells in Cloud's body enable Sephiroth to read his thoughts as well since Sephiroth did not immediately order Cloud to get the Black Materia after he was freed. But Sephiroth must have known that Cloud was unlike the other clones and would have become a nusance. My question is why risk freeing a threat like Cloud? And did the game actually say that the clones were being killed to add spirit energy to the Planet so Sephiroth would have more power when he absorbed the Life Stream?
Sephiroth was manipulating Cloud as an act of Revenge for him attacking and injuring him back at Nibleheim, he wanted to make Cloud suffer emotionally before he killed him so thats why he appeared before him taunting him and leading him on making Cloud give him the Black Materia and trying to make him kill Aerith.

The thing about the Clones is not outright said but I think it's the right reason due to what the game tells you about Jenova cells always trying to reunite into one, which can not be done if the cells are in human bodies separated by them.
One reason why I said that there might've been a battle of Wills was because at one point in the game Jenova says a line to the player, it's the "...because you are a puppet..." comment. I don't think she could've said that line if she was brain dead.

So whether the claw marks and the trail of blood being long as it was, it could've been one reason or the other.
Jenova is brain dead in the game no doubt about it as it is confirmed in the Ultimania Omega guide.

Anything said by Jenova is really from Sephiroth. The reason that line is credited to Jenova is because there were only the dying remains of Jenova left after the battle as the part still looking like Sephiroth had left.
It was Sephiroth actually. He took control of Jenova's body through sheer will after Cloud got close to the Jenova containment unit. Cloud still had some Jenova cells in him after being experimented on following the Nibelheim incident, and because of that it possibly awoke Jenova's body, or opened a connection to Sephiroth.

There is evidence though that shows that it looked like a monster did all the killing up until the point where the Shin-Ra President was killed; you see a trail of blood, plus some claw marks on a wall at some point. I think for the most part, Sephiroth and Jenova had a battle of wills, and Sephiroth managed to unlock Cloud's cell, and then by the time he got to the top of the stairs to the President's office, he had finally overcome Jenova.

It wasn't a monster that put the marks on the walls it was sephiroths sword slash marks.