The Shout Box

You know, I feel so much cooler when I see your avatar, then I see mine.
Yea I know it's Awesome.but ur avi iscool too man...

Yeah Squall, mine also feels like crap. That is good photo manip.
Thanks but u have a nice avatar EF..

I'm new to this spam area and have some questions. What's the point of it again? Any length of a post requirement in this...thing?
Nah...just have fun here...

I'm bored!
Really? It's fanart. Not mine, though. Of course, I doubt many people here would know who it is. XD
I dare someone to double-post.
Mwahaha. I interrupted them. I'm a very fast typer and replyer when I want to be.
NONONO see I posted in 1st I'm cool and in the 2nd I'm cooler!!Where the hell it are the D.posts?
I'm going to triple-post.

I'm better than you.
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Ah! I know what it is Squall.

If you use the Quick Reply Box, it automatically merges your posts.
I like pizza.

I hate you. you screwed it up>:(

I Like Cheese!
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I T.posted, thus making me cooler than you.:)
See? Automerge. I'll have gone when you get back Squall. See you later!

By the way, I'm adding you and Albel to my friends list. Hope you don't mind!

And I'm off to work now. *sigh* See ya later!
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It's also hilarious to lie.

But only when that person can't type for their life, and possess illusions of graduer for themselves which far exceed anything they could possibly achieve in their lifetime.

Just like the post before the last, actually. How oddly coincidental. Hysterical stuff.