The Sky Fortress Bahamut was dissapointing

Doctor Cid

Angry Scientist
Mar 18, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Warning: Spoilers abound here

Dr. Cid uses the Sun Cryst to spill forth Mist into the world to "feed" Bahamut. He even says "Let sea and sky be awash in it that Bahamut may come and drink his fill!" Later, when meeting with Al-Cid, he says that "Vayne has awoken something quite large...Bahamut, Lord of the Sky." That and the tornado that appears to want to swallow Rabanastre all made me think that Vayne and Cid had somehow called forth, I don't know, Bahamut the Dragon God-King with the obscene amount of Mist that is released from the Sun Cryst, stuck a fortress on his back, and went to town with the thing. I was not expecting that...atrocity of an airship to enter the scene. Oh, and on a side note, what was with the tornado and where did it go? It was there in one cutscene, looking for all the world like Emperor Mateus suddenly came back to life, and then it's gone with no explanation.

(gasp)...(gasp)...I feel better now.
Well, I want to answer the tornado thing, I have no idea what your talking about on the rest of your post though.

The tornado dissapeared because it was still "being summoned" or he was "just summoned" something of that sort. When it was out in the open it had no reason to hide. (which I think it could have just been "hiding" as well.) It was attacking already so why still hide, they thought it was indistructable so there is no reason to hide anymore. You might ask why hide if its indistructable well.. thats simple. they didn't want everyone just running away. He wanted an audience.
Basically, I expected the Dragon God-King Bahamut, and I got a flying tower with a really big cannon. That's it.

I did as well. and the fact that you can't beat it, and save to play again.. It would be amazing the items you could possilby get from him, as well as the exp.
The ending as a whole seemed a bit forced, like they wanted to do more but felt that the game was fine/long enough as it stood and so they just decided to end it. I really thought that the whole Bahamut thing should have been the beginning of the end, as opposed to just the end.
I wasn't too keen on Bahamut really, the design didn't say much to me about how they were taking over Rabanastre. I mean it was big enough I suppose...but it was disappointing
Eh, it was like that with all the old summons in the past games of the series really. I mean right off the bat you hear that a Tonberry is now a vehicle/ship, you discover Shiva and Ifrit to also be Airships at one point in the game.

I was a bit disappointed as well to not see a powerful MegaFlare from Bahamut but instead see him as a Sky Fortress, but that's how this game went. They gave us a break from the usualy and repetitive summons and tried something new. Ok, so it wasn't as receptive as imagined and fans were somewhat saddened by this. It's something they'll hopefully learn from and correct in future FF games.
I forget, was Bahamut the last Fortress? Lol all of them dissapointed me, they didn't vary in the slightest bit, it was the same layout for every one of them. And with the infinite guard respawn and there being like 90+ floors, it sucked!!!
Getting to Vayne was......too easy realistically-a few corridors, loops and an elevator.

It was ugly- basically a cone-like shape levitating over Rabanastre. It was no final dungeon at all- in fact the terribly long Pharos was.

In the ending, the Bahamut is left in a lake near the city- as though it's just dumped there to be a memorial or something- which makes it really underwhelming as Doctor Cid said the Bahamut is drinking the Mist of the Sun-Cryst as though it is something actually devastatingly powerful.
I thought that the Bahamut was terms of a final "dungeon". It was extremely short and not very challenging at all. The Pharos was certainly more obnoxious of an area to get through...perhaps that should have been the last challenge before the final boss. :gasp:

I'd say it was disappointing that Bahamut was not an available Esper, but then again, Espers in general were disappointing.
The Bahamut was crap, especially after all the rigmorhole just to get the damn thing to appear. A crappy fortress that you are in and out in within 5 minutes is bollocks...although after the pharos it was a heart sank when I saw it

It was abit of an anticimax though

Naff Bahamut was naff
I think that it wasn't the dramatic huge final dungeon many were hoping for, but doesn't the Pharos fill that category anyway? The Pharos was ridiculously long, challenging and epic, it would have been perfect as a final dungeon. By having the Bahamut be the final final dungeon, it let players go and complete the game anytime they wanted, without going through a huge dungeon first.
Well, I was expecting it to be an airship...fortress..whatever since so far all the airships had been summons. In truth it would have thrown me off if it HADN'T been an airship. In general I didn't like that they turned our beloved summons into airships...while the espers were cool in story terms (if you have the walkthrough they each have a whole story that goes with them) their actual use dissapointed did the actual gameplay of the bahamut.

The tornado was cool...the airship looked scary (lets admit matter how dissapointed you were with it...would you really want that thing coming towards you?) but the actual gameplay...meh. Straight forward, repetative..only mildly least it wasn't as irritating as that lighthouse/tower place...however...ifit had owuld have at least been more final dungeon like...

I agree that the ending seemed forced. I was suprised to find that I was already at the ending when it came just seemed..short...not in the amount of hours but in the amount that had happened, I was still waiting for some actual character development...something that would really connect...and right about the time it looked like that might ended...

Anyway...the bahamut entrance, meh gameplay and bad choice of name.
It was a weak final dungeon. It was kind of a relief that it was so short, but it was a wasted opportunity.