The Sphere Grid

I thought that the sphere grid was fun because once you completed one characters grid, you could have them have them learn other abilities and make them stronger. For example, Kimarhi is prone to learn other abilities from everyone, since his was in the center of the grid(I think) so I had learn Aurons abilities and made him stronger.
Right now I made Tidus the weakest person in my party upside of Lulu and Yuna. He's got 26 strength while the other attackers have somewhere in the thirties. Kimhari (i know i spelled it wrong) has 43 strength and can get overkills almost always.
I'm using the Expert one right now, it's rather easy, hence I have beat the game once before. I would rather have the lvl system, it would be much easier but of course, the sphere-grid way makes it more personal, I would say.

Never have I found it hard or challenging. ^^
I really liked the sphere grid. It was a different way to see what kind of abilities and such you were obtaining. Plus, you can direct the characters to any direction once you finished their stats.
I loved it! hard at first, but once I got the hang of it, it's the best way I think! everyone can learn ALL abilities, so there are no limits! it's great!
Did anyone else here try maxing the sphere grid by using clear spheres and putting in the appropriate other spheres in their place? I don't think it was entirely possible to completely max your stats without the use of equipment, but I do remember I started doing this and haven't finished yet and I am determined to get back to it some day and finish what I started...
I liked the Sphere grid I used the standard (easy) one on my first play through the second time and everytime after that I used the expert one it took me a while to get to grips with it but once I did it was easy and great :) I have never competed it although I got Tidus Auron and Yuna pretty far
I like the sphere grid, it's a bit long but it's good stuff. Right now my Yuna has completed it with others not far behind. But because im training for Penance I'm going back round the grid and changing all my nodes into +4 spheres so they're at there best. It is long but it has to be done.
I did like the Sphere Grid system, though it was a bit long. All in all, IMO it allowed for one of the best customizations for characters, you could make them all the same in strength and skill or customize them with different abilities.
the first time i went through the game the grid did hinder me.... but the 2nd time, i decided to get all the best atks as fast as possible. after i got quick hit fir tidus, i used the friends sphere w/ auron(aguablly the best char in the game) and got that skill for him as well. this proved helpful in mult boss fights
I completed the expert sphere grid with Yuna. Getting all the lv4 key spheres took me sooo long!