The Spirits Within [The Spirits Within] So who else wants to pretend this film never existed?

I don't think it was bad film, actually I quite liked it. It just never felt like a Final Fantasy title, it was absolutely amazing with its CGI graphics and photo-realistic characters, it just never felt like it had a Final Fantasy plot and more like one big cutscene.

Dr. Aki Ross had an amazing personality and look, the problem is the other characters never appealed to me as if they had a personality and were just bland. Although its difficult not to, you have to watch Spirits Within without trying to visualize it as a game and how a 40-50 hour RPG has fit into a two hour film.

Its still a good film, just not in a Final Fantasy aspect.
I hated it, it was crap, it didn't has anything related to Final Fantasy it was a stupid movie -__-

the detail was great and the phantoms looked awesome but it had nothing to do with final fantasy
I must admit that having an FF in its title might have dented the FF name but square did get alot out of it. It was a good move to test their new cgi graphics and stuff. It was a start and they made much improvement especially with AC
I don't want to erase this movie from memory because it wasn't a bad one. :)

I actually liked the story and the graphics (when it was released) was topnotch for that time. I even think more praise should be given to this movie, since it has received countless bashing.

It didn't have anything to do with Final Fantasy?

Well, what is Final Fantasy anyway? Each FF game has it's own story. No one can define it perfectly. Maybe the reason why Square put in the word "Final Fantasy",was because most of the FF game makers had a hand in it, therefore making it a Final Fantasy product as well.

Ah, but that's just me. :monster:
Ugh, I cant really relate that movie to Final Fantasy IMO.. =_=

I even bought the movie for PSP. >_>
Like what i posted in another topic thread, what I can say is that this film would have been a great movie if it wasn't titled "Final Fantasy"...

I agree that the graphics and animation was top-notch but most of us FF fans must have felt ripped-off when watching this movie as it has COMPLETELY nothing to do with the FF games that we love... I think because of all that not-so-good publicity, this must have affected FF:TSW's box office performance...

Btw, was Beowulf something like this film also?
Spirits Within should not be shunned and pushed aside just because of it not having any relations to any final fantasy games. As others have said, it is a final fantasy in almost every way; a different fantasy story like all the other ff.

I found the story to be intriguing and interesting. But I do wished that Square Enix added more background to the characters/setting...

Nonetheless, this isn't a movie I would forget.
Just because you haters don't like it because it was not tied to any of the final fantasy movies does not make it a bad movie. You have to take it for what it is. It had an original plot and it had really good characters. It is one of my favorite CG movies of all times. Yeah it had nothing to do with any of the final fantasy movie. So what you want to fight about it? I have to give this movie its props because I loved the story line and the whole gia thing as well. The world was thought out really well and the fact that there were no real villians in this movie except for maybe the aliens that were attacking the humans because even though he was against the main character and thought what she was doing was pointless. He had his own reasons for letting the monsters into the city so as to force their hand to use his huge weapon in space. Even though it was not a good idea and he realized it at the end. He was not a bad guy because he wanted revenge because of the death of his wife and kid. ^_^;;;; i would say his name but i forgot what his name was. All in all i think it was a great movie and all you haters of this movie should just appreciate it for what it was instead of holding the FF name over its head like a noose.
Just because you haters don't like it because it was not tied to any of the final fantasy movies does not make it a bad movie. You have to take it for what it is. It had an original plot and it had really good characters. It is one of my favorite CG movies of all times. Yeah it had nothing to do with any of the final fantasy movie.


All in all i think it was a great movie and all you haters of this movie should just appreciate it for what it was instead of holding the FF name over its head like a noose.

Amen, in a nuthshell, most people have their gripe due to the title. The movie itself was amazing. The title isn't as important as the content so most of the criticism is unfounded.

As I have mentioned earlier in the thread there are strong links with general Final Fantasy themes. There are only a few final fantasy ingredients missing from TSW, namely magic and sword use.

I doubt the essence of Final Fantasy's success comes down to flashy magic and shiny swords.
I forced a bunch of friends to go to the theater with me to see this...non of em had played a Final Fantasy game but I promised them that it would be great...
I think that is one of the main reasons I left disappointed...because I was embarrassed that I had forced them to go see it.
But after it came out on DVD and I got to watch it on my own at home, I finally got the chance to respect it for what it is. Sure it pretty much has nothing to do with any FF game, but as a whole the movie wasn't bad. I even liked the song at the ending for it.
Overall, I just had to give it a second chance to like it. Doesn't say to much for the movie if I had to watch it more then once to like it...but it at least means it isn't HORRIBLE in my eyes.
I loved this film, I will NOT forget it, but I agree with some others that it shouldn't be called Final Fantasy because there are no swords or magic. I still love it though.
I agree with most of u guys here... The movie would have been more "pleasant" for us FF fans if it did not have the "Final Fantasy" in its title...

Without a doubt, this is one of the most realistic CGI-based movies i've ever seen... It's hard to believe that characters like Aki Ross and Gray Edwards are actually computer graphics, considering the very human-like appearances!
i think the movie was more of a shwo off as of what square was able to do with technology then.. notice the girl in the movie looks alot like yuna. and after that movie came out look at teh graphical leap made with final fanatsy i think square really didn't care much about making ita good movie as they did as a show off point.

plus it was made in the united states, it wasn't liek advent children. made over there then subbed for here.
its not a bad movie just its not tied directly to a final i think its sweet. i think imma rent it and watch it again
I really liked it personally, great CG and storyline. I need to watch it again soon, it's been a long time.
Personally this film didn't appeal to me, mainly because sci-fi shiz isn't my cup of tea, I have only watched it once, never again.

Fair play the graphics were good for CGI, but it lacked that something, the fantasy part I suppose, as a film, it's ok but just not for me. They shouldn't have titled it Final Fantasy in my opinion.
In terms of the story, I find it very FF alike.

Great voice acting, impressive visually and fun to watch.

I think it's a pretty decent movie. AC wipes the floor with it however, but it's still a pretty good film.