The Stupid Things We Do


the perfect Nobody
Jul 25, 2006
Many people make stupid mistakes, some learn from them and others do not. tell us about some of those mistakes that you made.
I'll go first.

Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to never play with scissors. well I had to learn that the hard way. when I was 3 I felt like useing the sharpest pair of scissors we had to cut up a web made out of yarn. I was having a little too much fun, and ended up stabbing myself in the leg.
I'll move this to Costa as it seems more appropriate there. ;)

Anyway, I've made a lot of mistakes too. Some are serious, some are not-so-serious. Overall though, I did learn a lesson or two from all those stupid mistakes.

I'd rather not go into details though as they are more personal. However, if I can think of non-serious ones, I may add it later.
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I don't know if I would call mine mistakes because I'm kinda seeing them as just the way my life goes. There is one real mistake that I've made that I wish I never would have, and that would have been going to NYU for my first year at university. It actually set me back a whole year and it was a waste of $30,000 since none of my credits transfered and I had to drop out.
I spent a year and a half pursuing a teaching career. Just recently, I decided that I didn't want to teach. 1.5 years and a $10,000 loan I have to pay back. That's about all I got from it.

It'd be great if I decided earlier that teaching wasn't my thing. Esh...
Mistakes, the greatest teachers we've ever had.

I can't name a single one, as I believe my life to be a convoluted cavalcade of mistakes; and it is swell. I enjoy the paranoia and wisdom which comes with.
Perfection does not exist for a reason, I feel ALIVE.

Also, too lazy to reminisce over any specific anecdote which usually involves opening up old wounds-snot down my breasts, yay.
The only thing that I could think of thats not to personal would have to be trying to hide my first piercing from my parents. lol It didn't work and my lip got a mean infection. It was gross and I had to get the piercing out. All that money wasted for nothing >_<
^^ lol, my mum noticed my new peircing the other day

Oh god, im the QUEEN of stupidity......theres the little ones like falling over (alot) Then theres getting so drunk I dont know what iv been up too

And the ones i really don't care to mention.....because im a pillock......and no, sometimes i don't learn from my mistakes

I stupidly fell off a house once.....I can safely say I learnt from that one..

I got drunk at a young age......I learnt from that aswel......i was so ill I didnt touch alcohol for 3 years after that.....& im still pretty wary of cider
I overdrafted my account once. They charged me 35 bucks and i didn't know. Next day I put in money and spent it all over the next week. Food, gas, all that good stuff. But see I though I had 35 bucks more then what i had in there. By the time I got the overdraft notice (a week after I overdrafted...) I had spent over my limit and overdrafted about 3-4 times. All on small like 2 dollar stuff too. Each overdraft was 35 more dollars.

It blew.
Ah I just remembered when I had too move back to my mums because I ran up a huge phone bill because I was playing to much PSO.....I tell you, 1p a minuite soon adds up.......

I had to get a bank loan because I neglected my rent in favour of online gaming D:

That was afew years ago tho and now broadband is much cheaper woohoo (thank god)