The Summon left in the shadows


I'm nothing but a beast
Feb 6, 2007
Everybody has an Aeon on FFX that they never use unless in an emegency when all the other Aeons are KO'd or have been Banished.

I'd think the most common one would be Valefor after it becomes pretty much useless after you "earn" Ifrit.

So...that was mine but what was yours?
Actually, I never like to use elementals at all. After I aquire Bahamut, Anima, & the Magus Sisters, I dont use any other Aeon, except maybe a high level Valefor after he's been upgraded and taught more magic.
my most commonly used Aeon was the magus sisters - unlike most people they always seemed to obey me - plus by the end of the game they were all taking off 99999 with each attack - so passado was like instant death to everything ^_^ Anima coming in at a close second - with bahamut only used in extreme emergencys because later on you rarely needed to even use the aeons anyway.

But Valefor should get a special mention from me - before i battled seymour Omnis his overdrive was taking off 40000 each time ^_^
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Basically Yojimbo for me since ya had to pay him to use, but that was early on. I LOVE his entry style and his overall appearance. I just used him less than the rest unless it was for sacrificial reasons.
i have to say that i used shiva the least, it wasn't as much that i didn't like using her but compared to the others, she came in last.

my most used was probably bahamut, i love his overdrives and the fact that he could hit multiple enemies
The Magus Sisters were my last resort. Summons that argue with you. That's what I want. I'd rather spend 50 more hours getting every other summon up to 255 strength than bother with those pains in the ass.

Me: "Fight!"
The Fat One: "Go f*ck yourself"
Me: "Do as you Please"
The Small One: "I'm painting my toenails"
*Fat one dies*
LOL they're deffinately the most annoying Aeons but I NEVER use Valefor, my most used Aeons are:

1. Ifrit
2. Shiva
3. Bahamut
4. Anima
5. Magus Sisters
6. Ixion
7. Yojimbo
8. Valefor

I think Elementals are the best because you can Cure them using their own Element.
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I think Elementals are the best because you can Cure them using their own Element.

Amen to that. Busta and I were playing the other day and we were about to go see Operation Mi'hen. Well we knew the sin spawn was coming so we thought we'd get prepared. There's a ton of fire elementals on that road, so just summon Ifrit. He takes out all the other creature while the elemental heals him up. We want to get his overdrive up for the big fight but if the creature's healing you, your overdrive won't go up. But every elemental carries Nul[Blaze] or whichever element they are. So once he's up to full health, cast NulBlaze on him. His Overdrive goes up. Now you've got an aeon with a full overdrive bar and full health ready to go. Kill the bastard with normal attacks and rock n' roll.
Shiva was always my ace up my sleeve she killed the last version of seymour with one overdrive :D I loves overkills
5:magus sisters/anyone else
My order of importance is as follows:

- The Magus Sisters
- Anima
- Bahamut
- Shiva
- Ifrit
- Valefor
- Ixion
- Yojimbo

My luck always seems to be ... well, ridiculously fantastic, compared to others with the Magus Sisters. When I get them, I'm practically unbeatable thereafter.
mines Yojimbo, the only reason i got him was just to have all Aeons... he fucking useless, you waste money in hope he uses Zanmato and then he lets his freaking dog attack... i mean, c'mon that just sucks

after that Ixion was the least used... his attacks are weaker then Ifrit's and Shiva's for some reason

after him i used Ifrit and Shiva the least, being Elemental is nice if you can heal through your opponents attacks if they use the same Element, but seriously, that doesn't happen often

after that Valefor, though he's rather weak in taking damage, his Energy Blast is one of the strongest Aeon overdrives...
or at least was on my game, but i admit i "wasted" more on improving Valefor then on my Elementals and Yojimbo

after him the Magus Sisters, though strong, you can't really controle them, though they're better controllable then Yojimbo, they can't be relied on

after that Bahamut, he's tough, great defence and decent attack, makes a strong Aeon if you need time to think over a move, or your opponent is gonna unleash a strong attack, he might even survive the attack thanks to the defence

and my most Favorite, Anima, pretty much the strongest Overdrive, strong defence, great attack, the possibility of an instant death on her Pain...

my own Anima can currently dish out half of its total potential damage(45k damage per hit) with Oblivion, none of my other Aeons(except Magus) come even close to this damage, and because she's easy to control i use her over the Magus
Valefore was actually one of my favorates his overdrive took off loads :)
But the one i least used most would probably be Ixion.
I never used Yojimbo. (Same reason as everyone's.) I did use Valefor, Ifrit and Ixion A LOT in the beginning and middle of the game, but after I acquired Bahamut and Anima, I used them less often. I never really liked/used the Magus Sisters. They annoyed me. So I'd say that Yojimbo and the Magus Sisters were left in the shadows.
I hated this thing, for one I have no idea what it was.

I really liked The Magus Sisters.
Their Overdrive was amazing
Everybody has an Aeon on FFX that they never use unless in an emegency when all the other Aeons are KO'd or have been Banished.

I'd think the most common one would be Valefor after it becomes pretty much useless after you "earn" Ifrit.

So...that was mine but what was yours?
yeah valefor was my least fave:dry: cuzz there was sumthing about it... i dunno if its human an aminal lol:P wateva but yea i like Shiva the bestest