The Summon left in the shadows

Yojimo really annoys me lately >_< I'm using his Zanmato as a last resort against Dark Aeons but every time I summon him he does Wakizashi automatically then gets pwned next turn :mad:

EDIT: Anyone else notice how Valefor is the weakest Dark Aeon? that's because nobody ever uses him because he's boring :P

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i mostly use anima and non of the others but if im against a boss (that doesn't use banish) and im havin problems i'll use yojimbo
Yojimbo got on my nerves because you never know what attack he is going to pull out of his butt, and im always broke soo i dont like paying the bastard either lol
I'd say Ifrit becuse I don't feel much for him. He doesn't seem that powerful.. Even though he has more HP than My Valefor, I prefer Valefor. Maybe because Valefor's overdrive that the dog in besaid found is more powerful; Energy Blast.
Well, I practically never use Yojimbo. He never uses Zanmato, no matter how much Gil I pay him. :dry:

The Magus Sisters are really good, since they obey me most of the time. ^_^

I wasn't using Valefor much but now that he can break damage limit, I'm using him more.
I never used Yojimbo, he is a waste of gil if you ask me. Also I did'nt bother using the Magus Sisters, you ask them to do one thing and they'll do the exact opposite. >.<

As for my favorite its got to be the elementals, toss them a element spell and there healed and send them a nullify spell there in overdrive. My favorite one is Ifrit cause he usually is my strongest's attack power one and he's got the best character design of the Aeons.
I rarely used any elemental aeons. My favorite aeons are the Magus Sisters and Bahumat.
It really depended on what part of the game I was currently at:

In the beginning to middle, I almost always used, Ifrit, Valefor & Ixion.

Towards the end and once I acquired them, I always used Bahamut and Anima, very rarely did use The Magus Sisters.

The Aeon that I used the least though, was Yojimbo. Actually, I think I only used him twice. :dry:
I think I use most of my aeons. Probably the least ones I've used were Ixion and Valefor. I found Valefor to be weak later on, well since it is the first aeon you get. I also did not use Ifrit as much unless I'm fighting Ice elementals. I would have like to use the magus sisters more but, it takes a while to get all of their limit breaks ready.

I used Shiva the most since I'm a Shiva fan. :P I use Bahamut often as well.
my least used would have to be yojimbo cuz i was always poor from fighting monsters in the areana.

i didnt use aeons much in the game at all after i got everyones ultmate weapon cuz they were pretty weak. everyone in my party did 99999 with an attack. its interesting at the end to attack all my aeons and one hit them.
I usually used them together against a boss with OD then OD etc.

I don't really have one left in the shadows.
Urmm...Valefor was my least used person. I hated using him actually. It was something about that Bird. Maybe cause it was so plain.
My last aeon was alway my bet i left it out of the fighting just so i coul have a trong efense move if worst came to worst and it was actually valfor after gave him everything i coul my least favorite was ifrit.