The Tipping Point - the moment that made you a FF fan


Mar 4, 2007
London, UK
I know someone did a thread like this for FFVII, and sorry if it's already been done on a general basis - but what was the moment (be it a cutscene, a fight, a piece of dialogue etc) that got you into the FF series (a tipping point as it were) and/or a fully fledged fan of the series? It might well have been in the first FF game you played, or even in a subsequent one.

For me, I found it to be the bit near the start of FFIX where during Tantalus' performance of I Want to be Your Canary, Zidane and Blank (I think it's Blank) do their swordfight, and you have to press the right buttons to try and impress the crowd and win gil etc. It was a new thing for me and I remember having great fun trying to do it as best I can. And I think that was maybe the bit where I really started to enjoy playing the game and wanted to carry on with it.
When i played FF7 and i saw the cutscene in disc 1 where they are running out of the Shinra building and you see Cloud going down the stairs on his motorcycle. So badass.
i enjoyed ffx and fort it was a good game but it didn't get me so much that i wanted to play the others but in luca before the mach and saw auron walking up the stairs thats when i new the game was going to get good
and it did as i played i started to see why people love ff
and what drived me to play the other games it was the bit in Home when tidus finds out yuna will die if she sammons the final aeon
i wanted to get to the end so i could start ordering ff games
the ending was happy but sad but i loved the game
and now becase of ten i'v played almost all the ff's
but latly after playing ff12 i fort ff was starting to lose it
but when i played dirge of cerberus ff7 end got to the end of the game and saw shelk say "vincent it has been almost a week since that day the lifestream has returned to the planet and i have started to fill the ten year hole in my life or atlest started to try" i new ff has still got it and i'll be buying ff13 for the ps3
The first three games i played were IV, V and VI, but being dated and 2D i didn't have a very high opinion of them at first. It was X that really got me into the series. The graphics and cutscenes were just beautiful. Although IV and V are now my favourites, at the time i remember thinking "this is the best game ever". After that i was hooked.
This is kind of hard for me to answer.

I always liked IV (II) on the SNES, and it was and still is one of my favorite games. I played FF games over the years with other video games but I wasn't really an FF fan. I just liked games and would always play the next one releasesd.
Then Advent Children came out and my friend made me watch it. I hadn't played VII for a while so I was kind of confused by the movie. So I went back and played it and I remembered how much I loved that game. Then I really wanted to play II again but I didn't have my SNES anymore. I asked my boyfriend about it and he asked how I could even like that game. We were both just confused because we were talking about two different games. I was really talking about IV but didn't know that the original II was IV and he was talking about the real II. So when we figured that out, he let me borrow IV for the SNES and I remembered how much I loved that game. I went back to play the other FF's and I realized how much I loved the series.
Saw a friend playing Final Fantasy VII against Emerald WEAPON and I thought it looked rediculously gay. I'm a sports buff for life so I thought I'd never find myself playing "fantasy" games. Yeah, big mistake.

Borrowed FFIX from a friend, saw the intro, jumped on eBay and bought FFVII and FFX for a total of $40 and haven't looked back since.
FFX was the first really epic game i ever played on my PS2 - the day i first got it i was on it till 2am XD then i bought VII and VIII and since then ive bought and completed every single FF game ^_^ - except XI because i refuse to pay monthly and VIII - because it annoys me so much that after disk 2 i refused to play on it.
I played final fantasy 7 in my friends, i liked it. I then bought the game (with final fantasy 8) and from then on i was forever hooked
First one i ever played was ffvii and at first i hated it, i thought it was soooo boring, but by the time i was at don corneos mansion in wall market and id got into the story a little bit, i was hooked. Been a fan since ...
For me, It was while watching a friend play VIII for an hour (had nothing better to do that day Lol...) Anyway, when I saw the ballroom dance scene, battle system and storyline, I thought it was the most incredible game I had ever seen on the PS1 (keep in mind that this was only a month after it was released in the states). So, I immediately bought myself a copy, put about 90 hours the first time though and have loved the entire series ever since.
i was about 8 years old and it was Xmas, i walked into the living room to find my cousin about to play a game, so i sat down and watched it. He was playing FF9 and i thought it was amazing, its actually what got me into gaming in the first place, unfortunately i dont have 9, i couldnt find it so i bought 8 and was forever hooked on the game