The Top RPGs of ALL Time (by "Era")


Destroyer of Worlds
Apr 9, 2008
Transylvanian Dimension
You've all seen those "Top 10 RPGs" threads before...well, this one is taking away that number restriction. Rate any and/or all of the RPGs you've played so we can make a list of the Top RPGs of ALL Time list!

1) Ratings will be out of 10 with percentages encouraged for accuracy's sake (I would do 100/100, but that seems ridiculous). I'll try and contain the list to this first post and calculate in each new post. I think it goes without saying (though I'm obviously going to anyways) that
2) you should only vote for games you've played...I'd almost suggest games you've beaten or at least played through most of the way...but I for one know that some RPGs just aren't worth it...
3) at least try and have valid reasoning behind your scores people! Even if you don't post said reasons. Also, try and
4) include the system!


Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom & Sega Master System

Final Fantasy III (F) - 8
Dragon Warrior/Quest II (NES/F) - 7.85
Dragon Warrior/Quest IV (NES/F) - 7.85
Final Fantasy (NES/F) - 7.55
Phantasy Star (SMS) - 7.55
Dragon Warrior/Quest III (NES/F) - 7.45
"Earthbound ZERO"/Mother (F) - 7.25 (8, 6.5, )
Dragon Warrior/Quest (NES/F) - 6.85
Final Fantasy II (F) - 6.5

Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom & Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drive

Chrono Trigger (SNES/SF) - 9.75 (9.75, 9.75, )
Final Fantasy VI (SNES/SF) - 9.75
Star Ocean (SF) - 9.55
Final Fantasy IV (SNES/SF) - 9
Earthbound/Mother II (SNES/SF) - 8.75
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (SNES/SF) - 8.75
Tales of Phantasia (SF) - 8.75
Live-a-Live (SF) - 8.5
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (SNES/SF) - 8.5
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (SG/SMG) - 8.25
"Secret of Mana II"/Seiken Densetsu III (SF) - 8.25
Breath of Fire II (SNES/SF) - 8
Mario RPG (SNES/SF) - 8
Secret of Evermore (SNES) - 7.875 (7.25, 8.5, )
Bahamut Lagoon (SF) - 7.85
Shining Force II (SG/SMG) - 7.775 (7.55, 8, )
Breath of Fire (SNES/SF) - 7.55
Shining Force (SG/SMG) - 7.55
Secret of Mana/Seiken Densetsu II (SNES/SF) - 7.5
Final Fantasy V (SF) - 7.35
Shadowrun (SNES/SF) - 7.5
Illusion of Gaia (SNES/SF) - 7
Terranigma (SNES/SF) - 7
E.V.O. The Search For Eden (SNES/SF) - 5.75

Nintendo 64 & Sony Playstation

Xenogears (PSX) - 10 (10, )
Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) - 9.75 (9.75, 9.75, )
Breath of Fire III (PSX) - 9.25 (9.25, 9.5, 9, )
Vagrant Story (PSX) - 8.85 (8.85, 8.85, )
Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - 8.75 (7.25, 9, 10, )
Final Fantasy VIII (PSX) - 8.8166...7 (8.55, 8.9, 9, )
The Legend of Dragoon (PSX) - 8.775 (8.25, 9.3, )
Parasite Eve (PSX) - 8.375 (8, 8.75, )
Dragon Warrior/Quest VII (PSX) - 8.25
Final Fantasy IX (PSX) - 8.166...7 (9, 9, 6.5, )
Chrono Cross (PSX) - 7.55 (7.55, 9.1, )
Legend of Legaia (PSX) - 7.5
Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX) - 7.5 (7.5, )
Wild Arms (PSX) - 7.5 (7.5, )
SaGa Frontier II (PSX) - 7.25
SaGa Frontier (PSX) - 7
Beyond the Beyond (PSX) - 6.5 (5.5, 7.5, )
The Granstream Saga (PSX) - 5
Final Fantasy Origins: Final Fantasy I (PSX) - 3 (3, )

Nintendo Gamecube, Microsoft XBOX, Sega Dreamcast, & Sony Playstation 2

Persona III (PS2) - 9.4 (9.4, )
Skies of Arcadia (DC) - 8.95
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) - 8.875 (8.75, 9, )
Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) - 8.75 (9, 8.5, )
Gradia II (DC) - 8.5
Kingdom Hearts (PS2) - 8.375 (8.7, 8, )
Final Fantasy X (PS2) - 8.25 (6.5, 10, )
Star Ocean III: Till the End of Time (PS2) - 7.75
Front Mission IV (PS2) - 7.25
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (PS2) - 7
Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) - 6.25

Nintendo Wii, Microsoft XBOX360, & Sony Playstation 3


Nintendo Gameboy & Nintendo Gameboy Color

Pokemon Yellow Edition: Special Pikachu Edition (GB) - 7.55
Final Fantasy Adventure/Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu (GB) - 7
Final Fantasy Legend III/SaGa III (GB) - 7
Lufia: The Legend Returns (GBC) - 6.25

Nintendo Gameboy Advance

Riviera: The Promised Land - 9.25
Final Fantasy IV Advance - 9
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis - 8.75
Lufia: The Ruins of Lore - 8.25
Sword of Mana - 8.25
Fire Emblem/Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - 8
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 8
Mega Man Battle Network - 8
Mega Man Battle Network II - 8
Mega Man Battle Network III Blue - 8
Mega Man Battle Network III White - 8
Mega Man Battle Network IV Blue Moon - 8
Mega Man Battle Network IV Red Sun - 8
Golden Sun - 7.75
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 7.5 (7, 8, )
Pokemon Emerald - 7.5
Pokemon Sapphire - 7.5
Final Fantasy I & II Advance - 7.25
Pokemon Leaf Green - 7
Pokemon Fire Red - 7

Nintendo Gameboy DS & Sony Playstation Portable

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (PSP) - 9.5 (9.5, )
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP) - 9.2 (9.2, )
Jeanne d'Arc (PSP) - 9.1 (9.1, )
Final Fantasy III (NDS) - 8 (8, )

Personal Computer (???)


Palm PDA

Mazera (Palm/Pocket PC) - 8 (8, )
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So...we add to that list, providing ratings for all the games we're familiar with?
Uh, yeah, add games or rate those that I've rated (then I'll average all the scores & put those up)...familiar enough with to feel you can rate...I didn't think this was that complicated...I know that post looks daunting, but you've really only got to read that bold stuff that's in big text to know what to do...>_>
Your missing Xenogears for PS1 10.0 best RPG ever hands down.

Your missing Wild arms 7.5. Ps1

Star ocean 2 for ps1 9.5

Persona 3 for PS2 - 9.4

Kingdom Hearts for PS2 - 8.7

Kingdom Hearts II for PS2 - 9.0
Also missing for PSP : Crisis Core 9.2, Jeanne D'arc 9.1, FFT 9.5,

From your list :
"Earthbound ZERO"/Mother (F) - 6.5

Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom & Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drive

Chrono Trigger (SNES/SF) - 9.75
Shining Fore II (SG/SMG) - 8
Secret of Evermore (SNES) - 8.5

Nintendo 64 & Sony Playstation

Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) - 9.75
Breath of Fire III (PSX) - 9.5
Final Fantasy IX (PSX) - 9
Vagrant Story (PSX) - 8.85
Final Fantasy VIII (PSX) - 8.9
The Legend of Dragoon (PSX) - 9.3
Parasite Eve (PSX) - 8.75
Chrono Cross (PSX) - 9.1
Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - though I hate to admit it at least a 9.0
Beyond the Beyond (PSX) - 5.5 <- everyone rates this game so of the first RPGs for PS1 and it was a classic game. Absolutely solid game play, decent challenge and side quests that had meaning. You say 5.5 I say adjust your scale a bit. Its at least a 7.5 show some respect.

Nintendo Gamecube, Microsoft XBOX, Sega Dreamcast, & Sony Playstation 2

Nintendo Wii, Microsoft XBOX360, & Sony Playstation 3


Nintendo Gameboy & Nintendo Gameboy Color

Nintendo Gameboy Advance

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 8.0

If you have questions for my scores ask, I'll back them up then.
Hmm from what Iv played....


FFVII 10/10 - fangirl cant help it, it was epic
FIX 6.5/10
BoF3 9/10 epic
FFI 3/10 - didnt like it much at all


FFIII - 8/10 it was enjoyable but fooking harrrrd


Dragon Quest VIII 9/10
FFX 10/10
KH 8/10 as much as I hate to admit it, it was a good game
KH2 8.5/10 - irritating as it was, it was still a damn good game
Alright, Fair_Game, idk if you accidentally copy & pasted some of my scores or if you truly felt the exact same as me on some of my scores...if it was an accident that you included some of those say so now cause it'll be easy for me to delete the duplicates (which, right now don't much play a part in the averages)...

As for Beyond the Beyond...5.5 is just barely above average...I think that's what it was, regardless of the time or system it came out. We'll see in the list if it continues to rise or not, though, won't we?

Anyways...the list is now updated to include both Fair_Game & Mrs. Sinister' s posts...
As of nao... I shall give Mazera for the PDA an 8. For a Palm game it's good enough. It has it's good load of "graphics", some "length", and it has minigames and "secrets" so yah... overall it's a good PDA RPG...
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Alright, Minerva, I added a Palm section just for your game (although maybe I should just put it into the PC section, really)...

Also, to clear anything up, I edited my first post so as to make it clearer as to what this is I guess? Also, if there's an ellipsis in the total that means that the last two numbers are repeated onwards (eventually there may be multiple ellipsis, each successive one adding two more numbers are repeated)...