The trailer

I have to say that although it looks good, I'm a little disappointed that they didn't keep with the Crystal Chronicle art style but seemed to change it a little. Can't really talk about the combat as not much was shown but I understand Shyne's views. How will the Wii controller be used? Will it be multiplayer and how many people will play? Will there only be a choice of the previous four races or will there be more to choose from? Once more information has been announced, I'll be more at ease....but at the moment, I'll probably be buying it as I liked the GC game and the DS one looks to be great multiplayer fun. Let's hope this goes well too.
Wow, this looks awesome, I'm looking foward to it, all I need now is the Wii. The music is outstanding, the graphics are great, I prefer these ones to the Playstation versions, and the game play looks awesome
It looks rather impressive, even if it did lack any "real" content. It just showed us a load of action bits. Nothing very revealing as to story or plot, or even that much info about the characters or gameplay. But it does look good, I am particularly looking forward to this game. Especially as it's the one that may redeem CC's failed attempts of greatness on the GameCube.
Oooo, this looks good! Hopefully they use the Twilight Princess controls method though.