The ULTIMATE Question!

Quinas Gender?

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I say she, cause in Conde Petie where Zidane and Dagger get ''married'' you can also ''marry'' Vivi and Quina.
Despite all the he/she business in the game when the others mention Quina, I'm pretty sure that at one point Quale refers to Quina as a 'he'. - so I still think of Quina as a he. Either way, Quina is great :)
Quina, notice the a at the end usually means female, the male version should be Quino

FTW?! LOL! Thats a completely and totally random answer for it IS wrong.
If you could gamble say $2000 away to bet on your answer...would you be absolutely sure of your Words?
My guess would be no, and youd be giving out false information and you would be modded.
Count your lucky stars(and i mean literally) cause i am not a moderator im just trying to help thats all:)
But if you switched your wording just an incy wincy bit...i could see where your coming from, for definate!
He/She has a big apetite but i agree with the above posted about Vivi marrying Quina;)

We'll never know!:huh:
Quina's a chick with half a dick, a best of both, a completly 2 in 1 package!
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I'd say Quina was androgynous. Being such, it'll more than likely asexually reproduce, but there's no real evidence of this.

I prefer to calling Quina a "it," but I've occasionally referred to Quina as a "him."
FTW?! LOL! Thats a completely and totally random answer for it IS wrong.
If you could gamble say $2000 away to bet on your answer...would you be absolutely sure of your Words?
My guess would be no, and youd be giving out false information and you would be modded.
Count your lucky stars(and i mean literally) cause i am not a moderator im just trying to help thats all:)
But if you switched your wording just an incy wincy bit...i could see where your coming from, for definate!
Ok, I'm getting sick of these kind of comments from you.

First off, I have no idea what you mean by: "youd be giving out false information and you would be modded." That makes no sense. He would be turned into a mod? No.

"Count your lucky stars(and i mean literally) cause i am not a moderator"

What does he have to count his lucky stars about? Stopmaking references to "if you were a mod" because honestly, fgademwest has done nothing wrong. Stop psuedomodding; it's your last warning. Stay on topic or the next posts will be deleted.
I sed she because she kinda speaks like my great grand-mother lol and looks like her too now i th9ink about ti lol just without the bg massive tongue and completely white face
We May Never know about the thing from the swamp, its both a man and a woman or is it another race that are frog ppl or wat

we may never know what that thing is unless they make a squal like they have with all the others
quina looks a lot like someone i know called john, bar the tongue. acts like him, speaks like him, eats like him so i just renamed quina as john and assumed he was a male from then on :P
maybe the Qu are asexual and therefore have no gender. at least that's what i think.
i like to think of them as male and female, but they just look so ridiculous :P Completely retarded