
Dec 4, 2009
Hi! I'm new to the board and this is my first post. I basically just joined 'cause I wanted people to know about this.

So I discovered the ultimate trick a few years ago. Everybody knows that when the HP goes to 7777, you go insane with lots of attacks that all do 7777 damage, right? And everybody knows that Chocobuckle does damage equal to the amount of times you've had your party escape. So, simple: Run away 2222 times! Then you can win any battle by casting Chocobuckle on a party member with full 9999 HP.


I should warn everybody, I did this only once, and it took forever to do all the escapes. :-)gonk:As you can imagine.) Also, the game from that point, with no battle whatsoever presenting a challenge, seemed to have had the fun sucked out of it entirely. This is why I don't do it anymore and also don't take advantage of the regen open Playstation trick or W-Item bug.
Hmmm, nice one, im tempted to try it, however, I am of working age now and computer games can no longer consume my life, so i would be trying to get all the escapes until the day I die.
Someone let me know if it works though:D

And ive never heard of Chocobuckle:S
Hmmm, nice one, im tempted to try it, however, I am of working age now and computer games can no longer consume my life, so i would be trying to get all the escapes until the day I die.
Someone let me know if it works though:D

And ive never heard of Chocobuckle:S
I can assure you it works, but I suppose 'cause I just joined the board, I haven't earned cred with you yet, and I respect that.

You can learn Chocobuckle from any chocobo with a level in multiples of four. (There's some right outside the chocobo farm, so that's easy enough.) Feed it three mimmet greens in a row and then hit it with L4 Suicide. It'll counter with Chocobuckle and then run away.
He's not lying by the way, it's in most guides how to get chocobuckle, saw my brother get chocobuckle once,took him quite a while lol
This doesn't work for every battle in the game. The two exceptions I can find are ruby weapon and emerald weapon. It doesn't kill either of them, as after a period of time the all lucky 7's stops being active and from that moment on, all of that character's attacks in battle do 7777 damage, but that is from consuming turns, not automatically as at the beginning of the battle. This is applicable for PAL versions of the game, not sure of others.
Lucky 7s makes your attacks do 7777, it doesn't automatically kill the enemy. Besides after a while you do more then that naturally so you don't really need it plus there's materia like coin which can do 9999 that isn't effected by defense.
True, but all lucky 7s means at the beginning of battle the character with it goes in some sort of frenzy where they attack the enemy multiple times for 7777 damage without waiting for the bar to load, and not risking a counter attack
Yeah, but I'd still rather have the hp, besides 4 cut can pretty much produce the same effect after the initial attack after luck 7. Besides you have to waste two turns to get a char back there. One to fully heal the char and one to chocobuckle him. That leaves that one char being the only one attacking which slows down damage.
Ah, that is true. The more effective use of all lucky 7s is making sure you enter battle with 7777 HP rather than changing it to be that way in battle...

And it might be a good idea to point out that once all lucky 7s is used, that character's HP drops to 1 for the next battle unless you use healing items from the menu