Crisis Core The Umbrella


Fire Overlord
Mar 29, 2009
Costa del sol, The battle against the genesis copies, you fight with an umbrella. What is funny is this does as much damage as your bladed weapons, and you have no armor and your still just as defended as you are with it. What are your thoughts on this.
I thought it was hilarious, regardless of how illogical it may seem. Zack is such a resourceful young man. 8D It was a good bit of comic relief amongst all the seriousness of the plot at that point.

I suppose being a member of SOLDIER, he has more of a chance of killing things with an umbrella than anyone else in Costa Del Sol would. ^^,
What is also funny is when you do Rush Assault and Apocalypse. Zack have no shirt and why is the umbrella sticking on his back? LOL
They used a hairclip and a microphone as weapons in VII, why not an umbrella?

Didnt a character in VII use an umbrella anyway?
Aerith I think....the Parasol was it?

I think it was just a bit of comic relief, I quite enjoyed the costa missions, and it was just another tie into the novelty weapons from VII (nail bat etc)