The Wisest Character in FFVII?

Who is the wisest character?

  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Angeal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Genesis

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Bugenhagen

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Red XIII

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Zack

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Vincent

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Cloud

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Socially Inept
May 9, 2008
Pennsylvania, USA
All right, after reading over a couple of threads I saw various people say that Aerith was the wisest, or Red XIII was.. but I think we are all forgetting someone.

I mean, Bugenhagen was an old guy, who knew so much. I don't know why but a lot of people seem to forget about him.

Anyone else see where I'm coming from with this?

Also, a lot of people think Sephiroth is wise, but I don't really see that.

He's not smart enough to take Cloud seriously..
When I read the title the first person I thought of was Bugenhagen

The first time you meet him he tells you loads of stuff to do with the plaent, knows all about the GI tribe shenanigans and knows how to get that projected image up to show that Holy worked and that it needed to be glowing green for it to work

That dude knew some serious stuff :monster:
Hmm... I was thinking of Professor Ghast. From what I've been informed he was pretty deep, only his work was hijacked by Hojo and used for other means after his death.

Then again, he was more intelligent than wise. I'd say wisdom lies with Bugenhagen, yes.

As for Sephiroth; there is no way he could be considered the wisest. He wasn't nescessarily intelligent, either. He was a badass warrior who went completely insane and became totally ill-informed of the true fact; that he is not Cetra or of any real importance. He fails to ever realise that he is, in fact, just another human being who happened to be infused with the cells of a super-alien from outer space while still in the womb, which (doubled with his father's hereditary insane tendencies) sent him completely bat-shit crazy. The only thing Sephiroth manages to pull off is figuring out how to abuse his power to gain God-like status through manipulation of the Lifestream.
You've all said it before I could... Bugenhagen was easily the wisest character. He knew so much about the planet, its past, its future. He was a brilliant character in my opinion.
All true about ole Bugey, but what the hell was up with his legs? Was that a floating disk? I mean, it would have been nice to just have 2 seconds of Cloud saying "dude, so, like, whats up with that guys legs?" and Nanaki could have explained but NO! Was that shit optional or did he lose his legs in like... a.. gardening accident, or something? And where does the 'disk' end and he begins? Looks like he has no penis from the game graphics, poor fellow.
All true about ole Bugey, but what the hell was up with his legs? Was that a floating disk? I mean, it would have been nice to just have 2 seconds of Cloud saying "dude, so, like, whats up with that guys legs?" and Nanaki could have explained but NO! Was that shit optional or did he lose his legs in like... a.. gardening accident, or something? And where does the 'disk' end and he begins? Looks like he has no penis from the game graphics, poor fellow.

Perhaps he just has his legs crossed all the time, and levitates in the air.. because he is just great, and doesn't have to walk around on them like other humans do.
Perhaps he just has his legs crossed all the time, and levitates in the air.. because he is just great, and doesn't have to walk around on them like other humans do.

Oh, yes... I remember thinking that when I was about 11 now... That really is the most awesome explanation, and quite fitting for the old chap.
Bugenhagen he almost no everything :gasp: he explains everything he shows you that device that he made showing the planets and all :gasp:
I'd say Bugenhagen, not because of all the planet stuff, but because he hints at Nanaki finding a mate, when he is supposed to be the last of his kind. That is some serious wisdom, and because I like his laugh.

Ho Ho Hooo..
Somehow I accidentally clicked Vincent (It must be because I'm tiered) when I meant Bugenhagen due to all the reasons above

And also Argor251 and Oddsocks I've always gone for the "he floats because he can" approach which is seems really just to be a dumbed down version of Argor251's

I couldn't decide between bugenhagen and vincent. Vincent is quite the silent, to himself person ya never know :P But Bugenhagen seems to know EVERYTHING
Vincent really didn't seem that wise to me, after all instead of facing his problems, he locked himself away in a coffin for god knows how long.

That's not really wisdom there.. just sort of creepy.
Vincent probably has more in common with Genesis (endless reciting of poetry, general dark character) than Bugenhagen. Whereas Bugenhagen has knowledge of the fate of the universe, Vincent merely has his own burdens. I don't think he's wise. Educated and intelligent perhaps, but not wise.
Yeah... Definetly Bugenhagen, how could someone argue any different? Especially NOT Aeris. She runs off on her own to pray with the white materia, and dies!
Vincent probably has more in common with Genesis (endless reciting of poetry, general dark character) than Bugenhagen. Whereas Bugenhagen has knowledge of the fate of the universe, Vincent merely has his own burdens. I don't think he's wise. Educated and intelligent perhaps, but not wise.

I couldn't agree with you more (hence pointing out I somehow clicked him by accident when meaning to click Bugenhagen (and I'm still not sure how I did it, as they are not even near each other :worried: ))
gotta be Bugenhagen (sp) because he is like the oldest and he would have been around for the most time and learnt the most, and he helps you during VII and goes to the city of the ancients with you and all that, and he can float
Bugenhagen definitely, I mean he was old, and he was also very useful to the game. I didn't like it when
he died

But yeah he knew everything about the planet, he probably knew about Omega weapon as well.

i think storm is the wisest character. I mean he has red eyes for god's sake. His eyes have seen so much stuff they are on fire.
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i think storm is the wisest character. I mean he has red eyes for god's sake. His eyes have seen so much stuff they are on fire.

This thread is for the wisest character in FFVII only, sorry. No FFXIII characters.
lol its bugenhagen deff

but for the record

vincent didnt lock himself up prof ghast locked him up after puting him to sleep ( or hojo cant remember exactley) but he was a turk lol

but its deff bugenhagen

i liked bugenhagen but he had to go you know

it wouldnt have been right if he hadnt if hed lived he would have been over 113 which is like ancient you know