Nintendo The World Ends With You


Feb 1, 2007
Land of Carnage
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It's a Wonderful World is set in real world Japan. The game takes place primarily in Tokyo's trendy Shibuya region and features famous locations like Scramble Crossing and the 109 shopping mall.
You play as Neku, a boy who has the ability to read the hearts of others. Neku meets a young girl named Tsuki while walking through the streets. The two end up in Shibuya and are forced to play a mysterious game. Five main characters have been introduced, though only three are named so far.
Neku meets a young girl named Shiki and both are forced to play the mysterious "Death's Game" by the Shinigami Corp and must win it within the seven-day time limit or else be negated from existence. Neku's empathic abilities are essential to gather the clues needed, but also to detect the Noise, monsters that dwell inside a person's thoughts and are a hindrance to the heroes. Character designs are handled by Tetsuya Nomura who brings his distinctive art style to the game.
Stride Cross Battle System, the game's combat system, uses both screens: Shiki or another protagonist on the top screen and Neku on the bottom, and the fights take place simultaneously. Players use the touch screen to move and attack with Neku. His abilities so far are lightning, fire, telekinesis (moving objects), and healing. Players also control Shiki with the D-Pad, which is tapped for techniques. A 2007 release has been set for Japan. More details on this game were shown at Jump Festa 2007, on December 16-17.
*Most of this i copied from various articles to make sure to have ample info to tide you over*
Eye Candy:

Official Site *Japanese*:


Your thoughts please. What I feel about this game is pretty self-explanitory through emoticon xD.
I don't know. I have mixed feelings. The idea sounds all right, but I'm not too sure about the execution. I like the art and the music, but that much action controlled with a stylus probably won't sit well with me. Call me uncoordinated, but even jumping with the stylus on Metroid Prime: Hunters annoyed me. I'm not looking forward to controlling an RPG-style battle with the stylus WHILE controlling yet another battle with the D-pad. Those arrows look like some DDR, too.

That said, I did like games such as WarioWare: Touched!, so if they can make it fun to play, it has a chance of success. Square-Enix has a pretty good track record with controls, I think.
It doesnt look like one I'll get. The screenshots IMO dont look that wow and Im not a fan of live action RPGs.
Well, it's not really the graphics that make a game, it's the story line. I think it has a pretty good story line, and the characters look pretty well developed.
Doesn't look like something I'll enjoy playing. (I'm not saying that it sucks or anything negative)
The storyline's pretty good though. ^_^
Doesn't look like something I'd bother with, even just as a ROM.

The character designs are typical, generic Nomura design, and the story is just completely unoriginal.

Shinigami Game = Gantz + death gods (new fascination in anime)

Noise = Silent Hill monsters
Game looks shit from the screens. I don't even care about the story when I play a game, though. For me it's designs and gimmicks. I like to enjoy the game itself, not the story.

Almost every single one of those characters looks like a copy of characters previously included in the Kingdom Hearts II series. :monster:

that kid on the left side is the only one that doesn't look like he's a ripoff of something tbqh. :monster:

Doesn't look like something I'll enjoy playing. (I'm not saying that it sucks or anything negative)
The storyline's pretty good though. ^_^

How can you tell if the storyline is good if it's not even out yet? xD

On a sidenote, I really don't see how any of this is news.
Game looks shit from the screens. I don't even care about the story when I play a game, though. For me it's designs and gimmicks. I like to enjoy the game itself, not the story.

Almost every single one of those characters looks like a copy of characters previously included in the Kingdom Hearts II series. :monster:

that kid on the left side is the only one that doesn't look like he's a ripoff of something tbqh. :monster:

Well what did you expect? It's Nomura, he hasn't the slightest bit of creativity and has no idea how to make original looking characters. And that character on the left? He looks like crap :wacky:

How can you tell if the storyline is good if it's not even out yet? xD

He can't, he just spams. But from what I read on's pretty much Gantz, only with Death Gods (I'm guessing they're bored like the ones in Death Note and decide to screw with people).
The story seems very poor, his enemies are the embodiments of negative emotion, im sorry but at least Kingdom hearts had a nice gimmick with the heartless.
I think I'll give it a miss too, but even though I don't judge a game on its graphics it looks poor even by Nomura's standards and I'm not impressed by reading what it says on Wiki >_<
I thought it sounds interesting...Square doing a game with a modern-day, Japanese setting. Sounds like a project that would really suit Nomura's strengths at the very least. I saw some reviewer say something along the lines of "Fantasy meets fashion" though...>_>

But, damn, people were putting it down before it was even released, huh? Well, it just got the EU release a lil while ago and the NA release is coming up far the critics have given it love too... said:
The World Ends With You Released In Europe

Square's Nintendo DS title The World Ends With You was released in Europe yesterday. Overall the game has been well received among video game critics (Edge: 8/10, EGM: A-/A-/B, Famitsu: 35/40, Game Informer: 8.25/10, GamePro: 9/10, IGN: 9/10 and finally Nintendo Power: 9.0/10).

The game is set for a North American release next week on Tuesday the 22nd April.

Direct Source:

EDIT: Oh damn, looks like it's NA release is TODAY!!! How relevant I am, eh?
There was another topic way back about the game when it was still called It's a Wonderful World, but since the name has changed and the last poster was me more than a year ago, I thought it would be OK to start a new thread...?

Anyway, what a difference a year makes. I was complaining a lot in that other thread, but I really couldn't be happier with this game. I bought it today after classes and played it for about four hours. (I'm really in to DS games recently.) The controls are a little confusing at first, but the game really does a good job of easing you into them. The story hasn't really picked up yet, but the game is so fun that I don't mind. I'm having so much fun figuring out the food and clothing system and picking up pins that I haven't advanced the story for about an hour.

Anybody else thinking of picking it up?
Well, there's THIS THREAD in the Square-Enix News forum, too...I just posted in there earlier because I believe the NA release date was today/yesterday (April 22), though I know the EU release was, like a week earlier or so...

Mr. Awesome said:
I thought it sounds interesting...Square doing a game with a modern-day, Japanese setting. Sounds like a project that would really suit Nomura's strengths at the very least. I saw some reviewer say something along the lines of "Fantasy meets fashion" though...>_>
Well apart from the characters are basically just cartoon/manga like versions of FF/KH characters (blame Nomura :dry:) the battle system or whatever it goes by just generally looks horrible based on the screenshots I've seen.

Albeit the music is supposed to be good I still wouldn't buy it.
V_Translanka said:
Well, there's THIS THREAD in the Square-Enix News forum, too...I just posted in there earlier because I believe the NA release date was today/yesterday (April 22), though I know the EU release was, like a week earlier or so...

Hm, OK. I just looked through old threads in this section, to be honest, so I didn't see yours.

But yeah, the focus of this game isn't really the story, which hasn't shown me anything that original. It's the gameplay, which is surprisingly good, at least in my opinion. I'm starting to see more of the food and clothing system, and the battles are so fun that I don't mind them being repetitive (and a little confusing at first).

I think the art really fits the game, too. If I ignore the fact that Neku, Shiki and Beat look like (but don't act like) Sora, Kairi and Seifer, they fit in well with the surroundings.

I admit, it was a leap of faith to buy it, but I'm glad I did. Lots of fun.
This thread can stay. That was a news thread by the way, there wasn't a thread here before about The World Ends With You. That thread was for announcing the game, release dates, posting pictures and game play.

Discussing about buying or playing the game in this thread is fine.