Nintendo The World Ends With You

I recently bought this game and I can easily say that this game is awesome. The battle system was kind of awkward at first, but then you get used to it.
i've been playing this for a good amount of time, just want other people's opinions on it...
~From wat i've played it seems like a good game and very fun too plus Square Enix made it so yu knw its a good game~
There's actually a thread on this already, but it was in the Nintendo section.

-Thread Moved and Merged-
It's probably a bit overrated, but it's a great game nevertheless. Evolving pins can sometimes be a bit tedious, especially when you have to mingle. (although mingling at AWA was fun, there was like a billion DS users there.)

The soundtrack is probably the best part of the game.
The World Ends with You

I tried searching, and was surprised there wasn't a topic dedicated to it considering how well-recieved this game seems to be.

Anyways, I wonder how many of you liked this game and/or reccomends it. I have some spare cash to spend on a new game, and since I'm nearing the end of Jeanne D'arc, I need something to play on the bus to/from school every day.

Also, I've seen gameplay trailers, but I still don't really understand the feel of gameplay. If someone could tell me what sort of games it is similar to, that would be greatly appreciated :)
The presentation is really cool, especially if you are into Japanese culture and fashion. A lot of the scenes/BGs are modeled after famous places. The music is interesting at first, but it might wear down on you after hearing it alot. The art style is cool if you like Nomura's designs. Overall I think the presentation is like...modern day final fantasy.

The combat is...interesting. First off, no random encounters. You pick your battles. Also, you can chain battles together for an experience boost. Next, you can play the easy way which is just using the touch screen and controlling one character. Or you can play the brain melting (but rewarding) control both characters simulatneously using both screens, both characters, simultaneously. It takes a while to get accustomed to, but its definitely like nothing you've played before. Combat is fun, however, some of the touch screen commands can seem a little dodgy. Sometimes its hard to make your character move instead of using a slash attack. The amount of moves available and stratergy involved is rewarding.

The RPG-elements come in with the PIN system (combat moves) and Clothing/Trend system. The world is split into many areas. Each area has current trends. If you are using a PIN associated with the current popular trend, that PIN will gain a damage modifier. However, if the PIN is no popular, you will have a negative damage modifier. So its very important to use certain PINs in certain areas. The Clothing factors in if you want to change the trend in a certain area. If you wear a lot of a certain brand, you may be able to may a certain brand more popular.

The story is pretty interesting. I cannot really say a lot about it because I didnt finish the game. But I definitely enjoyed what I played.
I just got this game last week it's pretty amazing but I am stuck on pork tower (another day) when you have to battle the golden pig
I loved this game, I thought the way they had you battle was a lot more fun that others I have played on the DS. The only problem was I was kind of confused about exactly what happened at the end...and I lost my cartridge before I could get the all the secret reports that would (I hope) explain it.....but my friend bought me a new copy so I am going to replay it and try to get all of the reports....
I'm going through my second playthrough to get the reports...And I can't believe how much I suck at it; I'm getting my butt whooped by playing on the harder modes as requirements to get the report >_<

I wanna get the reports before I play the lulzy AU Universe one; although I saw the beginning a bit; funny xD
same here lots of humour and a fun game battle system makes my idael game lol

slabs of ham celery and horseradish tons of asparagus! lol :D
TWEWY thread wins :awesome:

I just recently finished this game and I must say, its quite good. The battle system is unique, but gets fun when you get used to it. The story is very enticing and the fact that Japanese culture is integrated into the game so well rocks. The J-Pop that playes through the game goes well with its environment. I definitely recommend it to gamers.
Last Tsurugi said:
The J-Pop that plays through the game goes well with its environment.

Agreed. I've had this game pretty much since launch, and I just bought the soundtrack on iTunes a couple of weeks ago (it was pretty cheap). I still like it.
Omigosh! I didn't know this thread existed! or maybe I just forgot. I could rant for hours about how awesome this game is. And I love the music! ahh Joshua's week of tunes got me all hot and bothered- for more gaming. I love this game sooo much! "There's a ramen doctor in your secret ramen base?"-Neku
Best, quote EVAR!

This game is the most quoteable game I've ever played srsly!
This is a really really really good game. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find any DS games that are as good as this one. Great storyline, great characters, great battle system, awesome OST... I can't think of anything bad in this game. Everything is great. I'm... not sure what else to say about TWEWY, other than the fact that it's really awesome.

Okey... In three words it'll be: Best Game Ever!

Characters: Amazing! Best characters I have ever seen in my life. I enjoyed the most watching how the interact. Every character is well designed and has much depth. In addition, there are some very unique ones like the zetta math freak (his name is too long for me to write without mistakes... so I just won't).

Plot: While mainly revolves around the characters, and that's why it's great, it actually a very well planned and sophisticated which left me totally shocked every now and then.

Battle System: While not my cup of tea, I have to admit that it's amazing. A very creative system with tons of flexibility and options.

Ayway, I can write more, but I don't want to write a review here :wacky:

Just a side note. I had tons of saving problems with this game (stupid ROM) and my save file was deleted 4 times and each time I progressed further than before. Even though I am totally hate repeating things, I actually played the game again and again. And when I was 100% sure I solved the problem, I actually decided to complete the game as much near to 100% as I could and played it the 5th time longer than ever before.